English Premier League VIII | Round 13

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He said it, but it just wasn't really clear.
I understood it, but I'd understand if you thought it meant something else.
oh wtf. It is not clear at all. I'm screwed

Chewie added 0 Minutes and 22 Seconds later...

this is bullshit
Lol. :laugh

CG123 added 0 Minutes and 28 Seconds later...

You should have mentioned it earlier, when I hinted about the 120 point max. :p
* All the 8 teams have a total of 200 points each to bid for players (17).The points you spend to buy players in each phase should be between 80 and 120.
Eg: If you spend 110 points in phase-1,you'll be left with 90 points in phase 2.But,you should spend at least 80 points and should not spend more than 120 points in phase-1 .

There is nothing there that says that if we don't spend 80 points it will be counted as 80. It only says we should spend 80 but nothing that we must spend at least 80. The wording is terrible. I have done everything the rules have asked for. Compare the imperatives that are used in some of the points, with the suggestives used in this post. It clearly suggests that if we don't spend many points in the first round we will be able to spend them in the next. This is complete tweaking bullshit
I see where you're coming from, but the ways he's saying it just makes it sound like what it is, hence why I picked up on it straight away.
The "But" in the third line kind of makes it sound like what it is, when I read it.
He says should which is always a suggestion. It's never read as an imperative. He's screwed this auction up again.
Well, no big worries, only 20 of my points are wasted. (If I get lumb for 40)!:D
I think bcvs and Callum were the only ones who thought it this way :sarcasm
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