General Questions Thread


these are my best players, what do you think? and how can i improve them
You lucky bugger, Wotton is a handy enough trainee. Put him on 2 batting and 1 keeping and a fitness/stamina net if you want.
Other two you are better off selling as their consistency and stamina are too low and training them would be pointless for your team.

You can basically have 2 other trainee if you do the 2 primary 1 fielding net system. So go to the transfer market and see if you can find a guy with at least
Age: 17
Stamina: Mediocre
Batting/Bowling: Mediocre/Competent or if you see a cheap respectable guy that won't blow your budget go for him.
Concentration/Consistency: Mediocre

After that find the same type of guys but older 20+ they usually don't go for too much. I would recommend you have about 50-100k in the bank left over after all this buying.
cool now its like ICC, why keeping?? i didnt think he was any good? what position in the order do you bbelieve he should be? and do you get specialist openers
If they have good concentration, then up the order. If he has bad concentration and stanima, then keep him down the order.
i will go have a look at my order now, when do nets become effective?
If they are 20 or lower. The older they are, the longer it takes for them to pop.
no but i just put one guy in for 2 bat and 1 field, when will he start to improve? or actually have the net session
see the top of this page, and im talking when will net sessions take place?

Ian Wotton
You should be training mainly 17 year olds. Do what Aussie said and you should be fine.

You might want to read this

No offence Griff, but you are more noobie than when I started. Don't worry we all get over that stage :D
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im not really worried.... i understand it all now
Trust me. There is so much more to understand. Plus you could've been in a worse stiuation, at least your team isn't coming last.

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