H0wZ4T! Presents World Wrestling Entertainment.. [Just like Ric Flair...]

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Monday Night RAW - Preview
27th August 2007

It is possibly one of the biggest venues in wrestling history, Madison Square Garden. And this week on RAW, we are at the Garden for a three hour bonanza to celebrate the chairman, Vince McMahon's birthday. It is sure to be one hell of a night...

At SummerSlam, John Cena defeated Mr. Kennedy and King Booker to retain his WWE Championship, but at the same time he sided with Vince McMahon and assaulted Kennedy. This week, Cena will be in a non-title singles bout with Shawn Michaels, as McMahon continues to find someone to humilate DX. Will McMahon's new apprentice succeed? Or can DX cause another humilation for Vince?

The Hardy Boyz recently won their seventh Tag Team Titles, defeating Cade & Murdoch. But, the Redneck Wrecking Crew have invoked their rematch clause and there will be a title defence on RAW. Can the Hardyz see off their enemies? Will Cade & Murdoch win back their titles?

Also, the road to Unforgiven begins with two Open Invitation matches to decide who will fight for the vacant Intercontinental Title. Who will go to Unforgiven? Besides, Vince has declared people from all brands can participate...

The Scheduled Matches:

John Cena vs Shawn Michaels - Non Title

The Hardy Boyz vs Cade & Murdoch - WWE Tag Team Championships

Open Invitational #1

Open Invitational #2

Val Venis vs Cody Rhodes


SEPTEMBER'S REWARD: Winner gets to choose the type of match for the Main Event at Unforgiven...
John Cena vs Shawn Michaels - Non Title

The Hardy Boyz vs Cade & Murdoch - WWE Tag Team Championships

Open Invitational #1 - You're joking! I have to choose out of the entire roster? Lucky guess hopefully. Shelton Benjamin

Open Invitational #2 - Elijah Burke

Val Venis vs Cody Rhodes
John Cena vs Shawn Michaels - Non Title

The Hardy Boyz vs Cade & Murdoch - WWE Tag Team Championships

Open Invitational #1 - Shelton Benjamin

Open Invitational #2 - Umaga

Val Venis vs Cody Rhodes
John Cena vs Shawn Michaels - Non Title

The Hardy Boyz vs Cade & Murdoch - WWE Tag Team Championships

Open Invitational #1 Shelton Benjamin
Open Invitational #2 Charlie Haas

Val Venis vs Cody Rhodes
Sorry for inactiveness, but I am super mega lazy, :D

RAW will be up by Saturday people, so if you want to, get those predictions in!
Erm...yes of course. Why wouldn't we. Best at the moment. Actually second best behind mine and chez's :p
I am thinking the same, i really get into the competition, it's a great story.

27th August 2007 – RAW from Madison Square Gardens, NY.

Val Venis vs Cody Rhodes:
RAW kicks straight off with the opening match between Venis and Rhodes. Cody Rhodes took early control of Val Venis, hitting him with various combinations and submissions. Rhodes then locked Venis in a Boston Crab and Val Venis struggled to escape. He crawled to the bottom rope and managed to break it, but when he got up, Rhodes hit the Flowing Snap DDT for an easy victory.

Rating: C

Segment One:
As Rhodes celebrates his victory, JR and Jerry Lawler discuss the events of SummerSlam and how Cena assaulted Mr. Kennedy. Suddenly, John Cena’s music hits and he cockily walks to the ring. Cena tells the fans that they disgust him, how he doesn’t need them and why he is the Champ. He receives massive heat, until there is a commotion in the crowd and Shawn Michaels appears! Michaels runs into the ring and Cena flees just in time! The crowd chant for DX, as Michaels shouts at John Cena, who is stunned. Eventually, the ring is clear and JR prepares for the first Open Invitational.

Rating: A

Open Invitational #1:
There is a dozen of the WWE midcard in the ring preparing for this over-the-top Battle Royal, when the bell rings. Immediately, tag teams work together to eliminate people and the bodies begin to fall. The last four are Shelton Benjamin, Edge, The Great Khali and King Booker. Benjamin and Edge team up and double clothesline Booker over the top rope, leaving only three people remaining. Khali shoves Edge and Benjamin away with his bare hands and he lifts Edge into the air, but Benjamin delivers a low-blow and Khali stumbles into the ropes and Edge spears Khali over the top rope! Shelton and Edge match each other and they lock up in the middle of the ring. Edge whips Benjamin into the corner, but Benjamin flapjacks Edge into the ring post and he dropkicks Edge out of the ring! Benjamin is going to Unforgiven!

Rating: B

Segment Two:
Shelton Benjamin stares at a furious Edge, who slowly walks away from the ring. The scene changes to the Tag Team Champions, The Hardyz. Maria asks them about their first defence and Matt Hardy laughs. He says that Cade & Murdoch are hillbillies, who can’t handle the new Hardy Boyz. They are ready for them and they will not bow down to them. Matt walks away, while Jeff tries to flirt with Maria, as RAW cuts to commercial.

Rating: B

Segment Three:
The commercial shows a video package of SummerSlam, with Cena and Orton retaining their titles and Carlito winning his. It then shows DX, Batista and RVD and says that are after them. Finally, it cuts information about Unforgiven on the 16th September.

Rating: C

The Hardy Boyz vs Cade & Murdoch – WWE Tag Team Championships:
Jeff starts out with Lance Cade and Cade quickly takes control of him. He hits Jeff Hardy with hard suplexs, throws and kicks. Cade also kept quick tags with Murdoch, who also dominated the Rainbow Haired Warrior. However, Jeff’s determination shone through and he hit a huge reverse neck breaker to Murdoch! Jeff dived to his brother and got the tag! Matt steams into the ring and obliterates Cade & Murdoch in a crazed fury and he even threw Lance Cade out of the ring! Matt Hardy whipped Murdoch into the ropes and hit a Side Effect… Hardy stalks Murdoch… TWIST OF FATE! Hooks the leg; 1…2…3! The Hardyz retain!

Rating: B

Segment Four:
The Hardyz celebrate with their belts, until Cade & Murdoch recover and run towards the champs. But, Jeff sees them and hits a corkscrew senton onto both men! Jeff rises to his feet and the crowd cheers for the Hardyz. Backstage, DX are sitting around in the corridors, to which the crowds pop. They have stolen Vince McMahon’s car keys, with the help of Cryme Tyme. HHH says about how they hope Vince enjoys their little gift on his birthday. They pay Cryme Tyme and DX stand around laughing still. What is the little gift?

Rating: A

Open Invitational #2:
Practically, the rest of the WWE roster start in this match and they immediately run towards Umaga, to eliminate him. It takes a couple of sacrifices, but eventually the team of Super Crazy, Kevin Thorn, Elijah Burke and Big Daddy V topple Umaga to the outside of the ring. After a couple more eliminations, Kane and Mr. Kennedy remain in the ring. Kennedy takes the fight to Kane and climbs the turnbuckle, delivering a huge flying crossbody to the Big Red Machine. But, Kane is unfazed and he just powers Kennedy over the top rope… But Kennedy is hanging on! Kane runs towards him and Kennedy pulls the rope down! Both men fall to the floor…

Rating: B

Segment Five:
As video evidence shows on the titantron, the referees come to a decision. Lillian Garcia announces that both men were eliminated at the exact same time, so the battle royal is a draw! Vince McMahon storms to the ring, with John Cena in hand. He announces that Unforgiven will see an Intercontinental Championship match, a Triple Threat between Benjamin, Kennedy and Kane! The crowds pop and they go nuts, when suddenly:


DX run to the ring and Cena/McMahon retreat to the outside. Shawn Michaels slides into the squared circle and he starts to threaten Cena. McMahon joins the commentating team.

Rating: B

John Cena vs Shawn Michaels:
Cena begins the match in quick fashion, taking the fight to HBK. He showed how McMahon had taught him to cheat, using cables, his boot and the steel steps. However, Michaels began to fight back and he reversed an FU into a crucifix roll up pin, for a near fall. They locked up again and Cena went for a Five Knuckle Shuffle… but HBK rolls out of the way! Michaels stalks Cena… SWEET CHIN MUSIC! He collapses onto Cena, 1…2…3! DX continue to defeat McMahon’s army! However, it isn't over as McMahon tells Michaels that he will face Cena at Unforgiven for the WWE Championship!

Rating: A

Segment Six & Seven:
Vince McMahon quickly drags John Cena up the entrance ramp, as DX tell them to Suck It! They head backstage and McMahon shouts at the useless Cena, who just says he is sorry. Vince looks for his car keys to flee, but he can’t find them.

They walk into the parking lot and McMahon/Cena is met by a horrifying sight. There is a giant ribbon, saying Happy Birthday from DX and Cryme Tyme are sitting in Vince’s limo, laughing. McMahon asks what is going on and looks on the backseat. There is a giant sumo on the seats and JTG says that he is a male escort! Vince screams for DX, as the sumo drags him in. Cena tries his best to chase the limo, but Cryme Tyme drive away, as RAW closes!

Rating: A*

Overall Rating: B

Quick Results:
Cody Rhodes over Val Venis.
Shelton Benjamin won the Open Invitational #1.
The Hardy Boyz over Cade & Murdoch to retain the WWE Tag Team Championships.
Kane and Mr. Kennedy draw the Open Invitational #2.
Shawn Michaels over John Cena.


OrderDX – 4
sd92 - 3
The Spin – 3
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another great show i am really finding the mcmahon cena angle strange but good to see DX heavily involved also nice triple threat for unforgiven overall a very good show well done!

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