India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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So much for Kumble being humble. He says we weren't playing in the spirit of the game. I'm just going to point him to his team mate Harbajhan.

He said that? Oh no, I love Kumble he always seems to be kind.

Oh dear, that is a terrible thing to say as a captain, very unprofessional.
So much for Kumble being humble. He says we weren't playing in the spirit of the game. I'm just going to point him to his team mate Harbajhan.
Well we can point at the behaviour of Andrew Symonds too for that matter.

Well Ricky Ponting wasn't exactly the epitome of humility either. So there you go...

I don't want to start this all over again, but I think talking about the spirit of the game is just rubbish coming from an Australian captain like Ponting.

Even Steve Waugh seems like a saint compared to Ponting. :p
Well we can point at the behaviour of Andrew Symonds too for that matter.

Well Ricky Ponting wasn't exactly the epitome of humility either. So there you go...

I don't want to start this all over again, but I think talking about the spirit of the game is just rubbish coming from an Australian captain like Ponting.

Even Steve Waugh seems like a saint compared to Ponting. :p
Mate, I think Ponting is a bit of a jerk, but can you tell explain to me how he wasn't playing in the spirit of the game?

I'm sorry, I just think if India drew or won this game, Kumble would of said "yeah, full credit to Australia they are a great team and played good cricket" or something along those lines.
If gamphir is not available they can add karthik or akash chopra as opener

Chopra wasn't selected in the final selections, and he won't be chosen now, he's in the middle of a match.
A few comments from me:

I've deleted quite a few posts that were replying to posts deleted for other reasons, if your post is one of these it wasn't deleted for any opinion you gave in the post, but because the posts you were addressing had been deleted. There is no point deleting posts if they are quoted somewhere else, so in cases where I couldn't edit them (because I didn't think there was enough left after removing the offending part) I've deleted them.

I'm quite disgusted at some of the things I've seen in here tonight, some of you should be really ashamed at the things you have said. I realise that it is in the heat of the moment, so I doubt that many of you will receive any punishment for what has happened tonight, but this is not on. There are a lot of you who really should have known better.

To those who are really angry right now over India's loss, I suggest you take some time to calm down before posting here, take a day to collect your thoughts properly rather than posting the first thing that comes to mind. It will make things a lot more civilised around here.

To the Australian fans, some of the posts tonight have really not helped the situation. It is great that you are happy over a win, but some posts have been unnecessarily starting fights.

My own view is that both sides had important decisions that went for them and against them at critical sides. Both teams played fantastic cricket, India fought to the very end and there was some great bowling by the Australians. It was a fantastic match to watch, and I think it will be motivation for both sides in Perth.
He said that? Oh no, I love Kumble he always seems to be kind.

Oh dear, that is a terrible thing to say as a captain, very unprofessional.

I would love to see where he heard or read it. It would be intresting. Finally Indian captain talking tough after Ganguly is no more captain
Mate, I think Ponting is a bit of a jerk, but can you tell explain to me how he wasn't playing in the spirit of the game?

When he appealed for a catch which he clearly did not control. His hand hit the ground and the ball was on the ground.

Did you not see that replay?

I'm sorry, I just think if India drew or won this game, Kumble would of said "yeah, full credit to Australia they are a great team and played good cricket" or something along those lines.

I think had Australia not made those charges against Harbhajan, Kumble wouldn't have gone into the matter at all.

I just think that the way things went after the bhajji-symonds episode has ruined everything for the spirit of the game. I don't think only one player was innocent there. There had to be provocation for his attitude.
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Well we can point at the behaviour of Andrew Symonds too for that matter.

Well Ricky Ponting wasn't exactly the epitome of humility either. So there you go...

I don't want to start this all over again, but I think talking about the spirit of the game is just rubbish coming from an Australian captain like Ponting.

Even Steve Waugh seems like a saint compared to Ponting. :p
Oh, I'm not gonna start about walking. It's already been said in this thread.

When he appealed for a catch which he clearly did not control. His hand hit the ground and the ball was on the ground.

Did you not see that replay?

I think had Australia not made those charges against Harbhajan, Kumble wouldn't have gone into the matter at all.

That would've been out. He had complete control of the ball. He was out anyway. But it was too tough to call. Wait? So we're playing against the spirit of the game for something YOUR player did?
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I would love to see where he heard or read it. It would be intresting. Finally Indian captain talking tough after Ganguly is no more captain

Yeah, I'd love to see what he said.
That would've been out. He had complete control of the ball. He was out anyway. But it was too tough to call. Wait? So we're playing against the spirit of the game for something YOUR player did?

Read the rule book.
Mate, I think Ponting is a bit of a jerk, but can you tell explain to me how he wasn't playing in the spirit of the game?

I'm sorry, I just think if India drew or won this game, Kumble would of said "yeah, full credit to Australia they are a great team and played good cricket" or something along those lines.

A classic lines made by one of the commentators during India Vs Aus ODI series in India few months back,

" If you need to win the Champions of any form, its not sufficient even if you dominate in 90% of the game. You should be dominating 100% and outclassing them throughout the game! "

This is what exactly happened to India in last two days of this test. ;)
That would've been out. He had complete control of the ball. He was out anyway. But it was too tough to call. Wait? So we're playing against the spirit of the game for something YOUR player did?

Not that one. The one at bad-pad which was not given out. But Ponting did appeal vehemently when he clearly put the ball flat on the ground.

Ganguly had every right to wait for the umpire's decision seeing as Michael Clarke waited for the umpire to give him out when he was much more cleanly caught.
A classic lines made by one of the commentators during India Vs Aus ODI series in India few months back,

" If you need to win the Champions of any form, its not sufficient even if you dominate in 90% of the game. You should be dominating 100% and outclassing them throughout the game! "

This is what exactly happened to India in last two days of this test. ;)
Exactly what happened to England at Adelaide last year aswell.
Match was unfair to me, and no I'm not a sore loser, Symonds added 131 when he should have been out, only for some crap umpire to not give him, also Dravis should not have been out in the second innings, these are two points which have turned the match in Australia's favour....
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