Harry Potter Mafia - The End! Abhas/Death Eaters win!

Who do you want to investigate Mark? Maybe we can smuggle something? :p

I am not sure but I reckon Abhas may be the right call?

If this works go for it, Me and Abhas are both townies. Or Me and Abhas are in the same team. I am going for myself, as I guess everyone believes I am townie. :)

Everyone else use your roles to try and investigate dodgy members. Do not waste them. We dont know whos going to die at night, but I think its going to be me. I am the only one who hasnt roleclaimed, and the mafia obviously thinks I am Harry so let them kill me. Eitherway I cant do anything at night, so it will be better for the town anyways.
No, seriously, your double vote is much more important to the town than anything I'm providing.
How about Mark, you investigate Varun.
User, if you are that confident that your role will help the town, why don't you just tell us why? It would not waste our night roles.
already investigated Papa Smurf claim, will post results when I get them
Since you have done that, Smurf check out the identity of Abhas. It was interesting how he tried to divert attention from himself. Surely Abhas, you dont mind us suspecting you, considering you were quiet for substantial amount of time, so we cant really figure you out.
Smurf can't check anyone because he's a paranoid cop. He is very helpful in other ways though...

Aditya and Varun are the ones who have role claimed as cop/tracker.

Personally I would have checked Hedger's role claim...
Yeah, I was under the Imperious Curse.

Following on from what I said before I was put under it, I am James and Lily Potter, Team Ghost-aligned Harry's Brave Parents.

My role is I can send a PM to Chez every night, which he'll pass on to whoever is Harry. As far as I can see it's rather pointless, hence why I only used it on night one.

I win if Harry is still alive at the end, so despite being individually aligned, I'm more or less pro town, so there's no point in lynching me off because if it's just me left with the town at the end, we'll all win, and by keeping me here it's an extra vote against the mafia.

I would advise Mark to investigate Papa Smurf.

Yawn, heaven is soo nice.

Snake Babu.


Itzzu me.

Joker's quote.

The town is going to win this game soon.:facepalm Enjoy your victory town.:cheers
Bevab, stop posting. You're dead and we don't really need you.
Bkb, I'll be the happiest person if mark investigated me, but according to the game situation, it would be a waste of a night. Also, considering there might not be a doc, we have people in danger. That's why I wanted him to investigate the most suspicious.
Smurf can't check anyone because he's a paranoid cop. He is very helpful in other ways though...

Aditya and Varun are the ones who have role claimed as cop/tracker.

Personally I would have checked Hedger's role claim...

I did check Matt's role (now Hedger's) on night 1 and he came up as a death-eater aligned.
Hedger doesn't believe you. That's why I wanted Mark to check Hedger's role claim.
If I'm not wrong, didn't Varun investigated him too?

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