India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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I dont see any members in current Indian squad or management have been brought up on any kind of matchfixing or even including in word of mouth around it. Neither have I seen any of those ever involved in any scandal in their previous jobs.
The inventors of modern day sledging doese'nt get involved with issues regarding sledging as then it would be against their invention, is'nt it?
Only when the other team seems to give it back then they make an issue as they could not tolerate it.
Aussies are very much angelic. Is'nt it?:rolleyes:

Yep...they firstly start it and do it...and when other party hits back...they cry :crying and complain.....pathetic
The Aussies can take sledging, England gave them more than enough in 2005 and in 06/07 and the Aussies gave it back, if anything it seems the Indians are the ones that can't take it, they didn't like it in England, fell out with Pietersen and kicked up a fuss over jelly beans.
Cricinfo has put in an article about Harbhajan's decision as well. So the reports are accurate. I wonder if any more news will come out of it, including the evidence that was used to uphold the allegation.
They only know riots and all nonsence :p they only want a issue and the Media is there to use that fools in their own way
Like they use your former warrioir guys to try to freek out the opposition by newspaper sledging.

The Aussies can take sledging, England gave them more than enough in 2005 and in 06/07 and the Aussies gave it back, if anything it seems the Indians are the ones that can't take it, they didn't like it in England, fell out with Pietersen and kicked up a fuss over jelly beans.

Aussies were the first one to lodge complaint and not indians.
But for the jelly beans India won that that test and though they may not like the sledging but they won the series by winning the 2nd and nearly winning the 3rd test.
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The Aussies can take sledging, England gave them more than enough in 2005 and in 06/07 and the Aussies gave it back, if anything it seems the Indians are the ones that can't take it, they didn't like it in England, fell out with Pietersen and kicked up a fuss over jelly beans.

Lol, who's supporting....I think this is a rection coz we beat up u r *** in that series.:p
Good to see some sense from cricinfo, there's no chance of the Indians going home and it's just the members on here probably influenced by the Indian media thats made everyone think there is. If th BCCI president says he wants to keep a good relationship then there hardly a major problem is there?

Aussies were the first one to lodge complaint and not indians.
But for the jelly beans India won that that test and though they may not like the sledging but they won the series by winning the 2nd and nearly winning the 3rd test.
What does winning have to do with anything? The Australian complaint was about racism which is a massively different issue to sledging.
Good to see some sense from cricinfo, there's no chance of the Indians going home and it's just the members on here probably influenced by the Indian media thats made everyone think there is. If th BCCI president says he wants to keep a good relationship then there hardly a major problem is there?

Why not be influenced by the media? The senior players wanted to go home, the Indian team staff in Australia wanted to comply but Pawar said no and the support staff agreed.
I've also come to the conclusion that the pre-series agreement of trusting fielders for catches is something that should be done away with. I think given that technology makes it possible, any questionable catches should be referred to the third umpire.
I've also come to the conclusion that the pre-series agreement of trusting fielders for catches is something that should be done away with. I think given that technology makes it possible, any questionable catches should be referred to the third umpire.

Perhaps they could use hotspot for catches? I think that catches is another area, with run outs where technology can be used without damaging the game.
Why not be influenced by the media? The senior players wanted to go home, the Indian team staff in Australia wanted to comply but Pawar said no and the support staff agreed.
Where are you getting that from? You wouldn't want to be influenced by the Indian media because it's crap. It's not reliable unless there is evidence coming straight from a players mouth, the series is going to go ahead either way so you need to get over yourselves and move on, with or without Harbhajan.
Perhaps they could use hotspot for catches? I think that catches is another area, with run outs where technology can be used without damaging the game.
Third umpire technology is good enough. I just cannot see how we can agree to let fielders decide whether they've taken the catch and help out the umpire when we don't let batsmen decide whether they've hit the ball and help out the umpire. You might say it's the umpires job to give people out--in that case why do we let the fielders affect this decision-making? Kumble shouldn't have agreed to that.
Where are you getting that from? You wouldn't want to be influenced by the Indian media because it's crap. It's not reliable unless there is evidence coming straight from a players mouth, the series is going to go ahead either way so you need to get over yourselves and move on, with or without Harbhajan.

But the evidence is coming from Anil Kumble and various support staff members.
Ponting will be breathing a sigh of relief unless the appeal is upheld. He has seemed clueless against Harbhajan, having been dismissed in 3 out of 4 innings this tour and every time that he has actually had to face him.
Imagine Stuart Broad gets banned for racism with no evidence, how would you feel, Leicester Fox?

Ponting will be breathing a sigh of relief unless the appeal is upheld. He has seemed clueless against Harbhajan, having been dismissed in 3 out of 4 innings this tour and every time that he has actually had to face him.

So, Ponting is Harbhajan's bunny. Probably the biggest case of somebody being a bunny since Mcgrath and Atherton. Ponting launches a complaint, and Harbhajan is out for the series!

Doesn't sound too good to me.
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Good to see some sense from cricinfo, there's no chance of the Indians going home and it's just the members on here probably influenced by the Indian media thats made everyone think there is. If th BCCI president says he wants to keep a good relationship then there hardly a major problem is there?

What does winning have to do with anything? The Australian complaint was about racism which is a massively different issue to sledging.
The issue arose as a result of talking between harbhajan and symonds which cricketing world would term as sledging now and not banter because harbhajan is now (being)accused of racism.
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