England in New Zealand

but a score on a track like that - even a double ton - doesn't allay my fears about the many technical flaws to his batting.

Well Batting is so Easy here then ok..No credits to KP,Bell Or Strauss..
But what about the Bats mans who didn't able to reach in two figures even on Batting Paradise..
Don't you worried about them more than Strauss???
Good final session from England. There would have been serious questions asked if NZ had only been 2/3 down after the incomprehensible mess this morning.
McCullum can't play a responsible innings so he'll hit a quick 50 and give his wicket away which only leaves Taylor, who looks good, and Vettori.
Second new ball looked to be swinging so hopefully England can wrap it up tomorrow morning and I can get back to some regular sleep patterns.
Same about sleep pattern here..I though they wraped up thecase today but good resistant from Taylor and McCullum..
Monty has bowled well today..Hope Match will get its result tomorrow in first session..
I wouldn't object to Hoggard playing over Anderson. You want someone reliable and you just don't know what you're going to get with Jimmy. Been an odd morning, New Zealands morning so far. Though Bell was lucky to survive an lbw shout from Broad. I feel Monty could be the key to wickets this afternoon and this evening. I'd even give KP a half dozen overs on this pitch.

Having someone like Jimmy is O.K if you have 5 front-line bowler, but with 4, like England have, you need at least 2 bankers...Hoggard & Sidders provide that.
New Zealand, or to be more precise, Fleming's day. England are still in pole position despite it being New Zealands day (Probably), important evening session for us, we needed that. Panesar got the top three (I'll look smug now) and Broad grabbed two and he is putting in a very fine test match performance. 73 runs and 5 wickets so far.
With all due respect, Flemming isn't a good enough player to get a 'Guard of Honour' from the opposition.

He has the second lowest average of any pure batsman to have play over 100 tests and the least ammount of 100's aswell.
hoggy and sidey are too similar you need that extra BANG that Flintoff has

Don't think we'll ever have a fully fit Flintoff again.

Best team, all told would be the current top 7, Flintoff bats 8, Sidders, Hoggy, Monty.

Or Jonesy in for Hoggy in a perfect world. But Freddie will never be fit enough to bowl in a 4 man attack again.
Jones has lost it. In all the overs he bowled last season he looked as threatening as a toothless lion.
In all fairness to Jones, he only bowled in 3 First Class matches last season. Maybe he'll return maybe not, but its unfair to judge him on his stats for last season, he was hardly 100%
I think England need that raw pace bowler, without flintoff we need a quicky,

WE HAVE ALL but the rapid rapid pace bower

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