Football Thread

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themuel1 said:
Sorry to bring you back to a sane place but Robbie Fowler is not going to make the difference all of you Liverpool Fans say. He's not the player he was. It was the players fault yesterday, the side was more than capable.

Fowler was our best striker yesterday, and played for 20 minutes! It wasn't the whole teams fault, Gerrard and co. supplyed Morientes with plenty of chances, and he just fell over :mad: .
Thats because he's not good enough, nore is Cisse or Sissy as I call him.
Cisse is good, but he is no finisher. Crouch is a good supporting striker, and Morientes, well hes just useless. Fowler is a great finisher, you can't say he isn't, look at his disallowed goal yesterday.
Drewska said:
Cisse is good, but he is no finisher. Crouch is a good supporting striker, and Morientes, well hes just useless. Fowler is a great finisher, you can't say he isn't, look at his disallowed goal yesterday.

I didn't say that. I just don't think he will answer your goalscoring problems.
Drewska said:
Cisse is good, but he is no finisher. Crouch is a good supporting striker, and Morientes, well hes just useless. Fowler is a great finisher, you can't say he isn't, look at his disallowed goal yesterday.

Morientes is out of form, not useless.

On his day he's the best. His record at Real Madrid is good, and at Monaco even better.
Atm he pretty uesless. Yesterday he kept falling over for no apparant reason. He needs to gain more fitness, he is getting knocked of the ball easily.
Drewska said:
Atm he pretty uesless. Yesterday he kept falling over for no apparant reason. He needs to gain more fitness, he is getting knocked of the ball easily.
If he's getting knocked off the ball easily, he needs to work on his upper body strength, not fitness. Obviously he will be pretty light weight having come from the softer spanish league where its all about skill and passing but over here its more hard hitting tackles and shoulder barging. He's been here for a year now so you think he would have made an attempt to work on that.
Good to see Blackburn getting a win!Go the Aussie Lucus Neil!Whooooooooooo!
About time Newcastle got rid of Souness.What is it,6 points from the relegation zone?
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Yes, having read The Sun this morning, Robert Pires has said he has a serious personal problem at the moment which isnt helping him. No doubt this will come out sooner rather than later. Also odds of 9/4 of Sol not making the World Cup squad are available.
He's completely gone a-wire. He is slightly past it and it's time for Carragher/King to take over at 3rd choice centre back
I think talented young defender Jason Shackell should be used in the England squad in the future. He is strong, determined and loves to play football.
Check out that picture of Campbell. :laugh

Upcoming match: Chelsea vs Liverpool. Chelsea can stretched the lead over them with 21 points if they win it.
SkateBoarder said:
I think talented young defender Jason Shackell should be used in the England squad in the future. He is strong, determined and loves to play football.


He's obviously doing a great job for one of the worst defences in the top 44 clubs :D


Does Allardyce ever stop moaning about the African Cup of Nations? :rolleyes:
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