IC10 playtest @ Codemasters - 4 June

First of all thanks guys for taking the time and trouble! Hope you are all well and hope you are all happy with what you saw today!:)
No ball problem guys, please tell me.
Also, ic2010 for aus out for the ashes in dec.
I hope its wrong, only 1 site so far has said that.
Its got a price to, $93 guys.
I suppose the first question would be, is this game an improvement on the console version of AC09, particularly the offline experience against the AI? If it is an improvement, which ways has it improved, if it is worse then in what ways is it worse?

It is certainly an improvement. I put it on easy and slogged the CPU around a bit, so I restarted and cranked it up to hard. Again I played Bermuda, then one of the blokes from codies (I'm useless with names) was very amused at me getting duck, after duck, after golden duck.

Eventually I got better but this was not the Bermuda whipping boys of past games. i am certain the AI has improved, or has batting system just got harder?

I struggled to cope with FOUR batting elements at once. BATTER POSITION, SHOT SELECTION, POWER, FOOT. It really makes you think. Just in case anyone on here thinks they are a chief, try turning the HUD's off. I do not use these letters often but 'OMG' it was impossible, but also highly rewarding when you bowled a good ball. This will definitely stretch even the most experienced gamers.

Action Cam is a great addition - it really puts you in the game. Not available in 2 player mode on the same machine though, unsurprisingly.

Seeing as I have ended up writing more here than I thought, I have 2 negatives...

  1. I advanced down the wicket, in plenty of time my batsman put his bat back 'in the crease' and was then stumped, closer inspection showed the bat was just short. Error in the game maybe?
  2. No random option for ground, ball wear or team selection. This really annoyed me as it is such a simple addition and is already there for Wind and Temperature

Did the bowlers leg breaking the stumps bit happen?
Didn't see it and without sounding harsh, don't really care about it. We had quite a chat whilst at the train station about what we were really looking for in this game. To be honest, I think I saw it.:yes

rlfan82 added 1 Minutes and 59 Seconds later...

One more point I forgot to raise today - totally unrelated..

Why can't we have Jonah Lomu's Rugby on Xbox Live Arcade? :mad: ;)
Hi glad to hear 2 of pc are ok after car crash,
my question is does it have test tours eg if yer pick
south Africa v India do you play the tour in south Africa ,
not Auckland like ashes 09 cheers graham
wow this sounds really exciting...hoping to hear more from you guys.....

1. Batting is not as easy as it use to be on hard mode.....smashing 4s n 6s every ball is not so easy.....Did you notice the timing meter.....

I hope they implemented something like if you select high power shot against a good delivery your timing window becomes very small...also depending on confidence of batsmen/bowler......if someone selects slightly less power shot the timing window would be bigger giving more chance of timing the shot right.......

No HUD sounds fun and so does action CAM from what rlfan said......

Would love to hear more about both of your experience with the matches or game session you had ................:banana2
In fact, because I know your all so eager (and because I fancy sinking a few tinnies before bedtime), here's a brief list of points I noticed, many of which the PC players will have seen already in the patch:
  • Action Cam allow batsman to look around field before the ball is bowled and to look behind him when running between wickets
  • The batsman must always click 'ready' before the bowler can begin (a little tedious)
  • Power stick is a great feature but didn't use it too much, think it will be great in test matches
  • AI batting has improved IMO
  • Harder to hit a boundary
  • Edges are crackin, very realistic
  • Bowling reticule 'pulls back' to a natural position, you have to hold the analogue stick at precisely the right point where you want it to bounce
  • Hints are available for Bouncer/Good Length/LBW&Stumps/Yorker
  • Good bowling is very hard with weak teams (Scotland anyone?)
  • HUDs can be minimalised or removed
  • All major tournaments are included, with altered names
  • All players are editable, couldn't establish whether these will save to an option file - possible share?
  • Had no online access today

Hope this helps, I'm officially cream-crackered. Night all.

rlfan82 added 5 Minutes and 36 Seconds later...

wow this sounds really exciting...hoping to hear more from you guys.....

1. Batting is not as easy as it use to be on hard mode.....smashing 4s n 6s every ball is not so easy.....Did you notice the timing meter.....

I hope they implemented something like if you select high power shot against a good delivery your timing window becomes very small...also depending on confidence of batsmen/bowler......if someone selects slightly less power shot the timing window would be bigger giving more chance of timing the shot right.......

Yeah I was trying that, I'm pretty sure it did. I was trying monster shots and failing. As soon as I went for little dabs here and there, I had more success.

No HUD sounds fun and so does action CAM from what rlfan said......

Would love to hear more about both of your experience with the matches or game session you had ................:banana2

The most telling game was a quick 5 over 2 player that we had. The balance of the game swung about 4 times. Free Hits all over the show. even though I required 4 off 12 balls to win, it still ended up a draw, I couldn't decide whether to slog the 4 or nick them, and lost about 5 LBW decisions. We were told that in T20 mode, the 'eliminator' would have kicked in.
Sounds awesome guys.

Just want to know if spinners are still smacked easily using advanced down the wicked shot aka AC09. Hated that in the last game
last second cursor movement while bowling is that still possible?
no i think they removed that
Just want to know if spinners are still smacked easily using advanced down the wicked shot aka AC09. Hated that in the last game

Unsure of this, no doubt there will be a way to play against all kinds of bowling, but it certainly seemed harder to time, and harder to hit boundaries.

last second cursor movement while bowling is that still possible?

Yes, still possible, but with it 'snapping back to position', you've got a good chance of bowling a cack ball if you try and do this. Basically, if your unhappy with the bowling, either turn the HUD's off, or rate them badly online and people will avoid them.
Thanks a lot for providing your feedback Irfan. From your account the game seems to be playable in offline mode which is a big plus over AC09.

Hope to read a detailed review from you and the other PC members tomorrow :)

Request to PC folks who went for play-testing - if possible pls answer the points raised in the following thread with respect to IC2010 gameplay...

would love to hear Sureshot's perspective...thanks rlfan for all the information you gave so far.
All sounds good so far.
Does anyone no if the no ball problem
is fixed. Don't know if that was fixed in
the pc version of ashes, i have the console
version. Also has anyone tried a test match,
Is it more like a test match.:)
rlfan82;1830919 [B said:
Basically, if your unhappy with the bowling, either turn the HUD's off, or rate them badly online and people will avoid them.QUOTE]

does that mean that HUD off is available online also
and also can u give bad rating to any player or a player looses rating if he quits
i hope its not the earlier as this way ppl will start giving bad ratings based on their personal choices

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