India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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But the evidence is coming from Anil Kumble and various support staff members.
Directly or according to the media? If they actually have evidence of them saying they want to go home then thats fine but if their just saying Kumble wants to go home, then I'd need to hear a bit more to be honest. Anyway won't Kumble have been asleep whilst this came out?
Imagine Stuart Broad gets banned for racism with no evidence, how would you feel, Leicester Fox?
Lol, had to Broad didn't it. I'd be annoyed but I'd accept it. He wouldn't be that stupid though so it's hard to imagine but theres no smoke without fire and it's only 3 games after all. Depends what he said though obviously.
Imagine Stuart Broad gets banned for racism with no evidence, how would you feel, Leicester Fox?

So, Ponting is Harbhajan's bunny. Probably the biggest case of somebody being a bunny since Mcgrath and Atherton. Ponting launches a complaint, and Harbhajan is out for the series!

Doesn't sound too good to me.

If only India launched a complaint against symonds and he was out for the series.
Australia may have all the talent in the world, but definitely not the talent of sportsmanship. Ricky Ponting and his team are CHEATS. How can Ponting deny that he had not grounded the catch he had claimed (Dhoni). Gilchrist and Symonds knew Dravid was not out, but still appealed as if there was no way he was out. How can everyone take Symond's and Ponting's word on Harbhajan being racist? Clarke was the man who did not walk even when he edged to 1st slpip, how can his word be taken for claiming a catch?

Australia are no longer 'The Invincibles' in my eyes (I know it doesn't matter what is in my eyes). The umpiring has been biased. I know all the aussies will be flaming me. Heck! I don't even care if I get banned for a year on PC. This is utter disrespect towards India. I don't want the tour to go on.

AUSTRALIA ARE BAD LOSERS. India played very well and deserved to win, but cricket has come to such a stage that Australia have to win, even if umpires have to act like Gods.

If I were Kumble I wouldn't be able to stand within a 5 feet radius around any australian player.

Lol, had to Broad didn't it. I'd be annoyed but I'd accept it. He wouldn't be that stupid though so it's hard to imagine but theres no smoke without fire and it's only 3 games after all. Depends what he said though obviously.
Yeah... but you don't know what he said because there was no evidence, remember? So you cannot depend your response on that.
Australia may have all the talent in the world, but definitely not the talent of sportsmanship. Ricky Ponting and his team are CHEATS. How can Ponting deny that he had not grounded the catch he had claimed (Dhoni). Gilchrist and Symonds knew Dravid was not out, but still appealed as if there was no way he was out. How can everyone take Symond's and Ponting's word on Harbhajan being racist? Clarke was the man who did not walk even when he edged to 1st slpip, how can his word be taken for claiming a catch?

Australia are no longer 'The Invincibles' in my eyes (I know it doesn't matter what is in my eyes). The umpiring has been biased. I know all the aussies will be flaming me. Heck! I don't even care if I get banned for a year on PC. This is utter disrespect towards India. I don't want the tour to go on.

AUSTRALIA ARE BAD LOSERS. India played very well and deserved to win, but cricket has come to such a stage that Australia have to win, even if umpires have to act like Gods.

If I were Kumble I wouldn't be able to stand within a 5 feet radius around any australian player.


This must be the Headlines of tomorrow's papares....God save Cricket
Lol, had to Broad didn't it. I'd be annoyed but I'd accept it. He wouldn't be that stupid though so it's hard to imagine but theres no smoke without fire and it's only 3 games after all. Depends what he said though obviously.

Accept it after how long? About one week? Which is how long this will go on for.
cricinfo said:
It also emerged that the Indian team levelled a counter-claim of abuse against Brad Hogg, the left-arm spinner. A report in the Sydney Morning Herald said the team claimed, during the hearing, Brad Hogg used offensive language during the Test.

The report also stated that the hearing on Brad Hogg's conduct will, in all likelihood, be held on Monday.

If Bhajji is penalized I'd like to see if something is done to Hogg. The issue of Bhajji and racism comes down to 'hearsay', and should not be considered admissible evidence in court of law. I'm surprised to the extent to which he has been penalized. It's ridiculous to admit this kind of evidence at all.

If nothing is done to Hogg, it will show that the ruling body does not take our word seriously, and that there is definitely an undercurrent of double standards in play here.
hehe what australia did in this test match will change the cricket world.Bhajji got the ban on the basis of players reports.Now Australian team have to be careful while sledging becoz other teams can also use this card and report any australian player who is sledging.And ICC have to punish those also.So they will fall in this trap soon.Becoz they are the one who like to play mind games and sledge the other teams and their players.So aussies be careful.You will fall into this trap soon.:p
If Harbhajan has been banned because the ICC has taken Ponting/Symonds word over Tendulkar then that is down right shocking and as I said earlier in the thread, it sets a dangerous precedent for the future.
If there was complaints during the day then I'd have expected the worse, and when the decision came out I'd assume he did wrong, evidence or not. You have to assume the ICC made the right decision, they've discussed the issue for 8 hours looking at all possible evidence and have come to the decision they believe is right. Anyway Broads notts scum now :p
In regards to the poll, I think we should continue playing, but if the Indian Team's complaints are discounted without handing any punitive measure to the Australian Party,and any future case during this series, I'd definitely consider pulling out.

It's terribly unfair to play in an environment of such double standards.
OMG !!! how the hell can they ban bhajji without any conclusive
evidence !! this is just shocking !! even the match referee is on
their side....GOD HELP US ALL !!!

tbh....if at all i had any respect for an australian was
for gilchrist....but am utterly disappointed..............

WTF does ponting think of himself !!
and yeah....pontings right cant question his

did anyone see "cricket controversies" on NDTV ???
sidhu was going NUTS !!!! i swear if he meets bucknor someday...he'll
literally beat him to death !!! :p...

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To respect the sentiments of all the Indians who are following the team, they need to seriously back out and return home. I wont believe in my life that Tendulkar was trying to protect Harbhajan and was lying to the match referee. This has clearly crossed the limit, and India has to return home. Its fine if the BCCI incurs fines (we have money to more than compensate it) but its a matter of pride now.

We dont need to play Australia anymore. One of the worst countries to tour where they try to win at all costs even if it amounts to cheating!
Yes, it is totally.

Harbahjan has been charged by the ICC. He has clearly done something wrong, Clearly. The fact you cannot accept one of your players doing wrong is ridiculously biased and pretty pathetic. There have been plenty of report banging about on a lot of reputable websites and sources that Harbhajan did call Symonds a monkey. Whether or not you agree with that being racist, it's the ICC's opinion. Lest you forgot that the ICC is always under considerable pressure and tends to bow to the sub continental, particularly India's demands. Harbhajan is well known around the circuit as being a very aggressive talker and someone with a very short fuse prone to fits of rage. I'm in no position to say whether he meant it or whether it was in a fit of anger or whether it was done in a normal frame of mind.

I also heavily doubt that the ICC will have done this with a lack of evidence, this all happened near enough for a stump mic to hear and they I imagine will have used that. I also find it pretty pathetic that you believe that Kumble and Tendulkar would speak the gospel truth. They are gentlemen of the game and having met Sachin and managed to speak to him for a few minutes, I can assure anyone, you won't ever meet a nicer man, however, Cricket teams like all sports teams that tour away involving a core of players are 'boys clubs'. You do not go against your boys, you always back your boys whether your right and wrong. You seem incredibly naive to situations.

This is also nothing to cancel a tour over. Even if Harbahjan is innocent, you don't cancel a tour about this. It's typical Indian fickle, knee jerk reaction that is amplified by a lot of the opinions from some Indians on this forum, you especially are one who believe the whole world it out to get your cricket team rather than realising that while some decisions may go against you, some may go for you and that people can make genuine mistakes.

Personally, I find you a joke.

You may find it a joke but it is a serious allegation cast on the proud nation of India.
What people will infer from this is that we are a country of racist people while we are not. We are a country with different religions and different languages and we are`nt racist.
What you can also conclude from Hayden and Clarke`s word being taken and Sachin/Kumble`s not is that Sachin and Kumble are liars.
They are 2 great cricketers we are talking about.

Nonsense. BCCI must take a stand and threaten pulling out of the tour.
Well said JK and Sai. This has crossed the limit. India should never play Australia leave alone the World Cup.

EDIT: And aditya too!

BTW, Indians feel free to use my avatar :)
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