Football Thread

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noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.........oh well...Arsenal did so well going in lead for so long with 10 men against the one of the best teams in europe...henry had some decent chances which he failed to convert but he needed support at front which he coudn't get...but still i am really proud of Arsenal to go such a long way with such a young team and hopefully they can go the whole way the next time...
gold639 said:
I was also a bit surprised at Henry's poor performance towards the end of the game.
It wasn't a poor performance on any level. After playing so long with a man down he was knackered. I dont think there is any player that wouldn't be.
Not a very exciting game. Unbelieveable call at the begginning to give it a NO GOAL! What is wrong with the ref?

Barcelona got lucky to win that one, especially that kick which went through the legs.
aitzaz said:
Strange! you are a MU fan and supporting Arse{a]nal ....what a shame! I like the ste did he is a true liverpool fan so he didnt supported Aresnal! and as always a Man U fan who will never support arse[a]nal

Don't no what it is like in Pakistan, but as soon as an english club does well in a european competition then most people in the country support them as they are the english team.
Well i watched it from the 25th minute and i was pretty proud of the boys effort.It was always going to be hard against a full strength Barca.The firswt goal was pretty close to offside........Sorry if that has been mentioned,haven't the time to read the earlier posts.Sorry.
Englishandproud said:
Don't no what it is like in Pakistan, but as soon as an english club does well in a european competition then most people in the country support them as they are the english team.
Well if it would have been any other english team i would have supported it !I am a English football fan and whatever the ppl say i am supporting England for the worldcup!last year i supported liverpool but there are two teams i will never support from england arse{a]nal and chel$ki as i am a die hard Man United Fan!
Kev said:
It wasn't a poor performance on any level. After playing so long with a man down he was knackered. I dont think there is any player that wouldn't be.

I didn't mean to say it was a poor performance, he was excellent against Puyol and Marquez.

When you see how Ljungburg was running around all over the pitch :p , it surprises you that Henry makes no attempt to get forward.

puddleduck said:
I'm not saying the Ref had the best game, but I feel he is getting too much stick. He was hardly appaling, and I don't think the decisions destroyed the game or were the sole cause for Arsenals defeat as a lot of people seem to be trying to imply.

I never said the ref was the sole cause of Arsenal's defeat...the linesmen were involved as well. :D j/k

You should've heard Andy Gray talking about the ref during the match! :eek:
aitzaz said:
Well if it would have been any other english team i would have supported it !I am a English football fan and whatever the ppl say i am supporting England for the worldcup!last year i supported liverpool but there are two teams i will never support from england arse{a]nal and chel$ki as i am a die hard Man United Fan!

All things aside when an english team gets to a major final, nearly everyone should support them as they are representing england.
yes this happens in every country if a team gets to a final which is a very big thing all the country is with them that night no matter what happens but there are some exceptions to the rule... which i think is very silly..
aitzaz said:
last year i supported liverpool but there are two teams i will never support from england arse{a]nal and chel$ki as i am a die hard Man United Fan!

Just go ask Gary Neville what he thinks of Liverpool. ;)
aitzaz said:
Strange! you are a MU fan and supporting Arse{a]nal ....what a shame! I like the ste did he is a true liverpool fan so he didnt supported Aresnal! and as always a Man U fan who will never support arse[a]nal

I don't mean this offensivly, but as I'm English, I supported the side representing my country as I'd hope every Englishman would.........(though, this wasn't he case). Ste made his own decision. It doesn't make him or me any less of a fan of our clubs.
Drewska said:
Yep, although it is very creditable to get the final. I would laugh if tottenham got a chance at a reply against the hammers.

It would be even funnier if Tottenham wins and grabs the fourth place. Is that decision already made if they will replay that match?

And it's not everytime that a person from a country will support a team in the final, who comes from the same country as the person. Since some clubs don't like the other club to win (residing in the same country). Like fans from Marseille wouldn't like Paris Saint Germain to win a final. The same goes with AC Milan and Inter Milan.

But everybody makes their own choices about that.
Englishandproud said:
All things aside when an english team gets to a major final, nearly everyone should support them as they are representing england.

I doubt that nearly all the kids in my skool that didnt support Arsenal were supporting Barca i mean WHY i couldnt understand them
It's true that a nation should unite to support their team in a major final. I can't speak for everyone, but even I supported Barcelona because I am a supporter of Spain. That's the great thing about football (and that's what makes the WC so great) - it brings people together.

As for the seems like the Arsenal fans wouldn't be complaining if they had held on to win. That's always true - blame the ref when you lose because you can't accept that the other team was better. Barcelona is a better side than Arsenal, plain and simple; even though the refs weren't THAT great. They are FIFA Approved - does that mean nothing to you all? Its not as if they pulled some guy off the streets to do it.

Barca may not have played their natural attacking style, but they didn't need to this time. They played a grinding game and it worked well - Arsenal was knackered by the end of the match.

Look, Arsenal fans, your boys finished SECOND in Europe. SECOND! That's an accomplishment in and of itself. Don't bring that acheivement down by slandering the other side!

Congratulations to both sides for their great runs in Europe. :clap
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