India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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I don't think Yuvraj is in good form specifically against this Aussie bowling lineup. He's got only 4 single scores against us in this series. Unless you don't have anyone else to replace you must switch him out.

And about Clarke I'm just saying he needs more drive maybe to score big, not replace him because the batting's pretty settle at the moment. Instil in him more grit and hunger as he matures I guess.
I don't think Yuvraj is in good form specifically against this Aussie bowling lineup. He's got only 4 single scores against us in this series. Unless you don't have anyone else to replace you must switch him out.

And about Clarke I'm just saying he needs more drive maybe to score big, not replace him because the batting's pretty settle at the moment. Instil in him more grit and hunger as he matures I guess.

He scored 2 hundreds against England last year and a hundred against Sri Lanka... Just because he hasn't scored big yet this series he is batting well.
Wow, talk about "thread evolution" :p.

Anyone think Mitchell Johnson won't play at Perth? Or do you think Australia will stick with him and give him another go?

I think Tait will replace him :) it just me or does ponting have a soft spot for johnson ??
he made him bowl like 38 overs in the 1st innings !! :eek:

If he had a soft spot, he would have taken him off! All those overs would have been damn tiring.
Punter has a soft spot for Johnson no doubt. Unless of course Clark was injured in the first innings.
Anyone think Mitchell Johnson won't play at Perth? Or do you think Australia will stick with him and give him another go?

Whoever plays for Aussies in next game in Perth, I rarely doubt that India will display better ressistance. May be 3-0 is what I expect in my personal opinion.

In one of the articles, long long time back ( between 1998's - 2003's), I remember very well of Tendulkar expressing his views on Perth as the ground he hates the most to bat and Sydney as one of his best favourite ground. Myself, inspite of being a strong Tendulkar supporter, I doubt his success on Perth. :upray
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Yes. He neglected Clark. Bad choice.

Yeah i agree, Clark was under used, i think Ponting under uses Clark often, maybe he doesnt rate him?

Think Hogg has played his last test, he bowled pies.
Wow, talk about "thread evolution" :p.

Anyone think Mitchell Johnson won't play at Perth? Or do you think Australia will stick with him and give him another go?

Well punter has faith with mitch. He certaintly got a very long spell so for this series.
- Dravid and Ganguly got shocking decisions

Ganguly wasn't out. Clarke caught that as clean as a whistle.
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