Good News I Have Found The Stroke Files!

ok I have downloaded the eddie file (latest one i think) were do i install it to ?????
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This is just a question for eddie or someone else who knows, how do you figure out which shot files are for which shot?

open each stroke file, note the line and length of the delivery it is played to and the direction of the shot itself.
Eddie said:
does anyone know who is working on a player attribute editor?

cos i have an idea to slow down those hyperactive fielders..

Lower all the player speed values. Only leave the exceptional fielders with high speed (eg collingwood, ponting etc..)

That should slove the problem .

So, who is working on a player attribute editor?

I just had a fiddle with this...

Created a team of players in game with only 20 pace each. Made a real difference, I even ran a 3. I'm not sure what the agilty attribute does. Is that for diving etc.?

If somebody makes an editor, I think this is a fairly reasonable solution to the quick fielders

btw, kutgw eddie :cheers
Created a team of players in game with only 20 pace each. Made a real difference, I even ran a 3. I'm not sure what the agilty attribute does. Is that for diving etc.?

If somebody makes an editor, I think this is a fairly reasonable solution to the quick fielders

btw, kutgw eddie

20 pace was probly a bit exteme, most the players seem to have ~80 for speed, wonder what 100 speed would look like :p ..but i am glad it worked..

now we just need an editor.....anyone? :help
Eddie said:
now we just need an editor.....anyone? :help
Prakash may be the man, although I'm not sure if he's got the game or the inclination (hope so though ;) ).
This is great news Eddie, thanks for your efforts. Lets hope we can find a way so it can be installed easily for everyone to use.
more good news...i have found the following ODI fields:

Fast open 2
Fast open 3
Fast open 4
Fast open 5
Fast open 6
Fast open 7
Fast open 8

Medium open 1
Medium open 2
Medium open 3
Medium open 4
Medium open 5

so before the end of the night i will have some "realistic" fields to use in ODI's. Like slips, 3rd man, 2 close catchers ..etc.
Ya Eddie you are the man !!! These fields just suck and the Ai doesnt help either !!! Waiting for your fields !!! PLus something about the outfield speed could be done !!!
eddie! wat is that LONG TEXT FILE name. wat effect does it have in the game?

i meant the one in PAGE 8 or 9

have another prob. i added SHOT12 and 13 and 14a and then compressed the whole BIG file, i.e. all the shots. then the game successfully loaded fully. then when i played the Straight drive, the game alone hanged, came back to windows and saw this error.


can someone help me with this?

no worries, i just figured it out. and BTW, the cover drives seem to be going towards gully. if it was going towards point or even Cover, it wud have been SO REAL!

WTF, i REPLY and all my replies are in ONE STUPID POST!
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are there edited shots for FRONT FOOT STRAIGHT DRIVE?

and i aslo saw PADDLE SWEEP, how to play it?
Kaifu said:
are there edited shots for FRONT FOOT STRAIGHT DRIVE?

and i aslo saw PADDLE SWEEP, how to play it?
for a right hander do the following....

hold SIX BUTTON all the time and then hold UP + LEFT and press FRONT FOOT shot batsmen will then play reverse sweep
kymsheba said:
for a right hander do the following....

hold SIX BUTTON all the time and then hold UP + LEFT and press FRONT FOOT shot batsmen will then play reverse sweep

There is no specific key combination for playing a paddle sweep IMO..Its just normal sweep shot with proper timing (a bit late ?)..
Pat said:
There is no specific key combination for playing a paddle sweep IMO..Its just normal sweep shot with proper timing (a bit late ?)..

ah. thnx. for a sec i started to think if i was confused between PADDLE SWEEP and REVERSE SWEEP.


this file was attached by Eddie in page 8. can someone tell me wat effect it has in the game?

also, are there any shots available other than SHOT12, 13 and 14a???
hey guys, its been gr8 tht we are getting close to cracking the game. nice work eddie.

i've ON after many days now and have no idea what all has been done.

Request :

1. PLZ somebody post or give a link to the latest stroke files released.
2. PLZ somebody explain in detail as to how to install stroke files into the GOB.

i've trying to find it out myself but didnt understood a single word.

plz dont quote some old description on how to install coz i read tht but didnt understand.

thnx guys....waiting for reply.
Kaifu said:
ah. thnx. for a sec i started to think if i was confused between PADDLE SWEEP and REVERSE SWEEP.


this file was attached by Eddie in page 8. can someone tell me wat effect it has in the game?

also, are there any shots available other than SHOT12, 13 and 14a???

Yes there are many others available..Check out few pages back..

And regarding the 2bb7ad25c9aa96dc7b6f670d84a4df83.txt file,it provides "Slightly modified pitch conditions" and "Modified 50 over pacing" configs..

tutsipoppy2 said:
hey guys, its been gr8 tht we are getting close to cracking the game. nice work eddie.

i've ON after many days now and have no idea what all has been done.

Request :

1. PLZ somebody post or give a link to the latest stroke files released.
2. PLZ somebody explain in detail as to how to install stroke files into the GOB.

i've trying to find it out myself but didnt understood a single word.

plz dont quote some old description on how to install coz i read tht but didnt understand.

thnx guys....waiting for reply.

Tutsi,did you get ur copy of the game yet ?? I think the instructions are quite simple..Which step of installation are you stuck at ??

One more thing,as the shot files used are exactly of the same size/format as that of Cricket 2004,cant the same set of shots be imported into the game..I mean people like tutsi have worked really hard on it and i think we must try those Cric 2004 shot files in cricket 2005 !! Tutsi do you mind if i post your shots(saf's) from your cricket 2004 patches ??

Heres the list of strokes identified by Eddie ::

Shot12.saf :--> cover drive def (Modified Version by Eddie Available - Yes)
Shot13.saf :--> cover drive att (Yes)
Shot13b.saf :--> cover drive "6-hit" (Yes)
Shot14a.saf :--> backfoot cover drive (Yes)
Shot15.saf :--> straight drive main (No)
Shot15c.saf :--> straight drive 2 (No)
Shot15d.saf :--> straight drive 3 (No)
Shot19.saf :--> leg glance 1 (Yes)
Shot19c.saf :--> leg glance 2 (Yes)
Shot19d.saf :--> leg glance 3 (Yes)
Shot20.saf :--> leg glance 4 (Yes)
Shot20a.saf :--> leg glance 5 (Yes)

jonah said:
I've got to say I've had the same problem as others, even after changing the file to a .BIG file and importing with BigGui the game crashes on loading. It doesn't if I import each stroke file seperately.

I think you need to compress the big file after importing into worked for me!!
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