India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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Are you racist? Because I've been accused of being racist purely on the basis of my signature.

I wouldnt judge you as racist purely because of your signature, but some of your posts may sway you to appear as one...not saying you are or anything, some posts are harsh :p

Your sig is just a...spice to add to this edgy series that we are having, as is mine.
I really dont think Dravid should be opening. He is an amazing player at no 3 but i just dont think he is suited to opening.

Jaffer must be dropped. And Yuvraj. ODI's are a different story altogether, but for tests they gotta go. Dhoni also is really borderline, despite his nice resistance in Sydney

Sehwag and Karthik should open i reckon.
I really dont think Dravid should be opening. He is an amazing player at no 3 but i just dont think he is suited to opening.

Jaffer must be dropped. And Yuvraj. ODI's are a different story altogether, but for tests they gotta go. Dhoni also is really borderline, despite his nice resistance in Sydney

Sehwag and Karthik should open i reckon.

Yeah, go with the specialists.
Jaffer may be one, but hes outta form.
Karthik is just coming off a fifty and does well in bouncy and pacy tracks, ala Perth.
Hmm... are we still having the practice match at Canberra? Because if we are then we'd be given a chance to take a look at some of the other blokes. I personally hope it's 11 bat and 11 field, but if it isn't, then I'd put the following team up for the practice match:

1. Virender Sehwag
2. Dinesh Karthik
3. VVS Laxman
4. Sourav Ganguly
5. Rahul Dravid
6. MS Dhoni
7. Irfan Pathan
8. Pankaj Singh
9. RP Singh
10. Anil Kumble
11. VRV Singh

It's a weird line-up, and I'm resting Tendulkar. I feel like we need to go in with 3 pace bowlers and 1 spinner, so we need to figure out who's good enough to make it.
My issue is whether you can count dhoni and Pathan to be batsman on Aussie pitches. Dhoni played well but i don't think he's capable of scoring a century in Australia. As for Pathan he's an unknown on these pitches. Can he survive and make valuable runs on a Perth pitch? Has he batted in Australia recently? Personally for the ACT match:

P Singh
RP Singh
VRV Singh

Tendulkar, Ganguly and Kumble don't need this match and no injury should befall them. I think Jaffer is a failed experiment who should only be continued if both openners fail...
The bottom line is the only way to avoid an absolute fiasco is if india accepts the charge and moves on...just as every other team would or has in the past. Do you think the aussies, particularly the fans, enjoy being labelled racist based on evidence way less conculsive than what has been levelled at Harbajhan? It's garbage, but I think there is little doubt in this case and it is something you should accept and the best way to acceot it and make an example of him...which for some reason appears to be too difficult on the technicality that there isn't any audio evidence. Do you really think the players would make this stuff up? Get a life. At the stage of the match the best outcome for india was a draw....and as far as I know, reporting someone to an umpire doesn't automatically get you 10 wickets in 2 sessions.

I have no doubt Symonds took no offence to the word monkey because we are bred with thicker skins, but there is a bigger picture here - it was obviously used as a racial slur after what happened in india and whilst australians take sledging on the chin and is part of our sense of humour, we need to stand up for ourselves against people who constantly paint us as bad people - if you generalise us with constant BS, even though we don't take it personally, if you give us a chance to make you appear as hypocrits, you must realise that this is more satisying than sledging your wife/mother/whatever......and believe me it is satisfying. Sure there were disgusting umpire decisons, no one is saying otherwise...but that is cricket...there were also bad decisions for the aussies...and saying which decision cost the most is fairly impossible. But what makes india bigger than the game? Money you might say...but aren't we here to make runs and take wickets? Christ, maybe it is you who need to invest some of that money into graphite bats.

What india needs to do is concentrate on the next test match - get rid of Jaffer, probably even Yuvray - put in Sehwag and Ganbuir at the top order, who look good against australia...plug Dravid back at number 3 and hope to win the toss.perhaps then you can win some respect back from the cricket community. Putting yourselves onto a pedistal is something the aussies have never your heads maybe...but I live here and my tax dollars have never bought them a ferrari...have never bought them a champagn trip down perth's main streets....have never actually prevented our media or fans from critising our weaknesses.....maybe you can learn a few things whilst your here...whether it's in the west aussie paper or in whatever paper you get on the flight have a lot to learn. And oh my god...burning effigies in the streets is quite frankly disgusting.

Well that just about sums it all up, thanks for that, I particularly like the last paragraph, especially the effigies comment, that kind of behavior really is disgusting. Well said
Well that just about sums it all up, thanks for that, I particularly like the last paragraph, especially the effigies comment, that kind of behavior really is disgusting. Well said
I'll convey your message to the 0.001% of the Indian population that participates in this behaviour and likely don't even know what the Internet is.

RP Singh
Lamboo (Or maybe surprise to all VRV)

I Dont want MSD in side and in his place Kartick can come and also solve opening problem. Both Sehwag and Kartick can dominate bowling if they are on song unlike Jaffer and Jammy.
We are playing in Perth so need cusion in batting hence Yuvi inspite of his failure. Last place can go to either of Lamboo of team.

RP Singh
Lamboo (Or maybe surprise to all VRV)

I Dont want MSD in side and in his place Kartick can come and also solve opening problem. Both Sehwag and Kartick can dominate bowling if they are on song unlike Jaffer and Jammy.
We are playing in Perth so need cusion in batting hence Yuvi inspite of his failure. Last place can go to either of Lamboo of team.

Careful, andrew_nixon might be lurking around, and will immediately put a rap on your knuckles asking you to speak English. :p

MSD's last innings would definitely keep him in. Plus he is the vice captain and will stay.

I think having your wicketkeeper as opener is suicidal.

After bowling out Australia for 150 odd runs, its not going to be too tired for Karthik to come out and take up batting. ;)
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Careful, andrew_nixon might be lurking around, and will immediately put a rap on your knuckles asking you to speak English. :p

MSD's last innings would definitely keep him in. Plus he is the vice captain and will stay.

After bowling out Australia for 150 odd runs, its not going to be too tired for Karthik to come out and take up batting. ;)

If every country uses there nicknames why cant we? Most though are English names.
The bottom line is the only way to avoid an absolute fiasco is if india accepts the charge and moves on...just as every other team would or has in the past. Do you think the aussies, particularly the fans, enjoy being labelled racist based on evidence way less conculsive than what has been levelled at Harbajhan? It's garbage, but I think there is little doubt in this case and it is something you should accept and the best way to acceot it and make an example of him...which for some reason appears to be too difficult on the technicality that there isn't any audio evidence. Do you really think the players would make this stuff up? Get a life. At the stage of the match the best outcome for india was a draw....and as far as I know, reporting someone to an umpire doesn't automatically get you 10 wickets in 2 sessions.

I have no doubt Symonds took no offence to the word monkey because we are bred with thicker skins, but there is a bigger picture here - it was obviously used as a racial slur after what happened in india and whilst australians take sledging on the chin and is part of our sense of humour, we need to stand up for ourselves against people who constantly paint us as bad people - if you generalise us with constant BS, even though we don't take it personally, if you give us a chance to make you appear as hypocrits, you must realise that this is more satisying than sledging your wife/mother/whatever......and believe me it is satisfying. Sure there were disgusting umpire decisons, no one is saying otherwise...but that is cricket...there were also bad decisions for the aussies...and saying which decision cost the most is fairly impossible. But what makes india bigger than the game? Money you might say...but aren't we here to make runs and take wickets? Christ, maybe it is you who need to invest some of that money into graphite bats.

What india needs to do is concentrate on the next test match - get rid of Jaffer, probably even Yuvray - put in Sehwag and Ganbuir at the top order, who look good against australia...plug Dravid back at number 3 and hope to win the toss.perhaps then you can win some respect back from the cricket community. Putting yourselves onto a pedistal is something the aussies have never your heads maybe...but I live here and my tax dollars have never bought them a ferrari...have never bought them a champagn trip down perth's main streets....have never actually prevented our media or fans from critising our weaknesses.....maybe you can learn a few things whilst your here...whether it's in the west aussie paper or in whatever paper you get on the flight have a lot to learn. And oh my god...burning effigies in the streets is quite frankly disgusting.

Agree with para 1 except for the part where "do players make up stuff". You never know as there have been dirtier tactics in the past by other teams and Australia. But in this case i think Harbhajan shouldn't have called Symonds that (if he did) and that he shouldn't have been so wound up. Something must have pushed him there and i think this is slowly being dealt with. Had Harbhajan said nothing and then accused then its worth leaving but if he did and was wound up there shouldnt have been any calls of leaving the tour. Its an iffy issue and i think calls of leaving the tour was incorrect unless Harbhajan said absolutely nothing. I think they are entitled to fight the ban as it was very harsh especially when the evidence was supposedly thin. But to say we're leaving was too melodramatic (unless Harbhajan said absolutely nothing...).

With paragraph 2 i completely disagree. Symonds looked very hurt in India and he looked almost sad in the 2nd test so i think it has effected Symonds personally and he would be feeling a little embarrassed. I feel especially sorry for him because he doesn't deserve this attention. As for Ponting's little behaviour thats a different matter and i don't care what happens to him. To me Ponting will always be a prick and he'll remain one. But Symonds is awesome and is my favourite Aussie player. Secondly there is no need to be bringing our mothers/sisters, etc. into the game. Thirdly Australia have shown their hypocrisy as well- from unable to handle sledging to keeping comments on the field to Ponting's double standards. Its an ugly test match shown by BOTH TEAMS to be honest. Both teams are playing the whole "holier than thou" which reflects badly on both teams.

As for paragraph 3 India have never put themselves on a pedistal as you put it. Its been painted in your minds like that due to our fans. I mean on national television they present them as gods just like how the media tend to over-exagerate the truth or what is real. They can't help and if you saw the tendulkar interview you would realise that playing cricket means giving up a normal life. I've never said Australia put themselves on a pedistal. Gilchrist is often seen as a man of integrity due to his behaviour and the media in Australia and India have continually talked of his walking. India haven't put themselves on pedistal- they just believe they've been wronged and merely want the truth to come out. Had Harbhajan not got the harsh penality then this fiasco wouldn't have occured. Yes they would've complained but no discussion of leaving the tour. Ponting's behaviour was terrible even from a neutral perspective. Ganguly a few years ago fained a catch similar to what Ponting did in England and apologised during the press meeting. He was even fined. As for efergy burning your right. Its terrible. Only a few people participated. A small percentage of the population in India do such things. Its not like all 1 billion people attack the team. Its the few idiots among us who take it too seriously. Indians can learn a few things in the cricket perspective but the Aussie team need to learn some things as such as not jumping up and down when the player hasn't caught it. Yes amendable he said he didnt catch in the first innings when pressure was non-existent and he was on top. But under pressure he shouldn't bend the ethics. Looking at it i think both teams are equally at fault... my personal belief.
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I think having your wicketkeeper as opener is suicidal.

Yeah I think it's retarded as well. Why should we open and keep with DDK? To be honest, he wasn't as good as a keeper in the last series with Pakistan. Dhoni has been quite a better keeper. His batting has also been helpful. DDK needs to get back into good form; I don't think putting him in with the form he is currently is good for us. Jaffer Sehwag opening for me.
Yeah I think it's retarded as well. Why should we open and keep with DDK? To be honest, he wasn't as good as a keeper in the last series with Pakistan. Dhoni has been quite a better keeper. His batting has also been helpful. DDK needs to get back into good form; I don't think putting him in with the form he is currently is good for us. Jaffer Sehwag opening for me.

No yaar KKD is far better keeper than Dhoni. Admit it MSD cant play bounce so very well dump him.
Well don't dump him. He played a good innings though he was given' out. He also kept well to Kumble and Bhajji. I dunno how well Dinesh Karthick will do in the same case. Can he play bounce?
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