And you are an authority on India, then?
I honestly think you should respond to the rest of my post, instead of picking one comment out
It so happens Cricketman, that the USA is on the other side of the world, and Pakistan happens to be bordering India.
Let me put it this way. If I can make outlandish claims that India is unsafe, the ATP canceled their tournament in Bangalore, so India is unsafe, and Australia shouldn't tour from my home PC in Pakistan, am I not doing the same thing you and many others are doing here about Pakistan?
I've caught you in a hole, haven't I? Should I trust the guy(s) who live in India about their security and what they say about it or should I go to the BBC and other news outlets and see how many bombings there are.
As you can clearly see Cricketman, you've just shot yourself in the foot
Sureshot -
To be really honest, people are going about their business in Pakistan. Let me give you an example. The day Musharraf resigned, everyone was going about their business as usual. Possibly they didn't hear about the news, but everyone went about their business the next day as well, and Musharraf's resignation would just be a topic to talk about between friends and co-workers.
I can see why you would think that Pakistan is unstable now, and politically it probably is. But why do politics and sport have to mix?
Honestly, Musharraf was better than these guys who are going to loot Pakistan to every extreme and put all their money in bank accounts in Dubai.
Let me give you a theoretical situation. Pakistan is in such a cruical stage politically, that if Pakistan was to stop fighting the Taliban (which is a point that I believe some people made in this thread and in others about Pakistan being in a state of war), heres what would happen.
These scumbags would take EVERY SINGLE RUPEE from the government and deposite it in their own personal bank accounts in Dubai. Then they will flee the country, move to Dubai, and have a happy ever after, leaving Pakistan under the Taliban's rule, and possibly another Afghanistan.
Thats just a response to some posts I remember reading last week about Pakistan being at war and fighting with the tribes and the Taliban.