General Cricket Discussion

All the cases you have mentioned have been umpiring mistakes, not a failure of the technology aspect.

Again why are you trying to distinguish between Human interpretation errors, and Tech errors. Both are equally a part of DRS. The ump interpreting the data is as much a part of DRS, as the tech which is providing the data for interpretation. So which part is failing is irrelevant. The overall system still fails.

Hawkeye is tried and tested

Umm ... is it? I know the ball tracking part is, in so far as it tracks the path the ball has actually taken.

However the part of DRS, which predicts what the ball would do after impact with the pads, is the part that BCCI has a problem with. BCCI says that if the ball impacts the pads just after pitching, there is no way Hawk Eye can possibly account for the variable bounce if say the ball hit a crack, or a damp spot or the dusty area of the pitch. In all these years on this debate, I have never read one article that says the path predicting part of DRS was ever tested, or tested especially with regard to Cricket. Even if the test was done for tennis, it doesn't hold for cricket, as Tennis is played on a pristine surface. Cricket on the other hand, is played on pitches that are full of uneven spots cracks, dents, and the bounce also varies depending on the pitch or whether the ball is new or old. A ball will bounce more in Aus than it will in India, and how can Hawk Eye, when predicting the path the ball will take, if the impact is just after the ball has bounced, possibly account for all these variations. Has this point ever been tested? If it has been then why doesn't someone send the report to BCCI and say your objections have been proved to be rather pointless.

Also the larger point remains, and its this, even if u are right, that after DRS 95% more correct decisions are now made, which is better than say the previous 94% more correct decisions, before DRS. However the point is that 5% are still wrong, and that is not where I have a problem with DRS, that its not 100%.

The problem with DRS is that in the 5% errors, if there are errors that include those from DRS, and there are (Akmal being the latest) be it tech fail or human interpretation, then the system needs to be looked at. I don't see why ppl are so eager to argue with that.
In other words, the onfield umpire gave it n.o., and there was nothing on sniko or a clear deviation, hence the on field Ump was right, and yet it was overturned, when in other cases it would not have been overturned. This is the point I am making. There are inconsistencies in DRS interpretation which don;t help matters. There cannot be a situation where two diff umpires look at the same replay and yet one says out the other says n.o. DRS Interpretation has to be uniformalised.

So if the umpire gave it out, you would have over turned it to not-out? Two different interpretations of footage. How would you formalise this?

Differing interpretations of footage isn't exclusive to a DRS situation. That's the nature of video footage and human error. People were arguing video footage well before DRS came along. You can't formalise human error. One umpire looks at it. He says out or not out.
So if the umpire gave it out, you would have over turned it to not-out? Two different interpretations of footage. How would you formalise this?

Yeah. If there is no deviation and no spike on sniko, of course I will rule it not out. Also where are two different interpretaions. Its n.o. after DRS review, regardless of wat the onfield umpire ruled. Hence uniformity post DRS.

Differing interpretations of footage isn't exclusive to a DRS situation. That's the nature of video footage and human error. People were arguing video footage well before DRS came along. You can't formalise human error. One umpire looks at it. He says out or not out.

No I am sorry, bt I cannot agree here. Either there is a spike on the sniko as the ball passes the bat, indicating an edge or there isn't. If former the player is out, if there isn't tehn the player is n.o. THere is no inbetween here, and hence no room for interpretation, let alone different interpretations.[DOUBLEPOST=1424087302][/DOUBLEPOST]
So look at it and find improvements while leaving in place the best thing we have at the moment.

And what happens when confusion regarding areas that are unclear arises. We just live on with another DRS fiasco?
No I am sorry, bt I cannot agree here. Either there is a spike on the sniko as the ball passes the bat, indicating an edge or there isn't. If former the player is out, if there isn't tehn the player is n.o. THere is no inbetween here, and hence no room for interpretation, let alone different interpretations.

And what happens when confusion regarding areas that are unclear arises. We just live on with another DRS fiasco?

I said VIDEO FOOTAGE. Not snicko. There is room for interpretation on the video footage. Some say that they saw a slight edge/change in seam position. Other say they didn't. That right there, is an in between. Those are differing interpretations.

Yes. Better to live with an infrequent DRS 'fiasco' than another instance of India not using DRS and no one getting to reverse a horrible decision. It's not even up for debate at this point. It fixes more decisions than it gets wrong. Thats the whole point.
so the espn online streaming only works in the us. anyone know what the canadian (legal) equivalent is?

ICC Cricket World Cup 2015

but this is just ridiculously priced compared to espn, or just anything else.


Sorry Sharvi, I don't think I can help you here. I get Sky sports at home so I haven't looked at any sort of packages. I have often seen @1iram1 and @abhi_jacko discuss about this, so if you guys can help him out here.

Those packages are expensive and it sucks that willow is not showing the WC matches this time.
That was funny saying we dont use DRS because Sachin or Dravid would have got out lbw because of DRS. You know what we used and using DRS better than anyone else. Its just that we don't want a decision going horribly wrong and then opponent moaning about it everytime. We just want a fair match. :p

unfortunately, that is the only "proper" way to watching world cup in Canada. The price is absolutely ridiculous !! I would have thought about paying something in the 80-100 range which is already pretty darn high. 180+taxes is just ridiculous

Have personally gone with this IPTV option which has Sky Sports on it (dunno about its authenticity, but it works).
@shravi - There is a site called which offers Telugu channels for $15/month. And it seems as part of this package, they are offering the World Cup matches along with it. And from what I have heard from my friends, you can unsubscribe from their package once the WC is over (i.e. no contract, no commitment). Which means you will be paying $30 total (since the WC is more than a month; 40+ more days).
That was funny saying we dont use DRS because Sachin or Dravid would have got out lbw because of DRS. You know what we used and using DRS better than anyone else. Its just that we don't want a decision going horribly wrong and then opponent moaning about it everytime. We just want a fair match. :p

Of course you do. It was Sanjay Manjrekar who suggested the conspiracy theory when working for Sky Sports on an England tour. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if the senior players were asked and said it was a bad idea. I love it now when an Indian batsman gets a howler and don't have DRS available. Very satisfying.
Well since the all-knowing Manjerakar said, it must be the noble truth :)
Of course you do. It was Sanjay Manjrekar who suggested the conspiracy theory when working for Sky Sports on an England tour. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if the senior players were asked and said it was a bad idea. I love it now when an Indian batsman gets a howler and don't have DRS available. Very satisfying.

So You think Sachin & Dravid with such a talent & legacy Behind him would have went to BCCI and Said "Listen up buddy dont use DRS , we will be out lbw every time against SIR SWANN ."
Not saying he would have gone out of his way to block DRS, but I'm sure his opinion would've been asked. You can see why he'd not want it. Can only benefit someone like Swann.

Look how KP had to change his game against spin once DRS was introduced. It ruined him for a small period of his career. He basically started playing everything from well outside leg stump on the back foot. If I was a batsman and could avoid something forcing me to change my technique or strategy, I'd avoid it.

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