Getting ball to bounce of the pitch with drives

All non trigger shots, regardless of footplacement front/back go in the air too much without bouncing of the pitch..
So I just got out at short cover hitting a cover drive.

After noticing this thread I did a little test, I did this another 5 times and every time I was out caught at short cover, not one shot on the ground.
With regards to the Straight Drive being fielded by the Bowler , they can take the online example and just have it behave the same for Offline mode.

The difference is very clear between Online and offline mode in this regard , as with Online the Bowler will not stop 8/10 straight drives.

Just one thing for BA to consider "if and when" they fix the ball in the air scenario :

With the ball having to travel much more on the grass , please tone down the braking effect of the grass down a bit , as it slows the ball down excessively ,

and will only have a bigger effect if the ball is hit into the ground , resulting in even less well timed shots reaching the boundary.
Drives for me always seem to bounce on the 30yard circle...
Ugh, almost had my first career fifty on Pro cam/Legend just now... Was on 47 from 48 balls and playing really nicely, get a short ball and pulled it, hit really sweetly and flew off the bat... Only for the player at forward point to make a nonchalant one handed catch high to his left... So frustrating :mad.
With regards to the Straight Drive being fielded by the Bowler , they can take the online example and just have it behave the same for Offline mode.

The difference is very clear between Online and offline mode in this regard , as with Online the Bowler will not stop 8/10 straight drives.

Just one thing for BA to consider "if and when" they fix the ball in the air scenario :

With the ball having to travel much more on the grass , please tone down the braking effect of the grass down a bit , as it slows the ball down excessively ,

and will only have a bigger effect if the ball is hit into the ground , resulting in even less well timed shots reaching the boundary.

Yup, that needs to happen as well along with shots going to the ground. Currently the outfield looks like it's made of glue and the ball behaves quite erratically. Occasionally it stops a well timed shot wich seemed like traveling to the boundary and in some cases the speed of the ball actually increases as it approaches the boundary. Again, the ball-outfield physics were way better prior to patch 2. A well timed shot actually traveled to the boundary and it looked pretty realistic as well.

Edit: And I do hope that someone who has played the game extensively at Big Ant plays the game before patch 3 is released so as not to introduce any new bugs. Standard shots going in the air issue was apparent to folks after playing the game for 10 mins or so. It looks like a different set of users tested patch 2 and that's why the issue creeped in.
The more I play the more this issue is frustrating me... These aerial no trigger shots account for most of my dismissals recently and it's ruining the batting experience. Seeing the videos in this thread of what the console version was like prior to patch 2 has opened my eyes even further to how pronounced it is.

I also find it strange that the guys at Big Ant didn't notice this and needed it to be pointed out by us. It is such a dramatic difference and identifiable in only a few minutes play.
We all know about the "power ground shot" triggers, yeah? We do? Okay. Cool. Just checking...

*drives off the pitch along the ground through mid-off for four*
We all know about the "power ground shot" triggers, yeah? We do? Okay. Cool. Just checking...

*drives off the pitch along the ground through mid-off for four*
On Veteran or Legend they are pretty dangerous and result in a lot of edges or misses. From my experience they also seem actually less likely to reach the boundary than the standard shots even with good timing... So it's a dangerous 'aggressive' shot that gets you less runs anyway so I very rarely use them, unless I can jam the triggers down as I attempt a cut or pull because it doesn't matter so much if you miss those.

Even if the double trigger shots were a viable option to keep the ball on the ground safely, it doesn't negate there actually being a blatant problem with the regular shots.
We all know about the "power ground shot" triggers, yeah? We do? Okay. Cool. Just checking...

*drives off the pitch along the ground through mid-off for four*

^ this worked for me as well...

Even if the double trigger shots were a viable option to keep the ball on the ground safely, it doesn't negate there actually being a blatant problem with the regular shots.

but getting caught at short cover playing a cover drive is getting tiresome.
On Veteran or Legend they are pretty dangerous and result in a lot of edges or misses. From my experience they also seem actually less likely to reach the boundary than the standard shots even with good timing... So it's a dangerous 'aggressive' shot that gets you less runs anyway so I very rarely use them, unless I can jam the triggers down as I attempt a cut or pull because it doesn't matter so much if you miss those.

Even if the double trigger shots were a viable option to keep the ball on the ground safely, it doesn't negate there actually being a blatant problem with the regular shots.

I don't play any higher than PRO, so I dunno about those issues, but there's a function in the game where you can define either lofted power or along the ground power and the former works great, for me, on PRO.

I don't agree that I should have to hold down triggers to always play along the ground shots, but currently until it's tweaked, it works just fine. I think without em, they should prolly be tweaked but it's not nearly as big an issue as this thread makes it out to be.

I edge plenty in PRO using or not using the triggers, I genuinely think it's just down to timing the ball either way.

It's a risk in real cricket, any kind of drive to the wrong delivery, I think balance-wise it's about right.

Any who, there's a function in the game there, that works. Maybe I'm just really good at timing drives? I doubt it though. Online, I seem to have had reasonable success with those trigger shots and they look great as well...

...would I prefer I didn't have to use em all the time? Sure, but it does work.
The triggers are fine if you want to play an aggressive shot but I would prefer the ability to nudge and nurdle the ball around the field under control, without being overly aggressive. I'm sure in a future edition of the game this will be available.
I play the game on Pro against the AI so my comments are purely based on this.
I played three 20/20 games this morning. I wasn't able to hit the the ball immediately in front of myself once. The ball nearly always travels 20-30 yards at a catchable height. Luckily for me the ball went between the fielders most of the time.
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Pro is quite forgiving with the timing compared to Veteran and Legend, especially with the trigger shots so it doesn't really compare.

There is a risk in real cricket of chipping the ball up by driving the wrong delivery, but that is nothing like what the problem is in the game - it is something that happens on all shots to all deliveries meaning there's no argument to be made for it being balanced or not. It's not caused by the user's mistake and there's no way around it other than going for a risky full-blooded swing.

Being able to hit controlled shots along the ground safely is batting 101 so this is entirely as big an issue as this thread makes it out to be.
Sure sure, but the triggers work just fine as they are now. Don't always go for four and keep the ball along the ground...

It's not perfect, but I would debate the merits of 15 pages on the topic vs getting better at timing and using the triggers.

As I said, I think there's room for improvement clearly for some of y'all but a I'm reading a lot of waxing lyrical about this "issue" which I think everyone is aware of and is in need of maybe being a bit more flexible when it comes to the non-trigger shots. But as it stands, there is a function in the game certainly on PC that does exactly what you need it to do when it comes to driving the ball in PRO mode.
I'd agree there isn't much wrong with trigger shots and I use them when I am established at the crease. It's the non trigger shot that needs adjustment. I would like the ability to hit shots short of the fielders for quick singles and to manoeuvre the fielders around. I'm not sure if this could be achieved with the current shot selection setup, but taking some of the power from non trigger shots might be a way to achieve it now.

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