Grand Prix-F1

No refuelling. Good or bad?

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While I usually enjoy a bit of Massa bashing, I'm not sure if he just dropped it. It was kinda an odd place and way to loose the car, possible mechanical gremlin??
While I usually enjoy a bit of Massa bashing, I'm not sure if he just dropped it. It was kinda an odd place and way to loose the car, possible mechanical gremlin??

For his sake I hope it is, if he keeps driving the way he is he could be without a job at the end of the season. I think the solution is that he needs to install traction control into his right foot, he cant drive like a daft person anymore the car won't make him look good.

Stuff fuel credits it'll only stop the slowdown after the runs, what needs to come back is the hour session and 12 laps of freedom. At the moment the pole sitter may not be the fastest car mainly because he's running about 4 laps shorter or whatever the case may be. Don't you just miss the days of watching the last 5 mins of qualifying on the edge of your seat, seeing drivers using their last laps on the minimal fuel scrambling to just gain that little extra?
I'd prefer a return to the hour quali session myself. I can see why they changed it, as everyone was waiting until the end of the session until they did their runs. How about an hour long session - 12 laps each but you must have done a run in the first 20mins to get a time.
While I usually enjoy a bit of Massa bashing, I'm not sure if he just dropped it. It was kinda an odd place and way to loose the car, possible mechanical gremlin??

If it was a mechanical gremlin we'd have heard something out of Ferrari.

To me, he was throttle happy. It sounded like that's what it was, looked like it too. An odd place? Well last season maybe. He was increasing throttle at that point and with no TC it's fairly easy to drop it. Maybe the tyres picked up a bit of dirt round the fast corner.
I'd prefer a return to the hour quali session myself. I can see why they changed it, as everyone was waiting until the end of the session until they did their runs. How about an hour long session - 12 laps each but you must have done a run in the first 20mins to get a time.

Teams would surely exploit that, though?

My first thought was "do a lap that uses as little fuel as possible" inside the first 20 mins, then wait until the end.

Can't see what's wrong with this one myself.
Well you'd want to get your 12 laps in. 12 laps only gives you a max of 4 shots at qualifying. 3 if you want 2 timed laps per run. If you want to waste 3 laps then fine. They're be none of this silly fuel load stuff anyhow. Load the car with as little fuel as you want for quali.
I want Rosberg in Ferrari. Hes superstar material.
My tip for Ferrari would be Vettel. Toro Rosso are gonna be sold off to new owners and they currently use Ferrari engines. Could be a deal done there. Unless Vettel stays with Red Bull to replace DC of course. Don't think moves for either Rosberg or Kubica are likely, McLaren offered big bucks for Rosberg last year I believe and were turned down and I just can't see BMW letting Kubica go anywhere, they don't need the money. In fact I reckon Alonso to Ferrari is more likely.
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Indian company Spice is in bidding for Torro Rosso. That will make 2 Indian teams then :happy
Massa is top of both practice sessions. McLaren's and everyone else is a mile off.

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