English Premier League VIII | Round 13

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He should have worded it differently. Should could probably mean either thing. I'll wait for Sartaj to say so.
I never really though about it, I just assumed we had to spend between 80 and 120 points, but I may be wrong.
Also he mentioned it twice in the same paragraph, I assume trying to make sure people get it. If it didn't mean anything and people could bid what ever they want, there wouldn't be much point on saying it.
Well doesn't 'should' pretty much mean 'expect' which in other words is not what you have to do but you're expected to. Anyway, it could be taken either way. I hope he gives an answer soon so I can bid for Bell if needed.
We can spend whetever we like, its just that that is what he recommends.

Chewie added 1 Minutes and 26 Seconds later...

Overspending doesn't really matter in this auction because there are more players than that which are required, so there will be some left with no bids, and you can buy them for 0 points.
Well that stuffs me up then...

Not to mention I've told Riz and Bilal that they're only allowed to spend a maximum of 120 points.

CG123 added 1 Minutes and 6 Seconds later...

@ Jono - I'm sure I remember you saying on the first day, Akshay has already hit the maximum of 120 he's allowed to spend?
Nope that wasn't me. I thought that was you and was wondering what you were on about

Chewie added 1 Minutes and 12 Seconds later...

It would appear that Akshay is taking the same approach as last time, having already spend 120 on 8 players

Actually I said this but I was referring to the fact that 120 is a lot of points, not that it's the limit.

Chewie added 0 Minutes and 45 Seconds later...

Technically you could spend 200 on domestic players, but you wouldn't get very good internationals
Pretty much now I won't have enough points to get any great players, and my domestic players won't be good enough.
You, Varun and Hedger all have 30+ more points left than me...
While Bilal, Riz and Akshay all have much better domestic players than me.
Also remember to keep an eye on peoples budgets, some people are very close or in some cases over the 120 point cap.

I was wondering what you were referring to here but I didn't comment since I knew I would never be near that cap anyway.

Chewie added 1 Minutes and 6 Seconds later...

Pretty much now I won't have enough points to get any great players, and my domestic players won't be good enough.
You, Varun and Hedger all have 30+ more points left than me...
While Bilal, Riz and Akshay all have much better domestic players than me.

There are a lot of good internationals. Hedger has about the same amount of points as you I think. You'll still be able to get pretty decent ones I think.

Chewie added 0 Minutes and 46 Seconds later...

And getting Harmison, Plunkett and Benkenstein for free will help you quite a lot.
I have 100 points left to spend on international players. All thanks to Sartaj.
Yeah i saw he used 55 points on him. But not a problem its better something than nothing.
The bottomline is that if you spend less than 80 points in Phase-1 (Eg: 60),it will be considered as 80 and you'll have 120 points left in phase-2.
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