Good News I Have Found The Stroke Files!

Shahid Afridi said:
can u play an advance defence shot because sometimes they bowl yorkers and i miss them

Yes you can, just press the advance button with no direction pressed
The OPT files in the GOB are red herrings..they don't do anything..try changing something.

Also there is only 40 OPT files..

The files controling the Fields are in XML format and there are exactly 210 of them.
I've downloaded them Eddie but not had a chance to try them out yet. Hopefully later or tomorrow. Good work though mate :cool: .
Thanx I will have to edit the default field so they have a 3rd man or backward point .

Identified 4 default fields so far.
can someone also do something about the front foot flick through midwicket.. it always goes to teh fielder

how do i know which part of the stroke file the shots that eddie edited go. cause the 4308... files is huge and has lots of strokes, i dont know where to put in the 3 shots he edited
Step-by-step instructions:

1. Extract the GOB using BIG GUI program.
2. Find and export the BIG file which contains the stroke files (saf's)
3. Extract the BIG file.
4. Find and export the shots you want to edit.
5. Edit the shots.
6. Import the stoke files you edited back into the BIG file you exported in step 2.
7. Import the BIG file back into the GOB.
8. COMPRESS the BIG file.

There you go, sounds more tricky than it really is.
how exactly do i do step 4. this is what i did so far. i did steps 1 2 and 3. now i have the big file and opened it in notepad. ALL the strokes are on one notepad file. how do i find the shots i want to edit, for example the three shots you edited
well since u have the file i uploaded, you can skip steps 4 & 5.

Move straight to step 6. Rememebr to change the file from .txt to .saf.

Now that i think about it i think i deleted the shot file before importing the edted file.

For example (importing shot12)

-look for shot 12.saf in the BIG file.
-Delete it.
-Then import the one i edited.
-Then follow steps 7, 8 & 9.

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