English Premier League VIII | Round 13

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Lol, you're so funny, maybe a late nomination for the funniest member. :spy
I'm not being sarcastic as well, I'm actually having a good LOL at this.
I just wanna know how you can book players even before trading window is open, if that's it, I'll book the strongest XI in any league by this way.:laugh

Callum to disclose the secret of booking players even before the start of trading window.:sarcasm:sarcasm:sarcasm


I understand both sides of the argument completely, and I think that while Akshay is perfectly within his rights do this, it's such a ████████ move that you wouldn't think anyone would do it.
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@ Chewie - That's why I'm acting how I am.
It's just such a prickish thing to do.

I understand both sides of the argument completely, and I think that while Akshay is perfectly within his rights do this, it's such a ████████ move that you wouldn't think anyone would do it.

@ Chewie - That's why I'm acting how I am.
It's just such a prickish thing to do.

What, prickish to follow the rules? Come on..
I don't take my computer to the dinner table, but some might... :sarcasm


That's got nothing to do with it. If you can't be there then that's your loss. If everyone starts reserving players because they 'have to go have dinner' then that will just ruin the tradeing.
That's got nothing to do with it. If you can't be there then that's your loss. If everyone starts reserving players because they 'have to go have dinner' then that will just ruin the tradeing.

TBH I thought the trading window opened when he posted the players, which is why I then posted my trade straight away.
I went back a bit later and saw it said in a few hours, which is why I then sent a VM to him to make sure the trade went through.
Is there anything wrong with that?

I wouldn't call it reserving players, I've been online for the past five hours, it just happens that as soon as I have to go to dinner bcvs opens the transfer window and some guy is camping the thread ready to take the player I wanted.
IMO there's nothing I can do about that, I have no problem if bcvs wants to give Sarwan to Akshay, but IMO everyone knew I was going to make that trade, so it just seems a rather stupid and faggotish act by Akshay.

CG123 added 1 Minutes and 36 Seconds later...

Like Chewie said I wasn't reserving any player, I didn't go and say "make sure I get this trade as I'm not going to be online", I in all honestly thought the transfer window had opened when he posted the players which is why I posted the trade when I did.
so it just seems a rather stupid and faggotish act by Akshay.
some of the last posts made me rofl, this too.:laugh

Is it my fault that you misunderstood whether the transfer window is open or not.
I was also looking for a solid Middle order batsman, I choose Sarwan for that, is it like I want Sachin in each and every league at any player's cost and if someone else gets him, it is the most stupid and faggotish act.:facepalm
sorry i didn't bid for the player as well Callum cause I had assumed that you would have gotten him cause you already said that you were trading him. Guess it will be Sartaj who makes the final call.
How much I am suppose to pay you Sartaj?

Sorry for delay as you know my reason
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