India in Australia

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Some of the ***t written on here has been hilarious.

Ponting and Kumble (admittedly allegedly) had an agreement before the match that any racist comments or dubious catches were to be dealt with by each respective captain. The fact that Ponting's integrity is coming under attack if laughable as he didn't claim a catch that definitely looked like it carried in the first innings. The old line "but the Australians say what is said on the field stays on the field" has absolutely no relevance to these circumstances due to the agreement betweeen Kumble and Ponting. Ricky isn't a whinger, he is simply doing what both of them agreed upon.

Sure India got the rough end of the pineapple (to quote Kerry O'Keefe) when it comes to the umpiring decisions but the fact is, umpires get it wrong and any cricket purist will argue that the human element of cricket needs to be retained (ie: taking the bad with the good). They simply need to get on with the series and let their bats do the talking in Perth (if they play that is). Perhaps karma will come to the aid of them.

I sympathize for the Indian team, as they have had to deal with a lot of "bad luck" and dodgy decisions over the past week, but if they can't stand the pressure of a test match with the Aussies (as the English had to do for 5 straight tests in an environment or arguably equal intensity), then they (and a few of their supporters) are far "softer" than I thought. Boycotting a tour as a result of bad umpiring and consequences extending from a captain's agreement is far more childish than Ponting's actions.
For the last time:

We're not boycotting a tour due to bad umpiring.

We're boycotting a tour because one of our players has been (in our view, falsely) found guiilty of racism which is a serious charge.

If you Australian forum members cannot see the seriousness of this in international terms, I'm sorry about it. THat's all I can say.

Winning or losing a cricket match takes the back seat.
To Nuetrals: See above post by wfdu_ben for a great example of Aussie maturity and then tell us that we Indian fans are overreacting.

I agree that that post was not called for. However some of your posts haven't helped the situation either.

To drag in all fans like that is out of order though, as you can't comment on every fan's opinion.
And just for the record I've heard Indians call other Indians (and subcontient people) currys before aswell, so ha!

And i've heard black people calling each other/saying in songs, you know, but that doesn't make it right does it?
Yeah because you lose 1 cricket match and it's all boo hoo. I wanna take my ball and go home.

WE don't care about the cricket.

If you guys cannot think beyond winning or losing a cricket match, that's very sad.

You obviously don't recognize the seriousness of a racism issue.
Yeah because you lose 1 cricket match and it's all boo hoo. I wanna take my ball and go home.

See this is another example of just a stupid person who has no idea about the situation. Do u have even any idea on whats going on or are u just going to be making stupid posts like that?
See this is another example of just a stupid person who has no idea about the situation. Do u have even any idea on whats going on or are u just going to be making stupid posts like that?
Pffft, you moron. How come Indian supporters are trying to label the Sydney Test Match as a "Unofficial" one then? Huh? How about you answer that, champ?
Pffft, you moron. How come Indian supporters are trying to label the Sydney Test Match as a "Unofficial" one then? Huh? How about you answer that, champ?

I would ignore that guy, Ben. Someone who has contributed so little to the forum and is abusing you isn't worth getting worked up about. I would recommend that everyone who is feeling all worked up about this, log of for 15-30 minutes, calm down and then come back.
Pffft, you moron. How come Indian supporters are trying to label the Sydney Test Match as a "Unofficial" one then? Huh? How about you answer that, champ?

Actually since the Harbhajan ban issue erupted, none of us give a whiff about that any more...

I actually think the umpiring issue is now a minor one compared to what has happened afterwards.
To Nuetrals: See above post by wfdu_ben for a great example of Aussie maturity and then tell us that we Indian fans are overreacting.

The cause of this was the Indian frustration which has now become an attack to the Australian team and now the Australian fans. Maybe if Indian fans didn't over-react in the first place everything could've settled in a better manner.

And obviously the ICC are not dull-witted enough to say "Heyyy, you said some bad stuff didn't you mateeee? Well, the Aussie side have told us you've said some bad things son, so unfortunately, we'll have to ban you. *puts hand into hat*. What lucky number will you get today Harbhajan? Oh, look! A 3. Sorry mate. 3 match ban. So we're done done here. Settled".

Obviously there was something more that the media does not know about. So from Australia's perspective, they launched the attack, their would've been evidence, unless India have any evidence he didn't, he is then guilty.
Pffft, you moron. How come Indian supporters are trying to label the Sydney Test Match as a "Unofficial" one then? Huh? How about you answer that, champ?

Unoffical because it ws unnfair on the Indians (us), I mean only 130 more runs and the wicket of Dravid gifted to Australia by crap Umpires....:rolleyes:

And don't abuse people.
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