How are you doing in your career?

What did you choose for your career player?

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Sounds really great. I love the perspective of viewing the ball coming on as the batsman too. Really gives you the feel of being out there in the middle, and knowing you've got the weight of the team's expectations on your shoulders, so you better try and not screw up. Somehow in games where you always see the ball coming in from the bowler's perspective, I've cared less about that, but I think this might be a key part in the career mode. Just from the videos I've seen every ball feels important somehow, and when you've got your career best statistics to think about as an individual player, I think I'm going to find myself caring a lot more about my performances than in other games.
Sounds really great. I love the perspective of viewing the ball coming on as the batsman too. Really gives you the feel of being out there in the middle, and knowing you've got the weight of the team's expectations on your shoulders, so you better try and not screw up.


Infact I played the videos uploaded so far on my TV at 720P and imagined that I am playing this game. I tried to judge the line and length of the delivery and had a controller in my hand to mimic the footwork and shot I would play with to that delivery, and though initially it was difficult to do so, once I started getting a hang of it, I could easily judge the line and length of the delivery without even looking at the circle (though the circle helped in highlighting the ball). Eventually I got 90% of them right. It really felt fantastic as there is now a challenge to not only hit the ball to the boundary but even play the defensive shots, something which is 'most' critical in cricket and yet had been missing in all previous games.
^Or you must be going nuts :D. Its just an example of how desperate we are to play DBC 14. Something Ross must realize (imo he does) the hunger for a decent cricket title among fans here on PC and in general. I have tried to make do with every title that came out after BLC 99 but no game could keep me busy for more than two weeks. A lot hangs on this one. I hope its worth the wait.

Infact I played the videos uploaded so far on my TV at 720P and imagined that I am playing this game. I tried to judge the line and length of the delivery and had a controller in my hand to mimic the footwork and shot I would play with to that delivery, and though initially it was difficult to do so, once I started getting a hang of it, I could easily judge the line and length of the delivery without even looking at the circle (though the circle helped in highlighting the ball). Eventually I got 90% of them right. It really felt fantastic as there is now a challenge to not only hit the ball to the boundary but even play the defensive shots, something which is 'most' critical in cricket and yet had been missing in all previous games.

Now that concerns me a little. DBC14 fetish much? its just that I wanted to see how difficult it would be to bat without the markers :p

Yeah, not generally being great at batting myself, I was quite taken aback at how real it feels just watching the videos, and the feel of being out in the middle and so on. Like I said, that seems to really amp up the responsability you feel towards your performance somehow. You have to judge it all yourself, and it could have a big effect on the outcome of a match. Same with the bowling, I think each ball's going to need the same care and consideration going into it, especially in career mode where if you bowl a bad over, you might not get the chance to bowl another one for a while. Get the impression that you feel a lot more engaged with the team - hope it comes out that way in the full game.
I would love to bat at 3, the ball would still be new if one opener is out early, so I'll have to value my wicket, I might be a "blockerdave" a bit, punish on bad balls, leave more outswing deliveries, and play more on the legside as I'll have to simulate or watch my team bat should I be out early, or if I get a chance to bowl my leg-spinners and enduce outside edges,,,career mode is gonna be Baus
I would love to bat at 3, the ball would still be new if one opener is out early, so I'll have to value my wicket

So many little details like this I hadn't even thought about, just because I wouldn't consider them in any other cricket game. You lose one wicket, never mind, just do better with the next player in. The emphasis of being one player in a team and the importance of your performances, particularly relevant to your position in the batting lineup or role in the field or as a bowler and so on, without then just switching to someone else whenever you feel like it, is so exciting somehow. People will have completely different careers depending on where in the lineup they play and so on. I wonder to what extent we're able to tell the game the kind of player we want to be, attributes and so on aside.
So many little details like this I hadn't even thought about, just because I wouldn't consider them in any other cricket game. You lose one wicket, never mind, just do better with the next player in. The emphasis of being one player in a team and the importance of your performances, particularly relevant to your position in the batting lineup or role in the field or as a bowler and so on, without then just switching to someone else whenever you feel like it, is so exciting somehow. People will have completely different careers depending on where in the lineup they play and so on. I wonder to what extent we're able to tell the game the kind of player we want to be, attributes and so on aside.

That's what is gonna be great about the carrer mode feature, no second chance, lbw first ball you gone, lol,,,before we start the career you'd have chosen your place to bat in, but all will depend on where the AI captain will put you, if not in a desired position, you will have to work your way up the order by how you play, strike rate, runs scoring and so forth, if say you are an expensive part time bowler, you might never see that chance again, Hahahahaa
That's what is gonna be great about the carrer mode feature, no second chance, lbw first ball you gone, lol

Exactly, haha! I'm getting excited just thinking about that!

before we start the career you'd have chosen your place to bat in, but all will depend on where the AI captain will put you, if not in a desired position, you will have to work your way up the order by how you play, strike rate, runs scoring and so forth, if say you are an expensive part time bowler, you might never see that chance again, Hahahahaa

Oooh, didn't know that, thanks! Is that position you choose at the start set as a number which can't then be changed, or is it more of a flexible guideline of your ambition (opening batsman, upper order, middle order, lower order, tail, etc), if you know? Just thinking my main role in the team will be as a bowler, but I've always tried to get some runs on the board as a batsman too, without being anywhere near good enough to make 'all-rounder' - if I have to choose a number, I could go with something like 8 or something I suppose, but it's kind of variable depending on the ratio of batsmen/all rounders/bowlers in a given team, so it might be better if it was a bit more general? Having said that, it might be better to try and play at 6 or 7 or something if the AI tail isn't that good and I want to have more chance to bat, but that depends on me being any good myself, haha! I don't know, I haven't seen the details on that - sounds great though!
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Well from the bowling perspective, you'll obviously be batting down the order, but with your contribution with the bat and how good you are at it, the captain will sure move you up, and with skills gained on each match as you progress, you might end up a bowling all-rounder,,,in my case, I'll end up a batting all-rounder,,,Nice hey!
Yeah, I don't think I'd be good enough to be batting at 6 or 7, but I'd like to come in at 8 if possible, so maybe I'll put that as my choice if it's number based. Like I say, I don't know if I'd quite make it to 'all rounder' status, but I try and get some runs on the board and be a bit of a danger to the bowlers if I can, so playing at the top of the tail end would probably be about right. That's the basis I'm going off anyway, but yeah, if I perform well in game, I might get to be a bit better, or if I don't perform so well, I might not be quite at that level. Then with the versatility of the career mode, it might be worth trying a different save as a completely different kind of player to get both perspectives.
This mode will keep us playing the game for a looong long time, take Ashton Agger for an e.g in domestic he bats in the middle order, but Aus use him him in the tail, thus we saw that 98 he scored, I would to play this till the day I'm made captain, then I can didctate my position in the order. I hope we not far from playing this game
In the career mode does your player always have the BARS to use or are there times when the reviews have been used up by the time you come on to bowl/in to bat?
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