India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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While I can understand that, but flying your flag like that in another's country? It really pisses me off that India complained so much about respect and then go do that.

I also highly doubt the indian newspapers will be mentioning this. I also bet they fail to mention the fact that dhoni did not walk and australia had the bad calls this time around. It just seems too much like double standards to me.

The pressure is off Australia now and I think they will be out to prove a point in the next test.

After all that happened in Sydney, many of the players in both teams didnt walk. If Dhoni didnt walk, Symonds didnt walk too when caught by Dravid

For India, its passion when it comes to cricket and at moments like this, they will think they have made the nation proud and will display that by waving flags, etc. Is there a rule that you should not fly your flag in another country? Even though it might be your opinion, I find it funny that you pick on India for all this.
From that article gfree88 posted
Just a wandering thought, what if Sydney Test was without those umpiring blunders? What would have the scoreboard read, 2-1 in India's favour?

Lol, just as I thought, no mention of bad umpiring this time around. Lol. Total double standards. Real class act. I was hoping they would surprise me and prove me wrong. India's true colours shine again for the second test in a row.
aussies were without hayden but lets not forget india dont have their 1st choice seam attack,anyway a great and a well deserved win.
If there was no bad umpiring, hussey and symonds would not have been out today, so that comment about india being 2-1 is absolutely retarded. I bet the indian newspapers write that as well. Wake up to yourselves...

You deserved to win today but seriously...
From that article gfree88 posted

Lol, just as I thought, no mention of bad umpiring this time around. Lol. Total double standards. Real class act. I was hoping they would surprise me and prove me wrong. India's true colours shine again for the second test in a row.

We were more screwed by the umpires this time. So yeah, you never know. Someone else might of stepped up if those decisions in both tests had been given/not given etc. But i don't want to open the can of worms again.
From that article gfree88 posted

Lol, just as I thought, no mention of bad umpiring this time around. Lol. Total double standards. Real class act. I was hoping they would surprise me and prove me wrong. India's true colours shine again for the second test in a row.

Oh just stop it! Dont use "India" as a whole. Its India's papers, India's media, India's 1% of the population of a billion people.
After all that happened in Sydney, many of the players in both teams didnt walk. If Dhoni didnt walk, Symonds didnt walk too when caught by Dravid

For India, its passion when it comes to cricket and at moments like this, they will think they have made the nation proud and will display that by waving flags, etc. Is there a rule that you should not fly your flag in another country? Even though it might be your opinion, I find it funny that you pick on India for all this.

You didn't see Australia flying our flag in India did you? The reason I am mentioning this is because India blasted us on respect.
Definitely agree, at least in this match.... but I think the record played on them a bit.

I think in the next test with hayden in, tait out and a clean slate they will play a lot better.

A great game of cricket, well done India.
I think Umpiring cost India the last game and this one, after seeing it come that close, could have also been a reversed result with the umpiring. I mean, Hussey doesn't get out once he's in. Symonds is the form batsman.

And the Aussies didn't lose a record, they equaled it. So they have it twice. 17th didn't mean nearly as much as 16.

I thought the Aussies fought back well. To the moron who said they're struggling, you haven't been watching these games or you'd see that isn't the case. I must say, India have been really impressive.
You didn't see Australia flying our flag in India did you? The reason I am mentioning this is because India blasted us on respect.

Who asked you not to? Is it written on the cross that we shouldnt do it to you, what you havent done to us?

Why do you guys always have a problem with our celebrations? Its a display of our personality, and our passion.
Oh just stop it! Dont use "India" as a whole. Its India's papers, India's media, India's 1% of the population of a billion people.

Unfortunately we all get judged by what others see of us. Unfortunately thats how allot of people will see "India as a whole". Sad but true.
Indias papers and media are how people outside of India see India. Dont be mad at me, be mad at your media and papers. lol
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