Features you want to see in next iteration of Big Ant Cricket

I don't actually mind the reaction time for most balls, as it seems fair enough just clipping the odd one or two into the gaps, where I think the simulation aspect falls down is there is no "bad ball" modelling. I miss out on 99 out of 100 horrible balls down the legside or the long hops wide. it should be easier to pummel those for easy 4s but with such crazy reaction times the notion of exiting your default mode of perparing for front foot drives to rock on to the back foot and murder something with a cut shot just doesn't happen.

I agree that properly smackable half volleys and long hops would be ace. I also agree that most deliveries feel ok. I'm playing on legend precisely because the difficulty of getting the ball away is more or less where I want it.

I play hud off (though I've been experimenting with the hud to try and make more cut shots) but one thing I considered is a hud circle that only come on for crap deliveries which had a wide timing window, so on those you'd know you had more leeway to attack. I'd change my whole batting strategy vs the quicks if I knew I could really wait for the bad ball.

Also, if we could see the extra effort in the bowling action for bouncers I bet that might help.
I agree that properly smackable half volleys and long hops would be ace. I also agree that most deliveries feel ok. I'm playing on legend precisely because the difficulty of getting the ball away is more or less where I want it.

I play hud off (though I've been experimenting with the hud to try and make more cut shots) but one thing I considered is a hud circle that only come on for crap deliveries which had a wide timing window, so on those you'd know you had more leeway to attack. I'd change my whole batting strategy vs the quicks if I knew I could really wait for the bad ball.

Also, if we could see the extra effort in the bowling action for bouncers I bet that might help.

Me too but, do you feel that the footwork is tweaked a little bit after the patch?? Because as of now I feel the gap between bat and pad is big now , so that makes them more prone to edges....You have to be a Sehwag to play without much foot movement and depend on timing more....
It's my impression that offside shots are a bit edgier since the most recent patch, but I've been constantly starting new careers since then so the extra edges might just be that.
I have noticed more edges on Xbox since I started new career, I hadn't noticed it with my more established career player but with the new guy I put it down to a lack of skills!
I previously wrote this in suggestions for 'Next Patch'. But then I realized that this might be too much just for a patch. So, if the developer can't have all these with just a patch, they can use these suggestions for the next game in the series. Let me just copy paste it.


I really liked the game play, and the passion the developers had for making this so wonderful. However, few have really messed up the ideas that can provide the full exploration of the concept. I'm not sure how many of these have been suggested already, as I haven't checked all the 41 pages before writing this. Please don't mind if there are any repetitions:

Bowling is great in this game, and it provides the 2nd best gameplay any cricket game could provide in Multiplayers (next to Brian Lara Cricket 96, made for Sega consoles, which was best of all time in this regard). We can bowl for hours before getting bored. The idea of removal of pitch spot is amazing. However, bowling eventually become too easy in front of AI opponents, and many people have asked for reducing the power of bowling. I will, on the contrary, recommend in bringing additional functions to the bowling, which will actually make the bowling more difficult and hence improve the gameplay:

. Improve concept of bowl line: In the current version of bowling, we are forced to pick the right timing for foot placement (in fast bowlers), bowl deliveries, pace, spin, and bowl length. However, the bowl line is somewhat utmost important, which has been somewhat neglected. Although we can choose to deliver the bowl at different lines, if we don't, the bowl mostly goes right towards the wicket. So here is the idea who this can be improved. Right when we start run up, we are shown a small dot (cursor) which represents the line of the delivery, which is stationary. When we charge (through) the bowl, it can be moved towards the line we select instantly. Now here is the idea. Rather than keeping this line spot stationary, we can have it moving right to left, and in order to deliver it properly, we have to time it properly as well, along with timing the foot. I know this will become extremely difficult for beginners. However, in time, people will learn how to do that. Also, sometimes we will have to sacrifice pace, spin and other things, just to bring the correct length to the delivery. Bowling will become more difficult, and will eventually become more entertaining as a perfect delivery will be rare, and even an experienced player would not be able to deliver each ball EXACTLY as required, which happens also in real cricket.

. Spinners' spinning: I don't think there is a need of 3 circles with a spinner to deliver a full spin. If you have to ball plenty of overs in test matches (and especially if you're in career mode) then you gets border too soon. One full round should be enough for full spin. Now to make it harder, instead of allowing the rotating of analog stick right from the start of run up, the player should be given the option of rotating it right after the bowler pulls up his hand. The time will be reduced for rotating, and it will become harder for making each ball full spin. If the previous system would be implied (line concept) then this kind of spinning system will give additional flavor into the game. Note that this system is actually in par with the real bowling in the sense that the bowler as to start twisting his wrist or fingers right after the arm starts moving backward.

With these systems, the ratio of perfect deliveries will reduce greatly, and will obviously result in lesser wickets by a human bowler, and especially a new player. We will also have more variety in bowling. And taking a wicket will eventually feel a big achievement in career mode.

The idea of batting without a pitch spot is something new, and greatly praised by the hardcore cricket players. However, it also gives a headache to casual players. I'm one of those who actually loves, and I will never suggest to remove the system. The idea is great. Only problem is that it gives too less time to decide the shot. Many of us play the game greatly, but they actually decide the shot lot before the bowl was delivered. I'm sure that the developers didn't intend to have a gameplay like this. Here are my suggestions that can actually bring the gameplay supposed to be, that we have to decide the shot based on the delivery (but without actually learning the perfect spot on pitch where the bowl will be delivered).

. Changing bowl delivery cursor (circle around the ball): Currently, the bowl shows red circle for short pitch, green for good length and yellow for full length deliveries. And it shows full circle around the bowl if its being bowled towards the stumps, and half/short circles towards off or behind leg. Although the circle shows everything, it's far easier to learn the length of the bowl instantly (as the color is different) rather than the line (as it takes time to know if the circle is full/semi-half/half). For this, one can easily select the right foot. But the shot selection, which takes time, is not given proper time for most of the players (some can do it, but not everyone). People might have suggested to make the bowling little slower, or do this and that. However, for me the simple change in the circle cursor around the bowl can solve the problem. Just give 'Color' to line. Let's say 'Red' for the bowl in line of the stumps, 'Green' for Off, and Yellow for behind the leg. If if you want to bring 5 options, simply bring two more colors. Like too wide in off can have dark green, and too much towards the leg can have a dark yellow (like orange). Now, for showing the length of the delivery, you can have the Simple Full circles for Full lengths, Circles with cut at the top for good length, and circles with cut in the bottom for short pitch (no need to make them completely half, as it's rather easier to predict the ball length with the delivery projection as well). This system will help the batsmen to select the short quickly and play it instantly.

. Shot powers and their types: People have different opinions towards the regular shots (without any modifiers). Some find these too aggressive (easily going to boundaries). And some find these too risky (directly going to the hands of the fielders). The game also didn't provide the options of playing the shots with intentions of only singles. Although 'Aggressive' shot can be consider such an option, it has plenty of limitations, as the batsman is 'Forced' for that with the selection of an additional button. Aggressive shot also doesn't play all the shots perfectly, normally available to the regular shots (without modifiers, an example is square leg). I know lot of people actually like the addition of advanced shots, reverse sweep, etc. But for me, these are in the game only for exotic purpose, as these are not as fruitful as these were supposed to be, and most of us rarely play these shots (except for esteem/prestige). Well, I would recommend here a new set of shots. I will recommend to make a Regular Shots type with least power (rarely going to the boundary, and only in the case of fast bowlers with full pace), then Aggressive shots type (somewhat similar to the current Regular shot, with more shot power, and more risk to deliver the bowl in the hands of a fielder), a lofting shot (two types), Defensive shot (it actually needs lots of improvements, and will be discussed in next section), and then Special and advanced shots (auto Aggressive, or simply remove these - the reason will be discussed in next section). It will feel as if I'm simply asking for changing the names of Regular and Aggressive. However, it is not. My recommendation is to entirely remove the current Aggressive shot system actually. The same graphics used for current regular shots can be used, but the shot power will be lot lesser. And these Regular shots (with lot lesser power) will be the default shots and will need no modifiers at all. There will be seldom boundaries (especially at the starting overs with pace bowlers), but those will be rare. In order to make a boundary, one will have to use some 'Force' and hence use the 'Aggressive' modifier button. Now here is the interesting thing. You can play a simple lofting (with only the lofting button/modifier) as well as the aggressive lofting (with both lofting + aggressive modifiers/buttons). The first one will be used to simply loft a bowl towards an area if there is no fielder in the mid/deep, and only have very close fielder. It will not be played with the intention of 6, but some set of runs (2's, 3's and lucky/occasional 4's). The second type will be for the same purpose as the current lofting, with the intention of 6. Though the risk will be higher, and sometimes the batsman will simply lift the ball in the air, which will give enough time for a fielder at some distance to reach the area (little more riskier than the current). With this system, people will enjoy playing 50 overs games and even test matches, and will stop complaining about 'Fielders being too powerful'.

. Defending: Why do people dot or leave a ball, when they can simply play it? In real cricket, this happens when people are just not 'Ready'. It also happens when someone is not sure if he understands the bowler, or the delivery. Or the bowl being delivered is too hard for him. Or he had just expected something else to be delivered. Many times people decide to defend a ball at the last moment. Many times people leave a ball when the wanted to play a shot and then the ball is not in their reach. In this game, people have to decide defending at the time of the bowl being delivered. Well, it serves only the purpose when someone has just come on the pitch. And it doesn't serve fully either, as the ratio of getting out on Defensive shot is very high too. Even if this can be strengthened a bit, what about other possibilities? Also, the idea of leaving a ball is entirely absurd, as one has to move his finger entirely away from the analog stick, by which time, the bowl is delivered, and in most cases, one has already moved the analog sticks. Now, my recommendation to this is to allocate give two original buttons (Like R2/L2) to defending and leaving a ball. Also make them 'Cancel' the previous command already provided. And also, make the Foot/shot selection for defensive shot optional. Even if one hasn't selected foot/shot, and simply presses a defensive shot, the batsman shot try to defend the shot. The chances of mistiming will be higher then in case one has actually selected the correct foot/bat placement. But this must be strong enough to save one from the risk he wanted to avoid and just decided to defend the ball (rather than playing it the type he previously intended). And in 90% he should be saved from doing a blunder. Also, reduce the timing requirement of the original defending shot (with foot/bat placement selection) to extremely higher degree. It should be extremely rare that one will get out if the foot/bat placement is correct and a defending shot is played. If the foot/bat placement is too bad, and then the timing it extremely bad as well, only then one should be punished. This system will provide the gameplay we greatly lack to play a good test match. It will also allow the batsman an option to decide whether they want to 'Avoid' a risk or not, and when. Now, implementing this system in the current game would not be easy. We only have 4 back buttons. If 2 are already allocated for the system described above (Aggressive/Lofting) then only two are remaining. And if the rest of 2 would be allocated for Defending/Leave (or Duck) then we won't have another button left for Special/Advanced shots. We can remove these. If we want to keep these at any cost, then we can do that as well. As in real cricket, mostly the Special/Advanced shots are decided before the ball is delivered, we can also implement the system here. One of the buttons (A,D,X,Y, on the game pad) can be used to lit up the Advance/Special mode lock. Player only need press these once (after the bowler starts running, but even before the ball is delivered) and then play like any other simply shots. Leave/Defend button will not cancel this mode (as these are no more shot type selections, but actually a foot movement mode). I don't think this system is too away from the real life cricket (once people decide to advance, they can rarely return, even if a different ball is delivered than they expected, though many players block the ball after advancing).

Like others, I also hated the fielding (Fielders being too strong... lol). However, if the above systems are implemented then batting will become lot easier and we will actually need some 'Super fielders' to stop one from breaking the record of Brian Lara. However, I would not like not to say something in this regard. Only thing is that we should reduce the power of wicket keeper. I read somewhere at this forum a recommendation (not sure if it was this thread) which I really liked. I cannot copy/paste it, as I don't know where exactly is that. I can describe the system in my own words:

. Catching ability based on the distance from the ball: According to this system, the farther the ball is from the fielder, the lesser there will be chances of success of catching the ball. If a fielder reaches the location and then becomes stationary (stops even for a few micro seconds) the distance penalty will diminish. With this, if one is diving, he can dive and in many cases, only block a ball, but will not catch. And there shouldn't be a guarantee that he will block it either. One with max catching + aerial skills will only be able to be successful 50%. Now for Wicket keeper, we can have the same penalty. Along with this, we can also implement the system that a fielder will automatically decide NOT to try to catch a ball, if there is another fielder nearby with higher catching probability. This way, lot more balls will actually go to slips, second clips, gully, and not having fielders in these area will mean sure penalty to the bowling side in cases the ball goes there (even with edges). In current system, only wicket keeper is enough to cover the entire region to the 3rd-4th slip, and even in some cases, to the gully.

I'm not sure how much this can be implemented in the current game, just with the patches. I know too much work would have to be done to implement this. However, if this can be done, this will entirely overhaul the game and will bring an amazing game play.

Thanks a lot.

I hope it helps.

Well try to make controls for keyboard also cant afford controllers
We've already been through this. If you can afford the game plus the machine to run it on then you can afford a controller.
or just buy a controller...
It's my impression that offside shots are a bit edgier since the most recent patch, but I've been constantly starting new careers since then so the extra edges might just be that.

I had the same problem, but I started using aggressive-triggers (R2 + L2) for offside shots, I think it was Langveldt who came up with it. Nowadays I don't get edges anymore, i just get sometimes caught on mid off when i mistime the shot. Overall it is a very safe option.

I bat on Pro-difficulty, not sure how it works on Legend.
Yeah, I've been playing all my offside shots with double triggers, and catches to to mid off / cover are a side effect. Perfectly useable on legend.

Against spin I'm either defending or attacking with both triggers, and that works really nicely, really enjoying it. A well timed double trigger shot can get you 4 even with men out on the fence.

Hitting the ball in the air is nearly gone from my game at the moment. It's an effective strategy but it feels a bit cheap at this stage, so it's generally reserved for when I lose my temper.
- Co-op from the start (assuming it's patched into this version)
- Manually adjustable camera distance and FOV
- Ability to upload face pics for player customisation
- Better audio ambience (chants, jeering etc)
- Better crowd animations (Mexican waves, beach balls etc)
A few barmy army songs and some Bhangra bangers or fanatics etc would be a nice touch, So there's different atmospheres from the differing countries. Years ago there used to be a guy in Jamaica who went to all the sabina park tests, every now and then you could hear "c'mon Ambrose, we need a wicket"
actually im using steam music player in background of now and have to say its goes well with the game.

Rocky Eye of the tiger seems to get me in flow:D

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