India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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The reaction was a tad over the top

You won the match, not the series. There still behind 2-1 as well.

You guys should feel happy that we consider a single test victory against Australia like a "series victory". I feel its a compliment to Australia's dominance of world cricket that teams celebrate like this when they beat Australia.

Sydney was a lot closer in the end, and so the celebration was more pumped up. Here, they were ecstatic at the win, but it wasnt even close to Sydney.
Or Gillespie riding his bad down the pitch bring up a double hundred:p

He rode his bat when he made 50. Not 200.

Aussies need to boot our Tait for Dizzy/Hogg in my opinion. Hoggy has to play Adelaide you feel. But i'm biased with Dizzy, i'll admit it.

India deserved victory. It's a shame for Aussies but as the commentators said, it's not such a bad thing. They'll take a lot from the loss and the consecutive win thing is finished so less pressure.
Well now that the match is over Rabbitoh can return to his old avatar!

Why? His avatar looks as though he was displaying he believes India have been cry babies. This match doesnt change that, doesn't make what happened go away.
You guys should feel happy that we consider a single test victory against Australia like a "series victory". I feel its a compliment to Australia's dominance of world cricket that teams celebrate like this when they beat Australia..

While I can understand that, but flying your flag like that in another's country? It really pisses me off that India complained so much about respect and then go do that.

I also highly doubt the indian newspapers will be mentioning this. I also bet they fail to mention the fact that dhoni did not walk and australia had the bad calls this time around. It just seems too much like double standards to me.

The pressure is off Australia now and I think they will be out to prove a point in the next test.
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Why? His avatar looks as though he was displaying he believes India have been cry babies. This match doesnt change that, doesn't make what happened go away.
Yay Selfrighteous...isms! Now that you've got that off your chest, I can't really understand why you like seeing old men over beautiful women. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.
Yay Selfrighteous...isms! Now that you've got that off your chest, I can't really understand why you like seeing old men over beautiful women. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.

Ha ha. Touchy subject is it? Lol.
"india Conquer Perth" -

This article summarizes my points above. The won by 72 runs, when hayden did not play and almost got run down by tail ender batsman. The article mentions that India damaged Australian's pride which is just utter bullshit.

That would be a fearsome thought, to hurt Australia's pride. They will come hard at you more after a loss.

These papers just write some reall unnecessary things to make people interested in their articles and come back again.
The reaction was a tad over the top

You won the match, not the series. There still behind 2-1 as well.

Can't blame them. After all that has happened to them, with Australia being what feels like impossible to beat, to finally get something their way and to break Australia's 16 game winning streak.

But if any of the Indian media were to describe this match as "a thumping" or some sort then that's when it's a little over the top. They played well, and that's all there is too it.

Pretty much have no one in the top order besides Hayden and possibly Symonds who has performed against India and that's where it has gone wrong.
aussies lost their record unlucky mega sympathy dont cry
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