Features you want to see in next iteration of Big Ant Cricket

You must love Jade Dernbach then?

my favourtie is Ab de villiers.

you think it's going to be the alphabet... then it's not.


Clarrie is short for Clarence, and if speak about Clarrie Grimmett like that any more I may have to verabally early september you. :mad

nah, it's claire, mate.

kim hughes, there's another one.
Clarrie is as close to Claire as Clive is.

And that wasn't even intended as a tounge twister
Dsilxiya's a bocht!

Dyslexia is when letters get mumbled up and not replacing o's with i's. But feel free to correct me with your answer and a doctor's certificate
For the next game going by the nets only as I have not played the full game yet.

For the batting controls I would love to see a soft button or maybe just the left stick change a little, like the bowling from what I have heard.

You could soft push back on the right stick for back foot and say right press the right stick for a pull shot as it is now but if you press it softly the batsmen works the ball of his hip. One of the shots I miss in this game, also I would love to see the jam down on the ball for Yorkers.

For the rest I will judge after the game is released.:spy
I wasn't going to comment on this thread because, until we've seen the current version of DB cricket, it's impossible to see where improvements, if any, could be made but:
When you are bowling it might be an idea to have an image of the ball and fingers, so that you can adopt a different grip on the ball for instance, in-swing, out-swing, seam, cross seam etc deliveries. The ball image would show, wear and damage.
We don't show an image of the hand but you do select the type of delivery prior to bowling the ball.
Does the bowlers arm vary in how wide or high it goes according to what he is bowling I.e Outswinger=wider arm etc?
^ I think the bowling animations won't differ with different kind of deliveries.
when you shine the ball, do you choose which side to shine?

will it always reverse, or does location/conditions affect that?

You don't choose the side, it assumes you'd always want to do the same side.

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