Fifa 2010 World Cup: Round of 16

After watching Germany and England game. I was yawning throughout the Argentina vs Mexico game :p

Then stop watching football - Mexico v Argentina was a very good game to watch - if you found that boring, you're watching the wrong sport.

@Everyone else: So, another disgraceful refereeing decision costs another team dear. Unlike with the England decision, Mexico were bossing the game up until that first goal, then Argentina score a goal that's a mile offside, and all of a sudden, Mexico fall to pieces.

Regarding the England 'goal', 2-2 is a different proposition to 2-1 (obviously), especially to a side who had been 2-0 ahead - it might have planted a small seed of doubt in the German team, but I honestly don't think it affected the outcome too much. The Mexico decision on the other hand, most certainly did.

On the positive side, Sir Alex seems to have found us a damn fine striker in Hernandez - but I still can't believe we didn't buy Tevez - look at his goal tonight - yet we could afford Berba. Oh well - new season will show us whether we buy anyone else, and whether the Mexican can handle the Premiership.
Surely the refs should be good. They're suppose to be the best in the world and it's not that hard to ref soccer. I reckon I could do a better job than them ATM.
Well, either they're not good enough - the guy who disallowed our goal has got previous:

WORLD CUP 2010: Jorge Larrionda has previous in missing 'goals' | Mail Online

Or maybe someone had 'got' to him. Unlikely, I know, but still possible. One thing is for sure: video replays and goal line technology would put an end to awful decisions like that - whether made by accident or not, wouldn't you agree?
Both matches of today were great to watch. Especially the first half of Germany vs England.

Wow. All that and you didn't even acknowledge the fact the Germans were the better team.

I'm sorry, but I have a hard time buying that England lost because of their coach. It's starting to get stale, and it's just appearing a little arrogant. Believe it or not, I believe that England weren't good enough to do anything of substance this world cup. And no, I'm not talking about the coach, I'm talking about the 11 men on the field. It's not the coach's fault that a goal kick was taken and the English defense was too poor to deal with it. It's not the coach's fault that M?ller and ?zil were cutting the old English defenders in half, repeatedly, like a hot knife through butter. It's not the coach's fault that German players are able to make counter attacking runs before the English midfield could even get back into their own half. England were out played by a more creative, speedy, younger side with flair.

Sure, putting Heskey and SWP on might have appeared strange, but it was already 3-1 by then. Coaches have to do something and he made a choice.

I think a good start for England would be to realise that their players don't play well together, and they haven't played to potential in 10 years. Every time (to me at least) the team does badly in a World Cup, English press and supporters just point the finger at the coach, everyone becomes a football pundit all of a sudden and starts acting like they know more about football than the footballers and the managers, and they all make excuses whilst seldom acknowledging the fact that their players weren't good enough. It's pretty funny. But, that's just how to seems to me and I do apologise if I'm wrong.

Having said that, England were dealt their fair share of bad luck and then some. That goal was so clear everyone saw it except the referees. They missed some chances that on other days might have gone in. But that doesn't detract from how good Germany were, there were some stages the Germans were making the English team look like an under 12s outfit and I think England have no one to blame but their own players for that. It's sad, but they aren't the first, only or last team to be stuffed over by a referring decision. I think technology should come into the game somehow - it's 2010 we shouldn't be making teams (or supporters) deal with that nonsense.
It's quite scary that this German team will be even better by next world cup... These guys are still so young. Lahm, Podolski and Schweinsteiger will still be around so no real loss of experience either.
It's quite scary that this German team will be even better by next world cup... These guys are still so young. Lahm, Podolski and Schweinsteiger will still be around so no real loss of experience either.

I really don't want to think how good they're going to be then. :facepalm
Unsure about Caroll and Richards. Yes Adam Johnson, yes Wheater, yes Taylor. And I know people will say I'm biased towards him, but Connor Wickham has such a bright future ahead of him, provided he stays at Ipswich for a couple more years, before moving into the Premiership for two. He will be an England striker, no doubt; just hope he doesn't become a nearly-man like Darren Bent seems to have done.

Well my friend i just put the name of Caroll & Richards out their since they are some of the better young pllayers. But their future is a great unknown.

Most teams these days like & produce quality tall strikers like your Henry, Drogba, Torres, Toni, Milito, Van Persie, Totti, Berbatov, Ibrahimovic etc etc leading the line. This is one of the reasons i reckon Capello has always been tentative about playing Rooney up front on his own, given he is short.

Caroll will obviously have to do something when Newcastle come back into the premiership. But in some ways yes - he is an unknown quantity.

I have not heard of that Wicham bloke before. But just read about him on wiki, he seems to be the kind of potential striker England may need. 6ft 3 inches & strong. Will be keeping my eyes & ears on him.

But this one of the reasons we need that academy up in Burton up & running. For the last 25 years, England have barely prouced 4 top quality strikers in Lineker, Shearer, Owen, Rooney - thats terrible compared to other nations. We desperately need to start producing a steady of strikers & only via an academy can this be done.

On Richards. Well i still have faith in him. He started so well for England & Man City & has sadly drifted off since late 2007. Clearly one our best young defenders. Would be a great shame if he doesn't come good TBH.

Highlander999 said:
Yes and Yes. Now I'll freely admit that I am a passionate Newcastle fan but only really follow them. I have watched Carrol and Taylor very closely plus seem them live and one thing I can say is that if you stuck them in an England shirt they would be giving 110% even if their leg dropped off. That is the difference in the current crop of players. The way Rooney was playing today I would happily have swapped Carrol for him because Carrol whilst no where near in regards to first touch, ability etc would have definetly got a lot more involved.

One name that also should be mentioned for the future is Nile Ranger. I'm calling it now he is just like Owen, a real one for the future.

Haven't heard of Ranger before. But will keep an eye on him in the coming years.

As i mentioned above. The jury is still out on Caroll although i like what i see. But Taylor i already expect to see in the next few national squads, i reckon one of the big clubs will buy him in the next season of two.
Wickham 'bloke' haha. He's younger than I am. This year will be his breakout year.
While I understand and support a foreigner cap, I don't think the Bundesliga, La Liga or Serie A have any such thing as well. All those talented youngsters should get into the side on merit.

Well yea. I guess the foreigner cap idea in theory would be pretty difficult to implement in the premiership. Given the lack of quality English talent pushing through the ranks. So inevitably, clubs will want to buy foreign players to make their teams stronger.

But the situation @ Arsenal & Liverpool where two of England's major clubs although they have done well in Champions League in recent years. But have far more foreigners than local players. Has casted an illusion that all is well is English football.

But hopefully in the next 5-10 years with the national academy @ Burton up & running properly. English talent will dominate most clubs & the need for so much foreign players can be limited.

Maney2k9 said:
Wickham 'bloke' haha. He's younger than I am. This year will be his breakout year.

Haa. Well for England's sake i hope it is.
Surely the refs should be good. They're suppose to be the best in the world and it's not that hard to ref soccer. I reckon I could do a better job than them ATM.
Yeah I'm dark at refs right now
Considering they cost NZ a win over Italy and a place in the next round :noway (lol I'm still going on about that :p)
Today we can see another team who has won all of their group matches and that's the Netherlands. They're playing against Slovakia, who are a pretty good team.

Brazil will face hopefully a tough Chile.

It ix expected that the quarter-final will be the Netherlands vs Brazil, but we'll see.
Brasil vs Chile will be good fun. I think Brasil will win pretty easily, the Chilean defence is a little flimsy, but they are a good attacking team. Hopefully its a goal fest.

Nederlands vs Slovakia should be a win for the Nederlands, but watching how good Slovakia played against Italy and how dull Holland has seemed at times I think it has the potential for a good game.

It's quite scary that this German team will be even better by next world cup... These guys are still so young. Lahm, Podolski and Schweinsteiger will still be around so no real loss of experience either.

Yeah chances are they'll be unbeatable. But you never know, players get injured, players get out of form, players even drop off the face of the Earth sometimes.

I was so impressed by M?ller. The guy hasn't even played a handful of games for Germany yet but was owning the field. Great player, let's hope its not just beginner's adrenaline and beginner's luck.

Still, Germany aren't solid enough to win the cup this time. Even whilst dominating the English side they looked exposed and vulnerable.
Then stop watching football - Mexico v Argentina was a very good game to watch - if you found that boring, you're watching the wrong sport.

Relax mate. I know England's loss has made you touchy, but there is no need to be sniping at people. I obviously made the comment in jest. :facepalm
Chill out!

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