India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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some more awesome aussie sportsmanship

* Ponting was involved in a fight outside a pub in Kings Cross, New South Wales in early 1999, and earned a suspension from the national team.[40]

* During Australia's tour of India in 1998, Ponting was reportedly thrown out of Equinox night club in Calcutta. The Indian papers reported that Ponting was misbehaving with several women in the nightclub. Ponting was fined for this incident, and later apologised to the nightclub staff.[41]

* During the 4th Test of the 2005 Ashes series, at Trent Bridge, Ponting was angrily outspoken about the use of substitute fielders by the England side, particularly after being run out by such a substitute. He directed an abusive tirade at the England dressing room and was subsequently fined 75% of his match fee.[42]

After England won the match to take a 2-1 lead in the series Ponting returned to the subject of substitutes in an interview with Australian radio "I think it's an absolute disgrace the spirit of the game is being treated like that. It is within the rules; it's just not within the spirit of the game" he said. The England coach Duncan Fletcher later commented on this incident: "He [Ponting] completely blew his top. I did not actually think it at the time but, looking back now, that might be the moment when it became clear that England were going to regain the Ashes."[43]

* In 2005 he began using cricket bats with a graphite covering over the wooden blade of the bat. This covering was ruled by the MCC to have contravened Law 6.1, which states that bats have to be made of wood, although they may be "covered with material for protection, strengthening or repair not likely to cause unacceptable damage to the ball". Ponting and his bat supplier, Kookaburra Sport, agreed to comply.[44][45]

* Ponting has been fined for dissent on more than one occasion.[46]

Ponting has matured greatly. He has a little sh*t when he started, and since then he has improved and is a good bloke now.

But, What? you are calling him unsportsmanlike for using a bat Kookaburra sponsored him with? Oh, stop picking things out. The only complaint England had with it is that Geriant Jones said that the sun shone in his eyes from the graphite. :rolleyes: Nice try, but you still haven't convinced me Ponting is unsportsmanlike , after all, he wasn't the one making unprofessional statements like a little kid after a fight in the conference.
They cant buy few things, not only World Cup but also few skillfull and talented players :p

Knock knock the last ICC event was won by India.

We have more skill and players that Australia will ever have in centuries put together.
It s called a what a humanitarian you would make.

Do you not get what a 19th century robber barron is? And why would I ever want to be a humanitarian?

-Cash Rules Everything Around me C.R.E.A.M. Get the money. Dolla dolla bill ya'll.

(I think you should look up Johnathan Swift, as it seems a lot of the irony here is going way over your head.)
Ahh,the first person who says that the BCCI is weak.
Thats cause they havent swung into action as yet.You really dont know what the BCCI is capable of if all memebers of the Board swing it together.
Possibly,they'll swing Aus outta the cricket map.

Yes why not? Chuck everyone out so that in the end there is just one team playing the sport. Nice isnt it??
People here have forgotten the fact that Ponting `whined` when he was run out by an English fielder who wasn`t in the squad but a local county cricketer and many Aussies here felt that it was a turning point of the game as well (Ashes 05}.
Yes why not? Chuck everyone out so that in the end there is just one team playing the sport. Nice isnt it??

I seriously don't think anything of that sort will happen.

It's just a fun game on the forums. :)

That's how it is in the real world. actually the BCCI, the ICC and CA will come together and resolve this issue.But that doesn't stop us from fantasizing here. ;)

No, we're all heated up at the moment, but I think it will pass. But something has to be done about the racial abuse issue, that much is clear.

The rules of evidence has to be properly observed and a player cannot be found guilty merely on the word of another player. That's just illogical and not justice.

The crux of the issue is that the Indian team management is upset that the Australian players were believed while the Indians were not. And from what all of us know, there is no other evidence against Harbhajan. SO how can we take this decision meekly?
then the guys who are suggesting 9 nation test member are also racists.
thanks:rolleyes: for the compilment.

Nah mate (Why am i calling you mate, you're not my mate), we'd also get rid of the other asian teams if we were being racists.

Imagine if Nixon was here, this thread would be closed by now.
You know what guys, I've got about 20 posts in multi quote, and many deleted, but little time, so I'll just say this:

India need to get over themselves. Fans, the BCCI and the players. Money is not everything, there is money in cricket without India, and India love playing Australia because of the money it generates. It is generating heaps right now with all this controversy.

Racist comments will be grounds for an immediate 2 week ban or worse as of right now on. Some of you are okay, some aren't.

This is turning into a childish argument and I am considering closing the first ever tour thread in the middle of the tour, at least temporarily.

Indians are behaving as arrogant as Aussies have done so.

So get over it. It's overreacting.
We have more skill and players that Australia will ever have in centuries put together.

Hahahahhahahahahahhaha..*gasp* hahahahahhahahaahhahaha *gasp* hahahahahhahahahahahhahahah

Uh, you earn the most insanely ridiculously wrong it's funny sentence of the year. :hpraise :hpraise Lol, go Sid! :p
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