IC10 playtest @ Codemasters - 4 June

He no longer has to suffer your abuse having left Codies at the start of the year. He was involved in producing it before that not that I expect either of you to give any credit for that if the game turns out to be great.
I liked Jamie, he was a cool guy, he produced a good benchmark after nothing for 2 or 3 years.
Should be a sitcom :p


As for "abuse", that's a bad analogy. Criticism he earned. He tried to pull a fast one on cricket gamers one more time, but this time we weren't falling for it. I'm glad to see the back of him.

On the other hand, Rob from Transmission was great. Told us the truth and tried to fix the game. Kudos to him.
and one last thing if there is a simulate cpu innings there should be an option for simulate 10 or 5 overs not just one please

He he,:D This guy kills me, keeps asking for stuff to be put in the game, I think its a bit late for that, probably best starting a IC2011 suggestions thread, if theres not one already.
So you 4 guys will be playing in about haif a day.
Very exciting, if it was me. hard to sleep.
We all know the kind of things we all want
to look at. edges and line and lenth, ai runouts and
just ai. But one annoying thing i would like to know.
The noball problem, if thats fixed, if not then trickstar
need a good kick up the butt.:yes

Yes, I hope the no ball problem is fixed.
Hi guys,

Its Mohamed.. i have just reached home somehow after meeting an fatal accident on M40 today whilst going to Leamington spa. Me and My brother escaped with minor injuries.

i know you were all counting on us to go and giving you an honest review, but my fate has something else written for me.

Just thanking god at this moment and time that we both managed to survive. I am sorry guys. :(
Hi guys,

Its Mohamed.. i have just reached home somehow after meeting an fatal accident on M40 today whilst going to Leamington spa. Me and My brother escaped with minor injuries.

i know you were all counting on us to go and giving you an honest review, but my fate has something else written for me.

Just thanking god at this moment and time that we both managed to survive. I am sorry guys. :(

Glad both of you are allright. Shame about the visit but what does it matter in the light of life and death?
Glad both of you are allright. Shame about the visit but what does it matter in the light of life and death?

Thanks mate! It is a shame that i did not make it, but never mind life matters more than anything. :)
Ouch, hope you're ok srk! Were you hit or did you hit someone or something?

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