Football Thread

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gold639 said:
I can't believe you want them to sign a bloody diver. :eek:

Well, you have Drogba, Robben and Joe Cole. Thought we would even it out a bit :p
I think Man United lack a quality defender,Ferdinand doesnt seem to be worth his cost,I personally believe that someone cheaper like a Lucio or Hyypia might have been a better buy at that stage.
sid_19840 said:
I think Man United lack a quality defender,Ferdinand doesnt seem to be worth his cost,I personally believe that someone cheaper like a Lucio or Hyypia might have been a better buy at that stage.

Lucio would be a great signing.
sid_19840 said:
I think Man United lack a quality defender,Ferdinand doesnt seem to be worth his cost,I personally believe that someone cheaper like a Lucio or Hyypia might have been a better buy at that stage.

One problem with that. The media screw us over everytime we try sign a big player. Examples include Ronaldinho and Robben.

And some of you may think. James, why are you studying to be a journalist then? ;)

My response - "To screw Chelsea over" ;)
JamesyJames3 said:
One problem with that. The media screw us over everytime we try sign a big player. Examples include Ronaldinho and Robben.

And some of you may think. James, why are you studying to be a journalist then? ;)

My response - "To screw Chelsea over" ;)

Well, you've put my mind at ease Jim. Have a crumpet! :D

I agree. Media always do that. At least we have a hate figure in you McJim! :p
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Media screw us over everytime we sign a big player.....Is that an excuse??

Are you trying to say that the "useless" British media, who know little and talk more, are dictating terms to a club as big as Manchester United??
m_vaughan said:
Media screw us over everytime we sign a big player.....Is that an excuse??

Are you trying to say that the "useless" British media, who know little and talk more, are dictating terms to a club as big as Manchester United??

Its not an exscuse, its a fact. On both occasions when Ronaldinho and Robben were about to sign for us, it gets blurted out . Thats why United rushed John Obi Mikel into signing, so the media couldnt ruin that signing.
m_vaughan said:
Media screw us over everytime we sign a big player.....Is that an excuse??

Are you trying to say that the "useless" British media, who know little and talk more, are dictating terms to a club as big as Manchester United??

Chelski aren't affected because when its leaked, Chelski just up the price against opposition.
themuel1 said:
Who mentioned gimps? :eek:

Why do you always have to turn things into sexual things! :rolleyes:

Back on topic.......

United will thrash Middlesborough. Score line: 1-4 (United are away)
Nearly got it right :D

JamesyJames3 said:
Van Persie definately is, whats he done?

Fabregas has potential but isnt doing anything that stands out?

Toure is solid at times but is generally inconsistant.

So to answer your question, no im not, but i do like the occasional pint and this may explain my comments.
Van Persie! :mad Bloody awesome player.

hassan1823 said:
man arsenal need to do something,wenger needs to buy some decent players in Jan if we are to qualify for champ league
Yes we need a central midfielder.Replacement for Veira(Filthy traitor!) :mad:
I think there is a good young Argentine who could be bought by any of the top European teams,his name is Xavier Mascherano.
themuel1 said:
Middlesborough 4 Manchester United 1

Well, I can't be bothered to go on a long rant, as many of you don't read it.

They were crap. :mad

Ronaldo was left out which I don't understand. Fletcher (scottish, sorry but not good enough for Manchester United), O'shea (don't know why he is so lax this season, he needs a boot up the arse)

Paul Scholes (He's lost it. His corners and freekicks are rubbish, he can't shoot, can't create, he has to go)

There was one thing that was good about the game. Rio Ferdinand was subbed. Hopefully, dropped for the coming games and sold to Bayern Munich in exchange for Mr Ballack.

Alan Smith- I think he could be a great player. AT LEAST he tries is what I will say to his critics.
What a brilliant post!Reps.

sid_19840 said:
I think there is a good young Argentine who could be bought by any of the top European teams,his name is Xavier Mascherano.
Is he playing for Bocha?I've heard of him.
If Liverpool and Chelsea both win tonight, the group will be decided. Liverpool vs Anderlecht at Anfield, and Betis vs Chelsea at Betis' ground iirc.
sid_19840 said:
I think there is a good young Argentine who could be bought by any of the top European teams,his name is Xavier Mascherano.

His name is Javier Mascherano, he plays for Corinthians iirc. Quality defensive midfielder. Juventus, Chelsea, Real Madrid, AC Milan - They were all after him a few months ago.
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