England in New Zealand

Can't see England winning this one, NZ have built a really decent total already for NZ pitches and they still are going. It's NZ game to lose now.
Can't see England winning this one, NZ have built a really decent total already for NZ pitches and they still are going. It's NZ game to lose now.

Yes, they won a very crucial toss yesterday and now if they get to 440-450, they shouldn't lose here. The pitch seems to have gotten better since yesterday as well.

Harmison looks under cooked indeed and Broad has to come in one thinks. Hoggard could bowl better but he did okay this morning. Sidebottom and Panesar bowled really well but there is not much they can do on flat pitches.
Ya Real trouble for England.England have invited themselves in the trouble..In whole session they haven't ball a single ball which deserve wicket..Iam really disappoint with Harmy...Hoggard not finding his swing at all.
I think by all this scenario England need broad in to the side..Current bowling combination not working for them.
We probably won't lose. I just doubt whether we can win. Pretty flat pitch. I do feel with 2 spinners we have a chance of getting 20 wickets. I dunno.

Still i'm prou dof our batting. That's the best i've seen it for quite some time. Taylor's innings was brilliant.

LOL at Chris Martin being bowled first ball. I wanted to see Mills tee off.
Well now Mother merry..Like Onedayers NZ have given another shocking performance,where J How has given solid platform and Taylor was fluent throughout his inings..Some nice insult of England bowlers by Vettori..I must say poor bowling from England..Only Sidebotom has done something to count.Colly bowled better than Harmy..And yes NZ on driving seat..One mistake from England top orders and they are gonna pay the price here for ordinary bowling..I hope so much from Strauss..He and Cook need to give solid opening as England already playing without Bell..
Well but for NZ beautiful inning,I must say J How deserve lots of credit..Although he got out on 92 but he has done best out of NZ batsman.
41 overs remains in the day.And If England gonna bat as they should be then Match will be ended as Draw for sure..

EDIT:Well shocker here from Vaughn..He came to open the innings with Cook..and thats the least decision he should have taken..Anyway First time in test cricket Strauss gonna bat in middle order..
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The match would look in an entirely different state if the nightwatchman and Cook hadn't been knocked off at the death...as it is, England will be hoping for a modest total just to stay in it...I'm thinking 300 will be enough to at least make sure NZ can't bat for 150 runs then have a day to bowl out England.
Yes, they won a very crucial toss yesterday and now if they get to 440-450, they shouldn't lose here. The pitch seems to have gotten better since yesterday as well.

Harmison looks under cooked indeed and Broad has to come in one thinks. Hoggard could bowl better but he did okay this morning. Sidebottom and Panesar bowled really well but there is not much they can do on flat pitches.

Harmison undercooked, AGAIN!!! This must surely be his last chance saloon.
Been following the test cricket. What's wrong with Harmison here? Last time I saw him he was really really good. What happened? He was ranked number 1 at one point wasn't he?
I don't see the point in the night watchman. If he survives the rest of the day, he is just going to be easy meat the next morning! Put the players out there that are more capable of seeing out the session, like the specialist batsmen!

The commentators said Harmison is always playing catch up, only performs on suitable wickets, is generally not a very good bowler... then instead of fiddling around, drop him and bring in Broad for the rest of the series!
Hoggards the worst night watchman ever aswell, he never does his job successfully and always gives his wicket away cheaply. Bringing Strauss in straight away would have made the score at the end of the day look much better.

As for Harmy, give him time, he's suffering from extremely low confidence already without loads of negative feedback towards him. If he is given the chance to get back to his best, and he gets back to his best, he can be one of the best quicks in the world. The top batsman hate bounce, something that Harmison has, and is proven by Sharma's successes in Australia. Have faith in Harmison, he is a world class bowler.
I can understand sending in the night watchman if the ball is moving all over the place, but when the pitch is flat, why bother? You back your batsmen to get through the last few overs on a good pitch surely. He wasn't protecting the batsman from anything.
Been following the test cricket. What's wrong with Harmison here? Last time I saw him he was really really good. What happened? He was ranked number 1 at one point wasn't he?

Underbowled and not at all fit.

Why didn't he play Cricket like Monty did? I just don't think he's committed enough. Especially only bowling at 82mph on average.

Sidebottom has bowled well, 4-90 on that pitch is very good. Colly and KP did well, though NZ will be disappointed to lose 3 wickets to part-timers.
my god, oh my god, if steve harmison was a horse he would of been taken out and shot a long time ago, yes hoggard was expensive and no ware near his best but at least he could bowl on a line! harmison was bowling at 79/80 MPH and collingwood was getting to 73 MPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i will admit it, ive been one of the people who has been saying for a while that harmison should drop is pace a little so that he can get his line correct and use his hight to trouble batsman when bowling a consistant line, but he has got no pace and still couldnt hit the stumps if they were playing with 5 insted of 3!
please god they have to play broad in the next test, he will bowl a better lline, a better length, have more pace, get more swing, get more movement off the seam, bowl to a plan, bowl a good yorker, bowl a bouncer which may suprise the batsman insted of make them laugh, be more economical, get more runs with the bat and be a better fielder!

also, hoggard going out as nightwatchman and not making it to stumps again! prob should of sent out sidebottom, he actually knows which way up he sould hold the bat! as you may sense im not very happy, i satayed up till 3am watching that dross last night and the night before, and im not in work tomorrow so ill be up till the close tonight (about 4am i think) and i hope the batsman can get a decent total as i dont think we can bowl new zealand out 2nd innings, hope fully panesar will be more effective, but with new zealand having 2 spinners if monty does well then new zealand will be happy.

not impressed!

rant over
I love Ross Taylor, superb innings! He is going to be a gun player for NZ, maybe their first batsman who could possible average over 30. :rolleyes:
I reckon it's harsh sending in one of your bowlers in as a nightwatchmen after they've just bowled 30 odd overs over the last day and a half.

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