PS3: ICC World Twenty20 League-thing

PSN ID: Andrin Issac
Availability: After 8 PM IST
Countries: India/Newzealand (Preference wise)
Would you mind being a reserve?: No but still would love to play.
Coach name: Mr.Sachin Tendulkar
Added to the OP; although it'd be nice if you'd checked to see if India was still available...
Got my copy :D
Anyone up for warmpup match? :p

Add me ;)
PSN ID: edgheadmohd
Availability: 7 PM GMT onwards
Countries: UAE/Bangladesh/Hong Kong
Would you mind being a reserve?: No
Coach name: Kamil Fayiz Junayd Atiya Bousaid (Used your name generator :p )
...that's a name!

Added for the UAE since we'l probably get more takers for Bangladesh later on!

I'm only adding forums names to the OP; I'll chase up PSN names (and find out what mine actually is!) closer to when I get the game.
PSN ID: bumba33
Availability: Whenever u say :D (except 4 am to 11 am)
Countries: Canada/Ireland/Afghanistan\Nepal
Would you mind being a reserve?: No but still would love to play.
Coach name: Mr. Bumba Adkins :lol :lol

Are there any one slot available
PSN ID: bumba33
Availability: Whenever u say :D (except 4 am to 11 am)
Countries: Canada/Ireland/Afghanistan\Nepal
Would you mind being a reserve?: No but still would love to play.
Coach name: Mr. Bumba Adkins :lol :lol

Are there any one slot available

Yes; but only Hong Kong is available. OK with that?
Yes, I have no problem playing with Hong Kong. Can you tell me more about how to get thing started. I am reading the opening thread but have some confusions. Will be glad if you can help me out
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Post your questions here; I'd be glad to answer them. I'm not at home at the moment and haven't got the game: so we're still around two weeks at least out from starting so we should get stuff clear.

I'll draw groups at some point next week properly - I'll provide more information when I'm back in Scotland.
Which teams will be used?
Do we have choice to choose any 11 players for our squad?
I'll have a look when I've got some time with the game, when I get back to Scotland next week :)
I think it would be a good idea if we started adding each other on PSN so we can get some friendly games going.

I will add you guys when I get chance, so look out for a request from xx-1mr4n-xx
Lord only knows what my psn is (probably something embarrassing); I'll check when I'm back and post it in the thread.
Any team left?

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