England in New Zealand

Ha ha..Someone like me must be siting there..Lol..
I am also getting so Frustrated..But i won't get too worried until KP there..
I think Injuries have worked For NZ..Southee has Bowled far more better than Mills as far as this series is concerned..
Hes killing there.Hes look good for Future..Kiwiz have sent England on back foot..
I am really worried for you Boys..Play otherwise you will bring yourself in a big problem..
In fairness there was a fair bit of movement, not that the movement did for any of the batsman.

Cook - Flappy shot.
Vaughan - Seemed a simple enough ball to hit.
Strauss - Awful driving again. Why is this incompetent batsman back in this side? If he plays vs NZ this summer at home I will be appalled.

Bell and KP have shown that the pitch is solid. We will 3 hundreds from these 4 batsman left. Or a double ton and a ton.
Well Now we have 3 Batsman left...:(
Good thing is that KP looks in nice touch and now no chance He can **** on me..He'll go for ton..Colly well Hes always there for England..These both guys need to stick till end of the day..:upray
The England Test team is looking like it's on a slippery slope to being the same embarrassment as the ODI team at the moment! What the hell is going on? This isn't Australia or SA, it's New Zealand for God's sake!
I think English batsman simply get carried out..No way you can explain Wickets of Cook,Vaughn and Strauss..They were on horrible Approach as far as 1st session of test is concerned..
KP doing repair work no Still finger crossed..1 more wicket and England in mighty trouble..
@Southee well NZ got someone for prime Future Bowler..Both Debut ants got wickets today..
Is it me or is Ian Bell going more and more into his shell?
Not quite as pathetic as the NZ TV coverage. Their cameras have been down for the past 15 mins so Sky are operating off 3 fixed cameras with no replays!
At least no-one will be able to complain about poor umpiring decisions now...
Although NZ have had a good start we need to get Pieterson or Collingwood soon otherwise theyll be 200/4 before you know it

Southee looks like a gun

Today is the only day of the test match wich is not on tv in aus and it looks like the best day for NZ
Cant believe how **** this england top order is...

i hope after this series we never ever see strauss in a england shirt.

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