Football Thread

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themuel1 said:
I think Mouriniho is an idiot chucking his medal into the crowd. Also, anyone spot the Portugal scarf? People saying Ferguson should have taken Rooney off, Terry was limping for basically the whole game and Mouriniho did nothing.....(Put this together with the Portugal scarf) "Best manager in the league" - Andy Townsend. What a load of crap. 4th best.

Lol, he said last year's medal was identical and he only wanted to keep one.
Hearts just beat Celtic with 3-0. Did Celtic play with a weakened team? Otherwhile it's a great victory for Hearts.
sid_19840 said:
There is no chance of this happening if Henry leaves,and Ludovic Guily of Barca says that Henry is coming there next season.
I'd personally be very disappointed if such a thing happened. I think there needs to be more loyalty in football these days!
When are the mods going to give me my money for betting on Chelsea vs Man Utd?
Whats with Boro and their Aussie keepers. Oh well looks like we have a good back up for Schwarzer in Brad Jones. Looks like Man U are doing the choking late in the season.
So Chelsea have bought another title :D

aussie1st said:
Whats with Boro and their Aussie keepers. Oh well looks like we have a good back up for Schwarzer in Brad Jones. Looks like Man U are doing the choking late in the season.

Boro actually played very well.

In all honesty Man Utd havent got a lot to play for, so its harder to get the motivation on the pitch.

I wouldn't call it choking.
Blackburn bought the title back in 1995. It's nice to know that a team can still move from mid-table obscurity to the top 4 with a large cash injection otherwise Arsenal and Man United would be winning the title for the next 30 years.
The talks for the summer transfer have already begun.Here are the major deals being talked about lately.Some of these look to be farfetched.

Ousmane Dabo ->Man City
Van Bommel ->Bayern
Gallas ->Milan or Juve
Torres ->Liverpool
Kewell ->Back to Australia
Lauren->Cant remember
Beckham->West Ham
I'd call Kewell back to Aus pretty far-fetched as well. He was the best player on the pitch in the cup win against Chelsea.
barmyarmy said:
I'd call Kewell back to Aus pretty far-fetched as well. He was the best player on the pitch in the cup win against Chelsea.

True,but it still has some logic behind it.Maybe it might be a personal decision from him to return to his country.But Beckham going to West Ham of all places seems way to farfetched.But in Football you never know.
Van Bommel rejected a move to Bayern, and who would blame him, when at Barca he can win Champion Leagues and stuff with ease. :p

Another far-fetched rumour is Adriano going to Tottenham. Apparently he thinks Spurs are a side "of the future".
Spurs are a side of the gutter.Lets get that right!lol
I don't think Lauren would move anywhere,and Kewell moving back to Aus is a complete joke.We wouldn't let him anyway!
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