India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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I can't believe you indians are supportive of the discgraceful tactics the BCCI are using - so you make a lot of money from tv rights - do you really think tv stations are going to want to pay billions of dollars for matches between indian teams when their first team is pretty average to start with? Are you gonna keep your half decent players playing until they are 50? Goddam you guys are more arrogant than I could've ever's like all the accusations ever levelled at the aussie team x 1000 but in this case the evidence is hard, not hearsay. How the woeful performance of your team and the disgusting racism from one of your players can be defended with such heavy handed tactics is incredible - please do pack up your bat and ball and go home, you have money whilst you are in the competition, without the competition you have nothing.

YAY emotionalism! I think my entire joking with the whole BCCI aspect and you taking it seriously paid off marvelously. Your blowfishlike defense mechanism is so beautiful to watch.
yes certainly. Atleast the oz guys would'nt need help of the umps to beat the 'test' match between Australia and Australia A.:rolleyes:

Shall we start a bet about whether Australia or Australia "A" will get the umpires first? :p

(THIS IS A JOKE - for all the people of low intelligence levels)
Its discusting what has happened in the fallout of this match, shouldnt the Indians now be more fired up wanting to show Australia that they can beat them?

Continous whinging isnt going to help, so seriously guys please cut it out.
Great out look. You have all this money for cricket but cant buy a world cup :p

No even I can buy that plastic hunk'a'junk at a department store. Bad argument there. Anyone can buy a plastic world cup-or make a counterfit.
i love the fact that a guy who misbehaves with women and gets into fights at pubs can accuse others of committing crimes
Well we all know that Ponting is a charming person off the field unlike Sachin Tendulkar....:D

This is what they love
This thread is fast developing into an Indians vs Australians thread rather than an India in Australia thread.
Ponting's had a troubled past. You clearly neglected the fact that at the time of that fight he was an alcoholic who was seeking treatment for it and was later clinically described as a alcoholic depressive.
some more awesome aussie sportsmanship

* Ponting was involved in a fight outside a pub in Kings Cross, New South Wales in early 1999, and earned a suspension from the national team.[40]

* During Australia's tour of India in 1998, Ponting was reportedly thrown out of Equinox night club in Calcutta. The Indian papers reported that Ponting was misbehaving with several women in the nightclub. Ponting was fined for this incident, and later apologised to the nightclub staff.[41]

* During the 4th Test of the 2005 Ashes series, at Trent Bridge, Ponting was angrily outspoken about the use of substitute fielders by the England side, particularly after being run out by such a substitute. He directed an abusive tirade at the England dressing room and was subsequently fined 75% of his match fee.[42]

After England won the match to take a 2-1 lead in the series Ponting returned to the subject of substitutes in an interview with Australian radio "I think it's an absolute disgrace the spirit of the game is being treated like that. It is within the rules; it's just not within the spirit of the game" he said. The England coach Duncan Fletcher later commented on this incident: "He [Ponting] completely blew his top. I did not actually think it at the time but, looking back now, that might be the moment when it became clear that England were going to regain the Ashes."[43]

* In 2005 he began using cricket bats with a graphite covering over the wooden blade of the bat. This covering was ruled by the MCC to have contravened Law 6.1, which states that bats have to be made of wood, although they may be "covered with material for protection, strengthening or repair not likely to cause unacceptable damage to the ball". Ponting and his bat supplier, Kookaburra Sport, agreed to comply.[44][45]

* Ponting has been fined for dissent on more than one occasion.[46]

You've successfully just thown a grenade back into your own camp - on every occassion the player was punished, whether he had a good reason or not. I's the indians refusal to accept punishment here which is the issue - the sportsmanship they are showing here is worse than anything you have mentioned above...and since when has Punter getting slaughtered at a pub and getting up to mischief had anyhting to do with what happened on the ground - wasn't Yuvraj implicated in some late night drinking during or before the first test match...wasn't that denied by the indians as well?

By the way, I think Ponting made 9 hundreds the year after he changed his so called cheating bat. Great points there, not. It's jsut all about trying to cut the australians down - we do our winning on the field, something it appears the indians just can't manage.
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