India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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Ya let australia play against australia "a",they wont have any money left in a couple of yrs without india.

jsut exactly how much money do you think australia gets from india? I know CA prolly gets a cut from the overall tv rights but I'd say CA is pretty dam well cashed up....that's not even considering any of the money they get from actually winning tournaments. I don't think any nation other than india sweats on the proceeds of indian tv rights...rights that would be worthless if they can't bring themselves to play the best.

I do believe some of the arguements after india lsot the first test was because they are a developing country and they do not have the money to develop great players, regardless of their massive population. Quite a turn around in opinion don't you think?

their is no proof,so how is it fair??and talking bout 3 day,you said india wont challenge australia at all but look at what happened in the 2nd test.

oh i wasn't aware that the offical notes form the hearing were released? The head referee said that he was satisified that he was guilty with no doubt at all - please accept it and move on.

strange you mention the 2nd test, cause i seem to remember what happened - in fact it was just yesterday wasn't it. didn't we bowl out india in 2 sessions? pass me the indian dictionary for the word 'challenge'.
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jsut exactly how much money do you think australia gets from india? I know CA prolly gets a cut from the overall tv rights but I'd say CA is pretty dam well cashed up....that's not even considering any of the money they get from actually winning tournaments. I don't think any nation other than india sweats on the proceeds of indian tv rights...rights that would be worthless if they can't bring themselves to play the best.

I do believe some of the arguements after india lsot the first test was because they are a developing country and they do not have the money to develop great players, regardless of their massive population. Quite a turn around in opinion don't you think?

Apart from CA and that too cos they have winning team every board is dependednt on India.
Wow, this is so funny. I'm just trying to imagine how this looks to new members and people who are thinking of joining. I know this incident has had a major impact on the tour, but to let it divide the Indian and Australian community here :noway It is very sad. As I have said before can't people just let it go, and stop making themselves look very bitter and immature.
Go on no matter what the Aussies on this board say, we cannot move on from this episode. An Indian has been falsely accused of racism and it has brought us all together like never before.

if it makes us crybabies, so be it. We love emulating Ricky Ponting the biggest crybaby of them all...

THe irony of it all: it's the Aussies who say that what's on the field should stay on the field. Hypocrites.
I'm trying to remain neutral, but I haven't actually seen one of the main Aussie posters on this board saying anything in this thread for a long time. By posting inflammotary remarks you aren't helping the situation
jsut exactly how much money do you think australia gets from india? I know CA prolly gets a cut from the overall tv rights but I'd say CA is pretty dam well cashed up....that's not even considering any of the money they get from actually winning tournaments. I don't think any nation other than india sweats on the proceeds of indian tv rights...rights that would be worthless if they can't bring themselves to play the best.

I do believe some of the arguements after india lsot the first test was because they are a developing country and they do not have the money to develop great players, regardless of their massive population. Quite a turn around in opinion don't you think?

oh i wasn't aware that the offical notes form the hearing were released? The head referee said that he was satisified that he was guilty with no doubt at all - please accept it and move on.

strange you mention the 2nd test, cause i seem to remember what happened - in fact it was just yesterday wasn't it. didn't we bowl out india in 2 sessions? pass me the indian dictionary for the word 'challenge'.

OH yaa!!YOU DID WIN WITH 14 PLAYERS!!and for your information bcci is the richest board in the world in fact one of the the rickest board across all sports.
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An Indian has been falsely accused of racism

Whilst he has yet to be proven guilty in the media (and yeah innocent until proven guilty), I don't believe you can make that call. You wern't involved. Therefore that's your opinion. The only people who know whether he was racist are probably the 3 or 4 players/officials involved on the field.

So unless you are Andrew Symonds or whoever then that means nothing. The ICC have obviously heard from the parties and believe he called Symonds a monkey.
Whilst he has yet to be proven guilty in the media (and yeah innocent until proven guilty), I don't believe you can make that call. You wern't involved. Therefore that's your opinion. The only people who know whether he was racist are probably the 3 or 4 players/officials involved on the field.

So unless you are Andrew Symonds or whoever then that means nothing. The ICC have obviously heard from the parties and believe he called Symonds a monkey.

In that case, why post here at all? In fact, none of us as far as I know were involved in the issue so Australian members of this board also have to shut up about Harbhajan being guilty because they didn't actually hear him say anything either.

Neither has the BCCI accepted the verdict, otherwise why would we be appealing against it?

So it's not a settled issue by any means.
Whilst he has yet to be proven guilty in the media (and yeah innocent until proven guilty), I don't believe you can make that call. You wern't involved. Therefore that's your opinion. The only people who know whether he was racist are probably the 3 or 4 players/officials involved on the field.

So unless you are Andrew Symonds or whoever then that means nothing. The ICC have obviously heard from the parties and believe he called Symonds a monkey.

That is a very sensible post (One of the few so far) As I have been saying how can we judge when we don't know the full details. Let the people who are paid to do this, sort it out.
its funny how most of the pro-australian supporters here are calling us indian members on the forum as crybabies when ponting the biggest crybaby brought up this whole issue. And im going to go back to that statement that tony grieg and sunny gavaskar made. What is said on the field should stay on the field and i take the example of the McGrath/Sarwan incident. McGrath telling Sarwan " How does it feel to suck Laras cock " and Sarwan replying with " i dont know why dont u ask ur wife ". Now i dont know bout you guys but i find that more offensive than calling someone a monkey ( which i am still yet to figure out how this could be offensive to Symonds unless he is some sort of primeape).
It's posts like this that polarize even the moderate fans. And I'm a curry now? So racism only works if it's against an Australian player I guess.
According to Manee, turbans aren't even apart of a religion but instead just to keep your hair clean. So that's not exactly racist.

Read the post again and read what said by wfdu_ben91.

In other post he calls Indian members of PC curry. If that aint racist then what is. You all aussie think you can bully us is nonsense. We will not take any crap lying down.
Calling an Indian a curry is not different to youse calling us Aussies or mentioning one of our native animals.

Now I suppose I'm being racially abused now am I? I don't care because I live in a better country then you!

And just for the record I've heard Indians call other Indians (and subcontient people) currys before aswell, so ha!

We got more money than you. You want a money fight? You verse us. Bring on Roy, he'll kick Harbhajan's ass.
LOL!!! So true...

Knock knock the last ICC event was won by India.

We have more skill and players that Australia will ever have in centuries put together.
I'm a 10 times better cricket player then you and any other Indian on this forum.
In England being called a monkey if you're of African descent is much more offensive. But as has been made abundantely clear, the Indians don't agree. It's a clash of cultures that has disagreed on an issue and the way it is percieved it is nothing more than a culutural mix up.
And the argument still goes on......................................


At least Animator is talking sensibly with a few other members. Shame it is such a minority
To Nuetrals: See above post by wfdu_ben for a great example of Aussie maturity and then tell us that we Indian fans are overreacting.
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