Harry Potter Mafia - The End! Abhas/Death Eaters win!

Yeah. Abhas contributes a lot to mafia games.
No one's really targetted Mark, Abhas or ARay yet. Abhas is away so it's a bit hard to place anything on him, but Mark should really be posting more, and in depth, being one of the more experience mafia players
Yeah, that's why I said it's strange that Varun said Mark's clear, when no one's really targeted him.
Yeah, that's why I said it's strange that Varun said Mark's clear, when no one's really targeted him.

Ughh, this is too much. I just thought that being an experienced member, Mark, if mafia, would clearly be the godfather. But he didn't use his role on night 1 (don't ask me how), that's why I just thought he was cleared up. And that's why I asked somewhere back about the possibility of a bus driver, cause I feared my role had been switched.

Thanks for letting me virtually reveal my role. :facepalm
Umm, I don't think experienced member thing has anything to do with being mafia or not. It is decided randomly who is who.
Need I remind you that I started the paki lynch? and got us a mafia (purely by chance admittedly)

The fact that roles are not revealed at death has changed the game at least imo, I'm just as confused as some of the noobs. My lack of knowledge about Harry Potter is not helping either
Need I remind you that I started the paki lynch? and got us a mafia (purely by chance admittedly)

I think it was chewie who started the lynch on paki.
Anyways I think we can no longer get anything out of this discussions.
Lets vote one single person off.
Lynch: Papa smurf
To be honest with you his role claim seems sketchy.
He claims paranoid cop (which is essentially a useless cop)
A mafia can easily use it as guise to hide under it and find town power roles.
Plus he has suddenly become super inactive.
At least this is my opinion.
If you guys disagree let me know. Right now I doubt I have anything more to add. There isn't much to go in. In the end if all of you decide on someone else I will go on for the heck of it because there is no information to work on.
Where is smurf?He has the second most active member(post wise that is)and now he suddenly is real quite.I want to hear his defense he has been making people role claim quite a bit
Interesting. Not much has happened since I was last on, except that I'm a master criminal-mind with an ingenious plan to play as a double-agent so I can expose the power townies. Almost makes me to not want to deny it.

But sadly, it isn't true. I'm not that clever, nor would I have even dared to false role-claim, in case someone did have that character. Believe me when I say that I'm Trelawny. As for the paranoid cop, that is only my suspicion, not fact. As for me not being active lately - my last post was yesterday morning. Haven't been online since, and to be honest, I've been more active than most of you lot.

And that is all I will say in my defence. Believe me if you want to, but I frankly couldn't care less now - this game has become a total dull.

I've said whatever I can say in my defence but if I'm still not able to convince you all then I don't have any other option then to role claim. I'll give a hint : I've one of the important roles in harry potter. Each night I can follow one member. Am I allowed to tell which member I followed and what is my exact role?


First of all, I never said "role-claim Aditya, it's your only defence". Just that you could have presented a better one. Second of all, if you were going to role-claim, then why not simply state your character instead of giving away the role (for e.g. Bevab). That way, we would have believed you, and you wouldn't have told the mafia about your importance. The fact that you didnt state your character and just gave your role, makes me think that you're either mafia who's just trying to act like an important townie, or you're completely stupid. Either way, you deserve to go.

My lynch stays, and there's nothing you can say now to change my mind. Shame, cos I am now definitley suspicous of User and Mark. User for the first one to suggest that I am a double agent, and perhaps revealing his own thought-process. Mark for changing his lynch so many times it's making my head spin.

FOS: User and Mark
Papa Smurf: 2 (ARay, Mark)
Aditya: 1 (Papa Smurf)
Matt121: 1 (Bevab)
Mark: 1 (User2010)

7 required to lynch. Approximately 24 hours remaining.
Yeah, I don't think we're going anywhere today, I'll just lynch Matt again.

Lynch: Matt121
vote: aditya


lynch: aditya

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