India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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Well don't dump him. He played a good innings though he was given' out. He also kept well to Kumble and Bhajji. I dunno how well Dinesh Karthick will do in the same case. Can he play bounce?

He was our openor in SA and England. Cant get tough then that. Australian pitches are lovely to bat on once you get in. No side ways movement and true bounce makes batting easy after 20-30 balls.
No way. If that happens and Dave Hussey is picked in front of Simon Katich, I will throw up, then proceed to go to Jamie Cox and co's meeting place and then just flip big time. Katich is the best pura cup batsman in Australia.

This is what I believe the team should be:


I don't know about Symonds and Katich, maybe they would switch around I don't know enough about the Australian cricket team to really know, just a guess that Clarke would go to 4.

If that were the team I would open with Katich or bat him 4 and Clarke at 5.

Least biased article I've seen on the series in any paper since this whole thing happened.

Indian media sucks big time. As rightly said in the article they will stoop to any length to bring in TRP rating. The fact is that there were three issues in the match which concerned Indians
1) Umpiring decisions
2) Racism charge on Bhajji
3) Ban on Bhajji
all these were independent of each other and media made them all part of each other and as it is alwasys said PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN the PEN is TV.
Without Matt Hayden, Australia has a huge hole in the batting line up with Ponting and Clarke not in sparkling form.

India has a great chance to come back in the series. I expect India to beat Australia in Perth. India have often surprised opponents in conditions which seem to favour the opponents: case in point, India's victory against England at Trent Bridge recently and the historic victory Headingley in the series before that. Also India's victory against South Africa in Johannesburg recently.

Johannesburg was considered South Africa's stronghold and India surprised them there.

Expect a surprise at Perth... :p

I expect Harbhajan to sit out Perth. I think purely on cricketing terms, we cannot afford a spinner on a track like Perth. Plus not having Harbhajan might ease the tension between the two sides on the field after what happened at Sydney.
Indian media sucks big time. As rightly said in the article they will stoop to any length to bring in TRP rating. The fact is that there were three issues in the match which concerned Indians
1) Umpiring decisions
2) Racism charge on Bhajji
3) Ban on Bhajji
all these were independent of each other and media made them all part of each other and as it is alwasys said PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN the PEN is TV.
Could not agree more. The Indian media has somehow turned them all into one big issue and blamed everything on Australia. I think most Australians would sympathise with India in regards to the umpiring, you got an awful run.

My main anger isn't directed at India anymore, it's directed at these moronic, stupid experts who've come out of the woodwork to criticise our team and our captain. I'm talking about the former Australian cricketers who are suddenly an expert on everything. Punter's probably too busy trying to work out who half of them are to be offended by them. Any Australian who thinks Punter should be sacked deserves to be deported.
Well, Harbhajan's become a hero in India because of this issue.

I hope that doesn't tempt Kumble into playing him at Perth.

I still don't rate him as a bowler. He cannot bowl even in helpful conditions. :p

I stopped reading there. You obviously have no cricketing brain whatsoever.

Very good response. I expected this from you. More insults.

What have you got against me? If you want you answer my post point by point and stop insulting me right now...

Get a life and stop following me around wherever I post.
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I stopped reading there. You obviously have no cricketing brain whatsoever.

There are always optimist. If everybody thaught of loosing why play next match simply give to Aussies.
There are always optimist. If everybody thaught of loosing why play next match simply give to Aussies.

I'm optimistic based on realistic expectations. Obviously it's going to be tough beating Australia. But don't be surprised if India bounce back in this series...

This jordox guy keeps waiting for me to post and then insults me. I know what India are capable of - he doesn't...
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I'm optimistic based on realistic expectations. Obviously it's going to be tough beating Australia. But don't be surprised if India bounce back in this series...

This jordox guy keeps waiting for me to post and then insults me. I know what India are capable of - he doesn't...
This is pretty rich coming from a guy who put a picture of a monkey in his avatar just to trigger a response from the Australians.
There are always optimist. If everybody thaught of loosing why play next match simply give to Aussies.

There is a difference between optimism and downright stupid. Expecting for India to beat Australia at Perth is stupid, I'm sorry it is.

This jordox guy keeps waiting for me to post and then insults me. I know what India are capable of - he doesn't...

No I don't, you said something stupid. I don't care who says it, its a stupid comment.

I think it is just you make lots of biased and stupid comments.

And weren't you the loser who deliberately had a monkey avatar you annoy the Australians and to start fights? Hypocrite.
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This is pretty rich coming from a guy who put a picture of a monkey in his avatar just to trigger a response from the Australians.
Just giving back a bit of your own medicine, darling. Remember that if you continue personally attacking me...

No I don't, you said something stupid. I don't care who says it, its a stupid comment.

I think it is just you make lots of biased and stupid comments.

And weren't you the loser who deliberately had a monkey avatar you annoy the Australians and to start fights? Hypocrite.

If you cannot tell the difference between a chimpanzee and a monkey, then either you need to get your eyes tested or your brains tested. Humour obviously escapes your high level of intellect :p

And obviously you're so intelligent, so why do you stoop to my level? If you think I'm going to back off, I've another thing coming.

We biased Indians will keep posting everywhere... you are too high and mighty for even acknowledging me with a response, so thank you so much, O mighty king... :hpraise :hpraise :hpraise

I've decided not to continue fighting, but if you post something against me or other Indians, I will hit back...
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Just giving back a bit of your own medicine, darling.

If you cannot tell the difference between a chimpanzee and a monkey, then either you need to get your eyes tested or your brains tested. :p

And obviously you're so intelligent, so why do you stoop to my level? If you think I'm going to back off, I've another thing coming.

We biased Indians will keep posting everywhere... you are too high and mighty for even acknowledging me with a response, so thank you so much, O mighty king... :hpraise :hpraise :hpraise

I've decided not to continue fighting, but if you post something against me or other Indians, I will hit back...

Oh no, please don't hit back with your hard to understand sentences and stupid comments! Please! Really, do it's funny.

No, there are lots of normal thinking Indian fans here to, don't drag them all down to your level. Just look through earlier pages of the thread, you will find at least 10 comments by Indians saying that India don't have much chance at perth

And optimistic view on it would be to say (this is my view on the Perth test): "It will be even harder to win at Perth than the other venues, but I believe the Indian team, with a touch of very much so deserved luck and a brilliant performance or to, India may snatch a win."

This is a stupid view on things: "I expect India to beat Australia".

If you really expect that, don't be too hard on the players if they lose mate, because 99% chance they will. I'm not saying that Australia are invincible, but they will come back twice as strong, they are very angry at the comments made by Kumble and the Indian journo's, they most likely will thromp them. Just look at the Ashes 06/07 ;)

And why the hell are you calling Ben darling? you do know what that means right?
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