Grand Prix-F1

No refuelling. Good or bad?

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Well the way drivers backed off after their flying lap is just down right dangerous. Mind you, it wasn't just the McLaren guys who did it. I guess they just happened to be in the wrong place on the track.

To be honest, the whole system of qualifying is badly thought out. They have this situation now where drivers conserve fuel because they got rid of the fuel credits (because that was in itself just stupid). For me the best solution is to stop all this carry fuel into the race, let them go out on whatever fuel they want. I always want to see the fastest guy at the front, not all these false grids caused by differing fuel strategy.

Yeh, just seen the video. If this system of qualifying carries on, then one day we'll see a big incident. There were atleast four other cars in that shot going as stupidly slow speeds. Not moaning about the McLaren's getting penalty, as you said, wrong place, wrong time, but it's still inconsistant on the stewards part. Raikkonen in Australia cost Kubica a couple of seconds and he doesn't get punished. Is it really that hard to be consistant with punishments?
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They are consistent. If Ferrari does anything wrong - change the rule so its legal. If McLaren does anything wrong - throw the book at them then go find some more books and throw them too. If Renault, Red Bull, Honda, Toyota or BMW do anything wrong then haul them infront of the stewards, actual punishment is optional. If teams like Super Aguri do anything wrong well it doesn't really matter they aren't going to win anything anyway ;)
hehe.. thats why said as, " History! ". ;) And this one isn't biased either on Schumi or Ferrari..

So just a confidence booster for both Ferrari drivers. Or may be as usual, engine reliability problem comes into picture from nowhere in the middle/end of the race. :rolleyes: The worst thing which isn't expected from a good competition is these kinds of unfortunate problems. :upray

This reminds me Hakkinen's retirement in one of the races(I don't remember which circuit it was) in the final turn of the last lap. He was running as no 1 and Schumi as no 2. All of a sudden, McLaren car stopped in the final corner of the last lap. Schumi won the race. He personally went to Mika after the race and exchanged warm handshakes and feelings for that unfortunate happening. I remember this very well because, I was jumping like India-Pakistan cricket match during that race. :p

2001 Spanish GP. Half way through the last lasp something flies off the car and schumi wins, also gifts Villeneuve first BAR podium and First Montoya Podium. Than Coulthard gave Hakkinen a lift back to the pits
Massa :( He spins for second consecutive time. this was really unnecessary.. Both the Ferrari's were going so nicely .. :mad: Anyways, all my hopes on Kimi now.. Ferrari had to make their first win after Schumi in Malaysia. :upray

And what a poor first pit stop for Hamilton.. That guy was struggling to fit the tyres which costed 20 seconds stop ;) Very Unlucky to the driver!
Yeah Kimi won it very easily. :happy Poor Massa though. :( Only 3 points difference between Kimi and Lewis now.good race by Kubica.I hope for a Massa win in Bahrain.
Massa is a ******. I've said this before, he just doesnt deserve to drive a Ferrari. Kimi doing a professional job in the end of what was a pretty good race. I was quite happy to see the Toyota of Trulli and Red Bull of Webber do well. Disappointing eighth place for Alonso, but really there is not much he can do with that car. If he scores more points this season that Kovalainen and Fisichella did last year, then I'd say he has done well.

Ferrari proving their class in this race. Too bad they dont have a good second driver.
Well,in that case who should drive a Ferrari ? Massa looks to have some trouble with the control of the car.He fell out in a similar fashion in Albert Park too.

BMW are proving themselves yet again. A second podium finish are ahead of Ferrari in the overall Constructor's Championship.
Great race by Kimi from start to finish he drove mistake free. With the traction control off Massa really seem to struggle more than any other drive in the field it seems.
Its nice to see teams like Red Bull, BMW and Toyota drive competitive races instead of just Ferrari and Mclaren, Kubica is a good driver maybe he could dive a Ferrari in a few years.
Maybe I am wrong but I seriously think there are better contenders for Massa's place. Kubica is one good example.

Yes,he was the one who came to my mind. I had my thoughts on Jenson Button too.

Great race by Kimi from start to finish he drove mistake free. With the traction control off Massa really seem to struggle more than any other drive in the field it seems.
Its nice to see teams like Red Bull, BMW and Toyota drive competitive races instead of just Ferrari and Mclaren, Kubica is a good driver maybe he could dive a Ferrari in a few years.

You are right Dare,the traction control seems to have troubled Massa a lot.
Well, I have a good opinions on Massa though. His only problems being his aggression. The aggressive driver struggling with the traction control. thats it ;) The way he drove the car in qualifying was a pure class. Only Kimi and Massa outsmarted each and every other driver during that qualifying.

So I believe, Massa's problem should be sorted out soon. Who knows, in next race, Massa might win it too :D
I thought the race was rather average.

1) We need fuel credits back to stop this conserving of fuel whilst the clock is still ticking down.
2) F1 cars need to be redesigned so they can cope with the hotter air, ie, scrap naturally aspirated 2.4 V8s and bring in Turbo/supercharged 2l V6s.

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