How are you doing in your career?

What did you choose for your career player?

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@MattW I didn't realise it had changed in Patch 2? I thought you just lowered the difficulty? I'm only in my first season of career on PC but are you saying it jumps straight away or something?

Confused Smiley

Basically, PS3 was fine, just starting on PRO was too hard.
@MattW I didn't realise it had changed in Patch 2? I thought you just lowered the difficulty? I'm only in my first season of career on PC but are you saying it jumps straight away or something?
Original game: 1 level jump when you reach International Cricket (and only for International Cricket/IPL) - so start on Pro, end at Veteran.
Patch 2: 1st level jump when your helmet rank goes up, 2nd level jump when you reach international cricket - so start on Pro, get to Veteran in the first year or so, get to Legend when you make it internationally.
I guess starting on Amateur was the right decision then, I had NO idea it had changed. This guy, did not get that. Yeah, that needs to switch back to the way it was post-haste.

Disregard any other posts from me on this topic, I'm coked out or something. Clearly need to play less online with @MattW and more career mode... Best I disconnected that WiFi...
Its actually worse than that.

I started at rookie and was under the impression that the second jump would occur at international level. But not so!!

I went to helmet 2 by end of season. So went from rookie to Amateur. By half way through the next season I had moved to Helmet 3 and was no where near International selection!

I put it down to my practicing using the nets and the 60 ball limit between games.

Still no one answers my question that if success raises the skill level then shouldn't bad form help lower it?

Neil W
Still no one answers my question that if success raises the skill level then shouldn't bad form help lower it?

I've seen posts by @HBK619 to the effect of the difficulty increases as your stats increase, so under normal progression the difficulty rise should be cancelled out somewhat by the stat increase and the human player having developed a better understanding of how the game is supposed to be played. Apologies I can't find the specific quote, but it seems that if the difficulty were to increase or decrease with form, it would go against what the developers are trying to achieve.

In terms of your own progression, it just seems like you had a fantastic season and racked up an absolute tonne of skill points, that's all.
Still no one answers my question that if success raises the skill level then shouldn't bad form help lower it?
No, because it doesn't rise on skill level, but at preset stages. So what would 'bad form' be defined as ... batting average of 10, 30?

Mind, I agree that I don't think it's a good implementation, let people toggle it back down or something and we'll all be happy. I meant to see how hard it'd be to edit the savefile, but I think I'll just about cope with Pro so lost the urge somewhat :)
I started on Veteran and although I'm finding batting quite difficult having got over 50 just once and made 30+ on a handful of occasions, I'm finding the bowling to be much less of a challenge.

Trying to dismiss batsmen caught behind is a frivolous task, although I've had a few, it's just not playing the percentages to do this. Getting them to chase a wide one isn't a tactic in the game, so now I've just gone to bowling good/full at off stump pretty much 99% of time because it limits/stops the scoring (gone for less than 10 runs in 4 T20 overs a few times) and now and again they will miss one to be bowled/lbw or just chip one up to mid on/off with the occasional edge behind. With no real strategy involved I'm averaging about 15 with the ball...

I used to really enjoy the bowling and on occasion still do, but in general it feels quite monotonous now and a lot of the time I wish I could just simulate it and have a bat, might start a new career as a pure batsman.
I started on Veteran and although I'm finding batting quite difficult having got over 50 just once and made 30+ on a handful of occasions, I'm finding the bowling to be much less of a challenge.

Trying to dismiss batsmen caught behind is a frivolous task, although I've had a few, it's just not playing the percentages to do this. Getting them to chase a wide one isn't a tactic in the game, so now I've just gone to bowling good/full at off stump pretty much 99% of time because it limits/stops the scoring (gone for less than 10 runs in 4 T20 overs a few times) and now and again they will miss one to be bowled/lbw or just chip one up to mid on/off with the occasional edge behind. With no real strategy involved I'm averaging about 15 with the ball...

I used to really enjoy the bowling and on occasion still do, but in general it feels quite monotonous now and a lot of the time I wish I could just simulate it and have a bat, might start a new career as a pure batsman.

I definitely think bowling could do with a bit more depth. Whilst it's possible to set batsmen up on occasion, a lot of the time it just seems as though wickets fall when the AI screws up. It just doesn't feel as though you can manipulate a properly functioning AI batsman, so you just have to focus on bowling well, and wait for when the AI fails.
I started on Veteran and although I'm finding batting quite difficult having got over 50 just once and made 30+ on a handful of occasions, I'm finding the bowling to be much less of a challenge.

Trying to dismiss batsmen caught behind is a frivolous task, although I've had a few, it's just not playing the percentages to do this. Getting them to chase a wide one isn't a tactic in the game, so now I've just gone to bowling good/full at off stump pretty much 99% of time because it limits/stops the scoring (gone for less than 10 runs in 4 T20 overs a few times) and now and again they will miss one to be bowled/lbw or just chip one up to mid on/off with the occasional edge behind. With no real strategy involved I'm averaging about 15 with the ball...

I used to really enjoy the bowling and on occasion still do, but in general it feels quite monotonous now and a lot of the time I wish I could just simulate it and have a bat, might start a new career as a pure batsman.

It's a crying shame actually. First game to ever get bowling controls right, but the scarcity of AI edges still makes bowling a boring chore.

The closest I've ever got to having a "strategy" work was putting in third man, fly slip, square gully, deep backward point and bowling short outside off stump and getting them to square cut and caught by my fielders. A general bowl it in the right areas and catch an edge strategy doesn't exist.

Occasionally as you say you'll get bowleds/lbws because they miss it but again it's not usually because you've bowled 3 overs of out swingers then slipped through an in swinger, the game just decides to have them miss one. You don't feel you've won through strategy.
Original game: 1 level jump when you reach International Cricket (and only for International Cricket/IPL) - so start on Pro, end at Veteran.
Patch 2: 1st level jump when your helmet rank goes up, 2nd level jump when you reach international cricket - so start on Pro, get to Veteran in the first year or so, get to Legend when you make it internationally.

not with me, i started at pro reached veteran after helmet rating 2, played few more games (no international or ipl)reached helmet rating 3 and voila difficulty level is now "legend".
starting age is 16 , still in first season.
Yeah that's exactly the feeling I get - wickets merely come when the AI screws up, it almost feels like you're a spectator and if that's the case I might as well just simulate through it.

There just isn't enough to keep the bowling fresh - the way the AI plays is pretty chanceless with next to no edges (especially thick ones) and when they play & miss it's not like there was actually any danger...
Yeah that's exactly the feeling I get - wickets merely come when the AI screws up, it almost feels like you're a spectator and if that's the case I might as well just simulate through it.

There just isn't enough to keep the bowling fresh - the way the AI plays is pretty chanceless with next to no edges (especially thick ones) and when they play & miss it's not like there was actually any danger...
Did you see the ones where you get them 'just' outside off stump, those that in real life would be a great ball the ones that get edges, and they just step outside leg and leave it as if it was a foot outside off rather than an inch. Those are heart breaking
I've seen posts by @HBK619 to the effect of the difficulty increases as your stats increase, so under normal progression the difficulty rise should be cancelled out somewhat by the stat increase and the human player having developed a better understanding of how the game is supposed to be played. Apologies I can't find the specific quote, but it seems that if the difficulty were to increase or decrease with form, it would go against what the developers are trying to achieve.

In terms of your own progression, it just seems like you had a fantastic season and racked up an absolute tonne of skill points, that's all.
The difficulty will go down if you're dropped to a lower level and can potentially drop down if you lose skill points (which are deducted but at a very low rate).

The difficulty level will rise if/when you go up a helmet level (only once though) and if you make it to International level (again, only once).
Thanks for clarifying! :)

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