Football Thread

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Well big Phil is the best manager who we considered imo.

Nationality doesn't come into it with me.

Fletcher with England.
Whatmore with Sri Lanka
Sureshot said:
Well big Phil is the best manager who we considered imo.

Nationality doesn't come into it with me.

Fletcher with England.
Whatmore with Sri Lanka

Different with cricket I.M.O - maybe that's because I care more about football, who knows?
As long as the new manager isnt French or Scottish I dont really care about his nationality :p

Seriously though, I do think the manager should have some experience with the English domestic setup before managing the national team though.
Yes but at least Fletcher comes from an English-Speaking country, I wouldn't mind it if the next England Manager came from Zimbabwe or USA, it would be nicer to have a home-grown manager but if English is his first language then I wouldn't mind.
themuel1 said:
I'm gosh darn annoyed with the FA. What a load of rubbish, I don't want another foreigner controlling our English team! It's a job to them (not a passion as well as a job). ?5 million!!! He doesn't even deserve ?1 million!

For christ sake, this guy has English as good as most of the people from the USA!!! :p

On a happier note, Middlesborough were brilliant last night and Im going to support them like I do United, in the final of the UEFA cup. (though I have been all the way through the competition).

Surprisingly, I'm also supporting Arsenal in the European Chamions League final. I really don't care about whether this means Spurs miss out next season. "Tough".

I don't subscribe to this view that we should support Spurs because they have a lot of English players. I really don't care. Arsenal are a far better watch then Spurs and also NeilThomas89 (an old member and a lifelong freind supports them.... :D )
Now this post really does deseve REPS! :D
As long as England have psycho managers the better for the rest of the world.Get an Englishman!
themuel1 said:
I'm gosh darn annoyed with the FA. What a load of rubbish, I don't want another foreigner controlling our English team! It's a job to them (not a passion as well as a job). ?5 million!!! He doesn't even deserve ?1 million!


I don't subscribe to this view that we should support Spurs because they have a lot of English players. I really don't care. Arsenal are a far better watch then Spurs and also NeilThomas89 (an old member and a lifelong freind supports them.... :D )

I'm baffled...... Your first paragraph makes the point that you do not want a foreigner in charge of the England team... your last paragraph that you basically do not care whether clubs in England themselves do anything to aid English football? So if you can support a club with no English input more than one that has an English core, what difference does a non-English manager at the head of a team of English players make? I am afraid you will have to explain your logic for me :)
I would actually like to see either O'Neill or Curbs.I think these are the two managers who understand British football and footballers and they would give a fair chance to an individual which isnt exactly the case with Sven imo.
I wouldnt mind Allardyce but I feel that Bolton would be obsolete without him.As for Mclaren,he is already an Asst Manager,so if his tactics are lineups are similar to the ones happening currently,Id rather not have him.
Anyone else totally baffled by the actions of the FA?
We're going to end up with Pearce if we're not careful...

This is what the BBC site is reporting:

Premier League chairman Dave Richards
FA chief executive Brian Barwick
Noel White, head of the FA's international committee
Trevor Brooking, the FA's director of football development
FA director David Dein

Barwick wanted O'Neill, Brooking wanted Curbishley, Richards favoured Allardyce, White's first choice was Pearce and Dein wanted Scolari

Full article
puddleduck said:
I'm baffled...... Your first paragraph makes the point that you do not want a foreigner in charge of the England team... your last paragraph that you basically do not care whether clubs in England themselves do anything to aid English football? So if you can support a club with no English input more than one that has an English core, what difference does a non-English manager at the head of a team of English players make? I am afraid you will have to explain your logic for me :)

Ok, you need a english manager because they will care about the job, foregeiners don't. No matter what you think they will be always supporting their home nation. Oh, the Arsenal - Tottenham thing - Well, the major reason is I hate Spurs more than I do Arsenal :D

Of course I'd like to see both in, maybe Spurs could swap with the Irish or Welsh team that gets it like Liverpool last season (Shelbourne?). I'd like to see Henry and Campbell win the trophy because I think they are great players.

I can't not support Arsenal in the final, thinking "Come on Barca!" ??? How can you do it? You'd rather a club with no english players beats a club with some?

1 more thing -Sachin, wheres my rep?!!! :p
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So that's it, Chelsea have retained the Premiership as expected, well done to them.

I don't reckon they'll win it next year though, who's with me?

And Liverpool are only 3 pts behind Man U now, and could go equal on points if they beat Villa today :D
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