India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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How nice. Monkey is'nt a racist word in India and Bhajji get charged for racism!:rolleyes:

If Bhajji said Symmo Big Monkey then do ban him but the question everyone is asking is where is the proof? I guess Mike Proctor lost confidence on Umpires verdict after watching the game decisions but how the hell on earth he belives Hayden and Clarke who very far from the scene then the umpires were?
ILoveGilly said:
Because there are a large amount of Indian fans who cannot stop whinging about it.

Only a few people that can take it as "We lost, it was a good game, mistakes were made, we definitely could've stood a chance of winning, we were unlucky but nonetheless Australia won *moves on*".

I'm sure the context of the game will be taken differently if there weren't so many arguments, whinging and drama.

There are more than a 100,000 Indians at home and abroad and many other cricket fans who will take it as- India lost manily due to the bad decisions.

It is only a handful of people who are really basking in the glory of your so-called win here.

And obviously,if there were not so many controversies,the games would ahve been India's.

What are India complaining about now? I haven't seen the news the last 24 hours. Probably coz they're losing and have nothing to gain out of the rest of the tour.

Check the news.
I dont think you even saw the match and the decisions that went agianst us.
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If Bhajji said Symmo Big Monkey then do ban him but the question everyone is asking is where is the proof? I guess Mike Proctor lost confidence on Umpires verdict after watching the game decisions but how the hell on earth he belives Hayden and Clarke who very far from the scene then the umpires were?
there was'nt any evidence. its clear biasedness of ICC.
Guys, pulling out of the series would create the worst reputation for the Indian team, I hope that doesn't happen, they would be forever known as cry babies unfortunately :(

I think this is a huge over reaction and although I don't like using this example I'm going to have to, in the 2005 Ashes bad umpiring pretty much won the series for England. There was blunders left right and center and they all seemed to be in favour to England, however I never noticed any of this sort of reaction from Australian fans, there was no "SACK BILLY BOWDEN" or no "PULL OUT OF THE SERIES".

there was'nt any evidence. its clear biasedness of ICC.

Yes there was, seven players were called for evidence, including Sachin Tendulkar.

Don't you dare suggest for one minute that the decision was made unfairly.
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Why did they not comp lian at that time then ?
They should have pressed the charges then and there.

I suppose the best can do it all the time.

Yes there was, seven players were called for evidence, including Sachin Tendulkar.

Don't you dare suggest for one minute that the decision was made unfairly.

Without any audio or visual proof ?
And on the word of a few palyers who might even have rallied around ? :eek:
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Guys, pulling out of the series would create the worst reputation for the Indian team, I hope that doesn't happen, they would be forever known as cry babies unfortunately :(

I think this is a huge over reaction and although I don't like using this example I'm going to have to, in the 2005 Ashes bad umpiring pretty much won the series for England. There was blunders left right and center and they all seemed to be in favour to England, however I never noticed any of this sort of reaction from Australian fans, there was no "SACK BILLY BOWDEN" or no "PULL OUT OF THE SERIES".

Yes there was, seven players were called for evidence, including Sachin Tendulkar.

Don't you dare suggest for one minute that the decision was made unfairly.

Mr Jordox will you please give evidence to support for claim
Why did they not comp lian at that time then ?
They should have pressed the charges then and there.

I suppose the best can do it all the time.

Without any audio or visual proof ?
And on the word of a few palyers who might even have rallied around ? :eek:

Visual and Audio. This was the exact comment from "Fox Sports News" "The decision was made with help of the evidence seven players, including the Indian star batsman Sachin Tendulkar" and it had shot of Sachin walking out of the hearing after Harbhajan.

Whether or not Sachin said Harbhajan was guily, I don't know, but he was in the hearing.
Your Australian media has been racially abusing us. Ponting insulted Indian journalists at the press conference.

And the ban on Harbhajan is based on the Australian version of events. Mike Proctor has shown a clear bias here. If there was no audio or video evidence, how can Harbhajan be held guilty on such a serious charge?

If Tendulkar and Kumble aren't believed and there is no real evidence against Harbhajan how fair is it that he was banned? That's what this is all about. The sense of outrage that a senior player like Tendulkar was disregarded while giving evidence in the hearing.

Exactly.In an issue where neither side had any evidence, Clarke`s word,( who has not played half as much cricket as Sachin and Anil) was given more weightage.
Sachin and Anil have had one of the cleanest images in the game of cricket . To not take their word is not short of calling them liars which is something I cannot take.

From the cricketing point of view, bad umpiring or not it was clear that we lifted our game to a new level which I`d not seen with our side during the home series against Pakistan.
I bet that even with all the bad decisions which went against us , we`d have beaten every other side in the world bar Australia with that kind of performance.
I don`t think any other side has put up such a good effort in Australia in recent times. And remember, we were without out lead fast bowlers in Zaheer,Sree and Munaf. If we keep raising our game to new levels , whether we win a test in this series or not , we`ll come back as a better side and beat other teams far comfortably than before.
Having said all that, we were robbed of a fair result.

The Harbhajan issue has now taken proportions far bigger than just cricket. It is now the integrity and the image of the nation that is in question now.
It now sets a precedent that if tomorrow some other team feels that Lee is a real threat to them, they go to the match referee and make racist allegations against him without any evidence and get him banned for 3 games. Would the Aussie fans not get hurt by that ?
You have to be here in India to realize the outrage here. People feel that everything is going against their side on this tour (first we were robbed of a fair result and now our player has been charged of racism without evidence)
Guys, pulling out of the series would create the worst reputation for the Indian team, I hope that doesn't happen, they would be forever known as cry babies unfortunately :(

I think this is a huge over reaction and although I don't like using this example I'm going to have to, in the 2005 Ashes bad umpiring pretty much won the series for England. There was blunders left right and center and they all seemed to be in favour to England, however I never noticed any of this sort of reaction from Australian fans, there was no "SACK BILLY BOWDEN" or no "PULL OUT OF THE SERIES".

Yes there was, seven players were called for evidence, including Sachin Tendulkar.
show me the evidence.

I am daring to suggest it was made unfairly, what are you going to do about it?

And please read my post on the page 271, its not about the cricket.
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Visual and Audio. This was the exact comment from "Fox Sports News" "The decision was made with help of the evidence seven players, including the Indian star batsman Sachin Tendulkar" and it had shot of Sachin walking out of the hearing after Harbhajan.

Whether or not Sachin said Harbhajan was guily, I don't know, but he was in the hearing.

As far as report is concerned no proof is available. No audio and no video. Dont start to think that Sachin will pull chair under of Harbhajan.
Guys, pulling out of the series would create the worst reputation for the Indian team, I hope that doesn't happen, they would be forever known as cry babies unfortunately :(

I think this is a huge over reaction and although I don't like using this example I'm going to have to, in the 2005 Ashes bad umpiring pretty much won the series for England. There was blunders left right and center and they all seemed to be in favour to England, however I never noticed any of this sort of reaction from Australian fans, there was no "SACK BILLY BOWDEN" or no "PULL OUT OF THE SERIES".

Yes there was, seven players were called for evidence, including Sachin Tendulkar.

Don't you dare suggest for one minute that the decision was made unfairly.

So you think Tendulkar was lying then whereas Hayden and Clarke were not?
As far as report is concerned no proof is available. No audio and no video. Dont start to think that Sachin will pull chair under of Harbhajan.

Can you read? I said that I DON'T KNOW WHETHER OR NOT HE SAID HARBHAJAN WAS GUILY don't start accusing me for saying Sachin would 'pull chair under of harbhajan". All I know, Sachin was called by ICC to express his point of view on the matter, he probably just said "I didn't hear anything", I'm not saying that he hates Harbhajan or anything, I'm just saying that the news report just then said Sachin was in the hearing and they had a shot of Sachin walking out of the hearing with camera's all around him.

So you think Tendulkar was lying then whereas Hayden and Clarke were not?

What? What is it with you guys and misquoting me. READ MY POST. I never said Tendulkar was lying, what the hell are you smoking mate?
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Aditya is basiclly saying it's all lies, so you said Tendulkar gave his side too which must have meant he said Bhajji was being racist as he has now been banned.

Catch my drift?
So you think Tendulkar was lying then whereas Hayden and Clarke were not?

Look man if there is anyone to be trusted its Sachin. If you believe Hayden and Clarke it means you are finding guilty the girl who hits you with sandle when you pass teasing remarks against her.
Australian's playing Test cricket again. About bloody time too.

4-0 to Australia. No contest.

Yeah I agree. I sadly think that India have dwelled to much on the last test match and they wont play with the same conviction. It would be a good test of character really, Kumble I think will fire up and really take charge like he should, Sachin and Ganguly will obviously remain relatively cool, because of their experience.
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