Football Thread

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The ref didn't spoil the game. Barca would have won anyways. Don't try and drag their acheivement through the mud. They deserved that win, and they got it. I'm a Madrid fan, and even I think that they earned it. Congratulations Barcelona, great job all season.

Spain with the double! :D
Firstly, I'd like to congratulate the Arsenal players - they were magnificient. As Thierry Henry said, they were playing against 12 men and 10 v 12 is almost an impossbile feat.

The sending off was a sending off. However, on any other part of the pitch, the ref would have played advantage and he could clearly see the guy was going to come in and slot it in. Keep the man and give the goal. It makes you appreciate English ref's, who get so much abuse, yet are quite clearly the best in the Europe if not the world. They pause to see if there is an advantage. The ref effectively ruined the game thanks to a lack of common sense and a stupid UEFA rule.

Ronaldinho best in world!!! You must be joking! He was crap. Overated by miles.

Back to the ref - It seemed as if it was a lottery on freekicks. Henry was booked because he got the ball! Plenty of Barca players should have been booked and yet wern't. I bet the Ref and his assistants are sitting in their little dressing room with signed Barca shirts. Where do UEFA find these muppets? Biggest game in Europe and they put a set of officials that are clearly not up to it in charge. You would have thought his perfomance in the Chelsea v Barca game would have ensured this.

One more thing. Commentators curse happened three times - all through David Pleat who should really do a radio show, I mean, he's so interesting :rolleyes:

Barca deserved the win mate? LOL!!! I've heard some rubbish.....but you take the gold medal! 11 v 11 Arsenal were kicking their arses.
YESss we DID it!!!


i think Ronaldinho's performence wasnt that good looked like someone gave him money to not to play good... coz he never played that silly..
Mised somthing - Whats this, trying to get people booked or sent off thing? Shows that Barca thought they needed it to happen in order to win. It's a rule that should get players booked, but, ofcourse UEFA/FIFA don't react until somthing is a massive problem e.g. diving.
Ronaldinho Played shite.. ARSENAL you have to give them the credit go 10 v 11 so early and still in lead for so long,.. HEnry up front on his own couldnt do anything he needed support and good booked for winning the ball. Arsenal unlucky to concede the 2nd and Barca lucky
Bad luck to Arsenal they did so well to hold the lead for that long. But in that 5 minute period Barcelona ripped the trophy away from Arsenal. This basically ends a bad year for Arsenal.
aussie1st said:
Bad luck to Arsenal they did so well to hold the lead for that long. But in that 5 minute period Barcelona ripped the trophy away from Arsenal. This basically ends a bad year for Arsenal.

Yep, although it is very creditable to get the final. I would laugh if tottenham got a chance at a reply against the hammers.
ohhh........... won't mind guys its...

Unlucky on Arsenal, in the end the 10 men just coldnt hang on long enough for extra time, Lehman either had to go or the goal be given and he stay on.
Superb performance by Arsenal. I agree with Muel, the ref was terrible. I was shocked to see he was the same idiot who sent off Del Horno!

He ruined the game, we all expected to see attacking football from both sides but because of him Arsenal were defending for nearly the whole game. I thought the linesmen were crap too, I was sure Eto'o was offside in the incident that got Lehmann sent off, and he was offside in the goal he scored too. :mad:

I think Wenger made a mistake of taking of Fabregas, they conceded the first goal 2 minutes after he was brought off! I think Flamini should've come on for Hleb. I was also a bit surprised at Henry's poor performance towards the end of the game. If he'd have got forward during that Ljungburg chance he might have scored. And the chance he missed at the beginning was a shocking.

Also, I think Almunia was at fault with the 2nd goal. It was going off target but deflected of him into the net. I'm sure Lehmann would've saved it, and if Barca's first goal was disallowed Arsenal would have won! :p

Rijkaard got it all wrong with the starting line-up, as soon as he brought on Larsson and Iniesta Barca were a totally different side.

We'll never know now whether or not the best side won.
People always complain about something don't they...

Being 1-0 down to Barca after 20minutes would hardly have been ideal. They are one of the best sides at keeping the ball, and with a lead would have played very much the same game, forcing Arsenal to chase the game, and then being able to kill them off in the final 20 minutes.

For all those saying Ronaldinho was crap. Football is not always about what you do with the ball. With Arsenal keen to limit his time on the ball, it was his movement that was the key, drifting in and out of positions and in turn taking defenders with him. Barcelona have enough quality to not need to give him the ball and wait for something to happen (Arsenal with Henry for example) So by drifting around, he in turn created space for the rest of his team. It was a team performance from 'Dinho instead of his usual flair and brilliance on the ball.

I thought once Arsenal were down to 10 men, Barca played the game perfectly. Used possession extremely well, and by 60 minutes in Arsenal had nothing left in terms of energy. For me they are very much deserving champions of Europe, and without too much doubt the best team in Europe. They have swept their domestic league, and won the European cup, all whilst playing some of the nicest football this decade. Hats off to Rijkaard, you've done a fantastic job.

I notice the same people all complaining the Ref should have played advantage for the sending off, also complaining that Etoo was offside. You can't have it both ways. The letter of the law has always said to give the attacker the benefit of the doubt, in that instance exactly that happened, and in my eyes doesn't happen anywhere near enough.
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puddleduck said:
Barcelona have enough quality to not need to give him the ball and wait for something to happen

All they did against Chelsea was give Ronaldinho the ball... :p

So basically you think the ref did a good job?
gold639 said:
All they did against Chelsea was give Ronaldinho the ball... :p

So basically you think the ref did a good job?

I'm not saying the Ref had the best game, but I feel he is getting too much stick. He was hardly appaling, and I don't think the decisions destroyed the game or were the sole cause for Arsenals defeat as a lot of people seem to be trying to imply.

Against Chelsea it was a different game, Chelsea gave him space to play, so Barcelona were able to use him prolifically. Against Arsenal they were playing with plenty of men behind the ball, so Ronaldinho drifted in and out taking defenders with him and opening up space. Then when they brought on Larsson, with fresh legs, he was able to exploit that space and often found himself with time because if you had to pick who to leave open, you'd probably go with Larson and not 'Dinho. No surprise either to see Belletti getting foward and finding himself completely free as again you just can't afford to let someone like 'Dinho have space to play in. As you kindly pointed out that Chelsea found out to their detriment.
themuel1 said:
Mised somthing - Whats this, trying to get people booked or sent off thing? Shows that Barca thought they needed it to happen in order to win. It's a rule that should get players booked, but, ofcourse UEFA/FIFA don't react until somthing is a massive problem e.g. diving.

Strange! you are a MU fan and supporting Arse{a]nal ....what a shame! I like the ste did he is a true liverpool fan so he didnt supported Aresnal! and as always a Man U fan who will never support arse[a]nal
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