Football Thread

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Here they call the area inside of the penalty zone the sixteen.
I don't know why as the penalty area is eighteen yards from the goalline.
ZexyZahid said:
Here they call the area inside of the penalty zone the sixteen.

Out of interest, where do you live? :p

That could make an interesting story! how they dont know the rules/dimensions! :p
SkateBoarder said:
I think Zexy lives in Holland but don't quote me on that.

Too Late!!!! Hahahahahahah :D

Yes, I think he lives in the Netherlands (Holland is a district of the Netherlands)
1 yard = 0.9144 meter. So 18 yards = 16,4592 meters. That's why they call it the sixteen. And it's not only this country where I live they call it like that.

And yeah, I live in the Netherlands. And Holland isn't a part from the Netherlands. Holland is a synonym of the Netherlands; it's the same. And there are actually some provinces in it which carry the name 'Holland'. South-Holland and North-Holland.
Sometime next week La Liga Review will show them, I dont know when it comes on, but it comes on more than once so just keep a look out for it.
La Liga highlights? :eek:

You dont need that rubbsih, just watch the master class that was Rooney and Van Nistelrooy destroy Charlton!
Yeah we dont need that 'rubbsih' do we James!

Ronaldinho would tear Van Noodlerooy apart any day.
Briggsey said:
Yeah we dont need that 'rubbsih' do we James!

Ronaldinho would tear Van Noodlerooy apart any day.

But not Rooooooooney! When Rooney is Ronaldinho age he will be far superior!
Yeh normally 6PM on SS1.

Interesting game between boro and Fulham yesterday, After looking at Replays Yak was clearly offside.
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