English Premier League VIII | Round 13

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We can still see how much money you have in the bank lol
The number of teams will be increased to 12 this time.
Team ownership will be free (but,teams will be owned by active members only).
Prize money will be increased by 20-30% to make it around 120 Million.

As for the squads,the last season was initially planned as a one-off season but, as EPL appears to be a pretty promising prospect,i have decided to have a series of seasons this time.So,we'll be starting from the beginning again (rather than season-2) meaning new squads.
Also,we'll have a draft this time instead of auction to acquire players.

Details to follow this coming week.:)
how do you plan on getting prize money if you don't have fees. I still think the first format was fine. 7.5M or so to own a team, only 8 teams spread into 2 groups. I think 12 teams is too much.

Callum, did you want to own your own team or are you going to be loyal managing our club?
how do you plan on getting prize money if you don't have fees. I still think the first format was fine. 7.5M or so to own a team, only 8 teams spread into 2 groups. I think 12 teams is too much.

Callum, did you want to own your own team or are you going to be loyal managing our club?

And as before, I'm with Nottingham:D.
Draft isn't the best idea... teams are never even with a draft.

I'd like to have a team

And bcvs how the hell did you get 1.25 billion vCash
how do you plan on getting prize money if you don't have fees.
I have 500 Mil with me now to be spent on EPL.

only 8 teams spread into 2 groups. I think 12 teams is too much.
Even with 10 teams last season,a lot of quality players didn't get a game because those better than them kept them out.I think there are enough quality players to have 12 teams.

No point in having 2 or more people managing one team this time.

bcvstheworld added 1 Minutes and 20 Seconds later...

And bcvs how the hell did you get 1.25 billion vCash
Some donations and vBookie :p
Callum, did you want to own your own team or are you going to be loyal managing our club?

Since ownership is free, I don't see much point managing someone elses team, as it's not like it has any positives now. :p
The first time round I didn't want to pay the 7 mill, but now I don't have to pay anything I'll probably just go in by myself.

Not the fan of a draft though, the luck in them is just immense.
You saw with an auction, all the active decent managers came through for a good finish. (Me, Chewie, Riz and Bilal, and I think Varun just missed out)

I'd say 12 teams is too much as well, not sure why you need to increase it, 10 was fine last season.

CG123 added 1 Minutes and 32 Seconds later...

Also the more managers you have, the more inactive managers you have.
I'm sure by the end of last season only 4 or 5 out of the 8 managers were only posting their line-up each round, and I remember with the EPL, so many managers were very inactive.

CG123 added 0 Minutes and 51 Seconds later...

Can I have Lancashire this season as well, (or Liverpool)???
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