India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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So what if I was to put up a picture of curry? Or a taxi? Or a child whose father has left his mother? Alternatively I could just post a picture of a t-shirt that is selling quite well in India:

(Note, this is real. Not something I knocked up in Photoshop)

I've called a truce...

I seriously want to move on from these forum fights.

However, I put up a picture of a chimp just as a bit of humour to lighten things up. And with no offensive intent. Obviously the forum is so heavy at the moment that people are not willing to see humour. I removed it even before the moderator stepped in.

I understand and accept that. So I will stop.

Jordox keeps personally attacking me instead of addressing my posts based on the points I raise.

Oh no, please don't hit back with your hard to understand sentences and stupid comments! Please! Really, do it's funny.

No, there are lots of normal thinking Indian fans here to, don't drag them all down to your level. Just look through earlier pages of the thread, you will find at least 10 comments by Indians saying that India don't have much chance at perth

And optimistic view on it would be to say (this is my view on the Perth test): "It will be even harder to win at Perth than the other venues, but I believe the Indian team, with a touch of very much so deserved luck and a brilliant performance or to, India may snatch a win."

This is a stupid view on things: "I expect India to beat Australia".

If you really expect that, don't be too hard on the players if they lose mate, because 99% chance they will. I'm not saying that Australia are invincible, but they will come back twice as strong, they are very angry at the comments made by Kumble and the Indian journo's, they most likely will thromp them. Just look at the Ashes 06/07 ;)

And why the hell are you calling Ben darling? you do know what that means right?

What's so stupid about expecting my team to perform well? Is the fact that I'm so biased a reason to attack me as you have been doing?

So what if I think India have a good chance to win at Perth? What's upsetting you so much about my views? Or shall i get you to write all my posts in the way you want me to in the future?

Please stop it right now... I've called a truce. If you continue insulting me, go ahead. It only reflects on you, not me.

I will not back off from my views because a loser like you keeps following me around and attacks me personally whatever I post.

I have no idea what darling means to you except that twisted minds like yours can interpret it as whatever you want.
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I've called a truce...

I seriously want to move on from these forum fights.

However, I put up a picture of a chimp just as a bit of humour to lighten things up. And with no offensive intent. Obviously the forum is so heavy at the moment that people are not willing to see humour. I removed it even before the moderator stepped in.

BS. Exactly what Harbhajan would say. You know full well that Australian's would find that offensive, don't like you weren't on Earth for the last 3 days.

Jordox keeps personally attacking me instead of addressing my posts based on the points I raise.

What's so stupid about expecting my team to perform well?

You aren't expecting 'your' team to perform well, you are expecting them to win. To very different things.

Please stop it right now... I've called a truce. If you continue insulting me, go ahead. It only reflects on you, not me.

I will not back off from my views because a loser like you keeps following me around and attacks me personally whatever I post.

It's funny you say I am insulting you, than you ask for a truce.. but get this, then you call me a loser.

You have no idea how to base a point, do you? And you are one paranoid piece of work. I am not 'following you around'. As I said, I have replied to you a total of 5 times, and you have made over 25 posts in this thread. Usually you raise good points, but the 5 times I have replied to you have been regarding down right ludicrous things you've said.

P.S: I had no idea it was you Hari, until after I replied. I didn't recognise you because you changed your Mario avatar. I had no idea who it was, I don't read the persons name I just read the point and glance at the avatar to see who it is.
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Look I already took out the avatar after it was felt that people would find it offensive... Plus I did it on my own... none of the moderators forced me to remove it. You can ask whitehornmatt if you like. So there's your answer to that.

My points may be ludicrous but that gives you no right to keep attacking me personally.

If you find my presence on the forum objectionable I will stop posting here immediately. Honestly. Just to prove my goodwill...

It seems that I cannot continue discussing cricket here because some members hate me so much that they cannot argue my posts but rather want to attack me... too bad... that won't get me to change my views.

I am obviously more biased than before after what's gone on at Sydney and I expect my team to be as fired up as the Australians are if not more. And yes I get emotionally charged and that does affect my judgement. So what? It's a human characteristic to get emotional.

And if India perform well at Perth, they have a great chance of beating them there. So what's wrong about thinking along those lines? It's just a viewpoint like anybody else.
You, Indians, all you know is how to criticise. Why don't you step into the umpire's shoes even for 1 day and then you'll know how hard their job is. It's easy to sit in the comfort of your airconditioned rooms and watch dozens of tv replays showing suggesting that a player 'may' have dropped a ball or the ball 'may' have not gotten an edge and judge umpires standing there in real time with just fractions of a second to make a decision. That's pressure and since we're all humans we're bound to make mistakes. If you were perfect at your job then maybe you could criticise but think about it in their shoes it's not an easy job.
Look I already took out the avatar after it was felt that people would find it offensive... Plus I did it on my own... none of the moderators forced me to remove it. You can ask whitehornmatt if you like. So there's your answer to that.

My points may be ludicrous but that gives you no right to keep attacking me personally.

If you find my presence on the forum objectionable I will stop posting here immediately. Honestly. Just to prove my goodwill...

It seems that I cannot continue discussing cricket here because some members hate me so much that they cannot argue my posts but rather want to attack me... too bad... that won't get me to change my views.

I am obviously more biased than before after what's gone on at Sydney and I expect my team to be as fired up as the Australians are if not more. And yes I get emotionally charged and that does affect my judgement. So what? It's a human characteristic to get emotional.

And if India perform well at Perth, they have a great chance of beating them there. So what's wrong about thinking along those lines? It's just a viewpoint like anybody else.

Thankyou, for making a good point for once, now I have replied to you 7 times out of about 30 ;)

And no, you don't have to leave. It is a forum, you are supposed to express your views, however ludicrous they may be :p

And I'm sorry if you took offense to my insults hari, I'm a Zimbabwean/South African we use insults in every sentence, we are asshats see:

90% of the time when I call someone and idiot, I mean nothing by it.
You, Indians, all you know is how to criticise. Why don't you step into the umpire's shoes even for 1 day and then you'll know how hard their job is. It's easy to sit in the comfort of your airconditioned rooms and watch dozens of tv replays showing suggesting that a player 'may' have dropped a ball or the ball 'may' have not gotten an edge and judge umpires standing there in real time with just fractions of a second to make a decision. That's pressure and since we're all humans we're bound to make mistakes. If you were perfect at your job then maybe you could criticise but think about it in their shoes it's not an easy job.
6-8 is a bit too much. That even against one team!:rolleyes:
Yes. Thank you, jordox. And now, we can discuss Perth.

Since the tour is going on and things have cooled off elsewhere, I see no reason why we have to continue harping on the umpiring issue and the other issues... it's not going to change anything.

So to continue from where I left off,

I was making the point about Harbhajan being a hero in India at the moment, but actually it's a mistake if he's played at Perth which is supposed to be a fast bowler's dream.
I was making the point about Harbhajan being a hero in India at the moment, but actually it's a mistake if he's played at Perth which is supposed to be a fast bowler's dream.

He is a hero for being accused of racism?

Strange country.. :p

He is a hero for being accused of racism?

Strange country.. :p
He is a hero because nobody believes that it is the truth. :p

Just to make my point. I didn't want to continue on this issue... I just pointed it out because that's the situation here.

My opinion of Harbhajan's bowling ability hasn't changed... He's still not good enough in my book...
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Really it depends on the pitch. If it's like the Perth of old then Indian should strongly consider 3 quickies. Then again there's the value to a cheap Ponting wicket and the odd wicket per innings which must be lucrative. Seriously where is that Robin Uthappa guy and the much vaunted Manoj Tjwary (sp?). They are the next generation I reckon after the eventual departure of the Big 4 (Tendulkar, Dravid, Laxman, Ganguly). Also, what happened to guys like Suresh Raina and Mohammed Kaif (sp?)?
Really it depends on the pitch. If it's like the Perth of old then Indian should strongly consider 3 quickies. Then again there's the value to a cheap Ponting wicket and the odd wicket per innings which must be lucrative. Seriously where is that Robin Uthappa guy and the much vaunted Manoj Tjwary (sp?). They are the next generation I reckon after the eventual departure of the Big 4 (Tendulkar, Dravid, Laxman, Ganguly). Also, what happened to guys like Suresh Raina and Mohammed Kaif (sp?)?
Robin Uthappa doesn't have the technique to survive in test cricket. At least I don't think so...

he is a fearless batsman and can charge fast bowlers, but he still doesn't have the technique at the Test level.

As for the future, Yuvraj has been the big disappointment to all us Indian fans because we expected him to bat well on the bouncier pitches in Australia. Kaif just faded away in ODI cricket after 2002-03 and he's never been in Test contention anyway. i've not seen enough of Manoj Tiwary to be honest...

Unfortunately, after Dravid, tendulkar, Ganguly and Laxman, I don't see a core of Indian batting...

It is time for the selectors to step up and be bold in picking youngsters.

Our bowling future looks more promising, actually, even though Kumble's imminent retirement will leave a big gap in spin bowling.
I actually think Dravid & Tendulkar were India's 2 good batsman and that Laxman (apart from when he plays Australia) and Ganguly were just good contributors.
I actually think Dravid & Tendulkar were India's 2 good batsman and that Laxman (apart from when he plays Australia) and Ganguly were just good contributors.
But on current form Dravid is nowhere near Ganguly.

But I agree that overall Dravid is the better technician and the better batsman in Test cricket.
Ganguly was the one who looked dangerous. Would've been better if he didn't play so aggressive but it works out for him. Just needs to maintain that wicket.
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