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Spinners are my big problem, I just want to belt them to all corners. Over extra cover being my favourite, and the amount of times I've been caught by mid off, not deep mid off, running all 40 odd metres and catching me near the ropes is annoying. Only take up the shot without a mid off and extra cover now.

Cause when I just clear the boundary, the distance is normally 77M or so.

Nothing better than a back foot on/off-drive normal power and being caught by long on/off. How I got it that far playing off the back foot and the ball around shoulder height is beyond me. Yes I normally take 1 or 2 balls to remember the hook shot again as I react quickly but forget the angle with my right thumb.

Can't wait for the days you put on some virtual headset and you play the shots with a virtual bat in hand(hopefully wont be dead and buried and to old for this), as nothing replaces that feeling.
OMFG I went from being a long way off to no chance for county cup, my life is over it's 12 at night an I gotta wake up at 5am to milk my cows and all I wanna do is write hate mail to big ant for making a fantastic game I also hate everyone who has made a ton
The most unexpected sentence I have ever read on PC.

Hey dairy farmers love cricket, I love the sport, I'm truley enjoying the game since the patch and can't wait for the improvements to come with patch number 2 hands beats ic2010 with a stick
Spinners are my big problem, I just want to belt them to all corners. Over extra cover being my favourite, and the amount of times I've been caught by mid off, not deep mid off, running all 40 odd metres and catching me near the ropes is annoying. Only take up the shot without a mid off and extra cover now.

i don't know how achievable it s in terms of a programming algorithm and how it fits in with existing parameters etc. but for every 5m the fielder has to cover to get to the ball, there should be a reasonably significant deterioration in their chances of catching the ball... same with diving.

i want there to be spectacular catches in the game, but i want them to be relatively rare, "wow" moments, rather than the regular occurrence they are now where they're an annoyance (even when you're bowling) rather than a jump out of your seat "did you see that?" thing.
Arrrggghhhh just got to 97, really patient innings and was looking dead set to get my first ton. My tactic was not to play any risky shots in the 90's. Got to 97 and the AI pushed the field up. The Spinner then threw up one outside off stump, I just couldn't resist and tried to cream him over the top, got an edge through to the keeper.

Now I need to go and buy a new controller!
I really must be playing way too much

Firstly, ive never had a problem playing leg side on the front foot, flicking in front or behind square for boundaries, this shot is effectively my block

And too people like blocker dave, u guys must be playing on a harder level on pro

The last two days i have had the following scores in FC And List A games: 114, 85, 79, 74, 68, 64 and 50. Thats just my last 2 nights

Now i dont mean to post this too sound arrogant, i mean to post this too tell you guys to stick to it, my run of form is ridicolously satisfying... Im in a zone, and im a ps3 ------ generally...

These are my tips for batting, im not saying listen im just telling u what i do:

- never block! I just dont do it, too me its too risky

- 80% of my shots is front foot legside!! Use it as your block...

- always know the speed of the bowler, when he is bowling 140+kph always play early, the slower he gets the fractionally later u play intil he gets too 90-105kpf, when bowlers start hitting that pace then play your shot just before it bounces

- ALWAYS PRE MEDITATE YOUR SHOT! Im sorry guys, its a must

- use reverse sweep as much as possible too the spinners, and play the spinners like dlow bowlers, play your shot just before the ball bouncers

- never play a leg side shot in the air! U just dont need to do it

- when there is no long off, or extra covers (deep or standard), smash that shit straight, easy runs with the lofted cover drive, but dont play this shot until after u have faced 10+ balls

- never play the following shots: front foot cut shot, normal straight shot or, and i cant stress this enough NEVER EVER EVER PLAY A BACK FOOT SHOT!!

Eventually i may be sble to play a back foot shot but its just too risky, simple equation: the chances of getting bowled on a front foot shot are s hell of alot less than playing a back foot shot, a front foot shot to a bouncer gets you a hit in the head!! Big deal!! A back foot shot to s yorker gets your ass bowled!!

This is mick whiskas advice to you all, take it or leave it!!
i don't know how achievable it s in terms of a programming algorithm and how it fits in with existing parameters etc. but for every 5m the fielder has to cover to get to the ball, there should be a reasonably significant deterioration in their chances of catching the ball... same with diving.

i want there to be spectacular catches in the game, but i want them to be relatively rare, "wow" moments, rather than the regular occurrence they are now where they're an annoyance (even when you're bowling) rather than a jump out of your seat "did you see that?" thing.
I agree with that one handed diving catches and running 60m to catch a ball no ways ha
In my defence I let you all have the previous ones for two or three days ;)

That was particularly kind of you. But it's kinda like @MattW justifying the execution of @biggsbubs by saying, "Well, we let him befriend his parents first." Obviously not on the same scale, but the point still stands.
And too people like blocker dave, u guys must be playing on a harder level on pro

i play on pro... i'm just not very good (but improving slowly)...

- never play the following shots: front foot cut shot, normal straight shot or, and i cant stress this enough NEVER EVER EVER PLAY A BACK FOOT SHOT!!

Eventually i may be sble to play a back foot shot but its just too risky, simple equation: the chances of getting bowled on a front foot shot are s hell of alot less than playing a back foot shot, a front foot shot to a bouncer gets you a hit in the head!! Big deal!! A back foot shot to s yorker gets your ass bowled!!

This is mick whiskas advice to you all, take it or leave it!!

to be fair, i have got out tons more times playing forward to a short ball and mistiming the ball (chip to extra cover is my signature shot) than i have getting out playing a back foot shot. my player is very short, so the bouncers get very big on me if i don't play back... upside is i get plenty of wides from the ball going over my head.
Started career over playing as a bolwer
Figures so far

7 Matches
639 balls bowled
239 runs
89 wickets
BB 10/ 10
BBM 16/10
AVg 2.69
Econ 2.24
SR 7.17
5W 12
10W 6

Batting eish so much bad luck, nicks played ball on
just not getting batting right yet
Guys, when accepting a contract offer what's the number in the diamond shape to the right of the team? Finished first season on 32,270 career points :).

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