India in Australia

Who is going to win in Adelaide?

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Haha thats funny, because i just read a headline from fox and it says "India thrashed Australia" so dont just blame the Indian media for that.

As bad as the Indian media is, the Australian media hasn't been much better. After the Sydney match, there was an article supposedly analyzing caste in the Indian team, which contained factual errors. And then after this one, there was an article practically insinuating that VVS Laxman had done something to the ball guilefully.
Your end game celebrations were no different from Australia's and yet you complained about us and our respect

Wait, I don't remember anyone complaining about the celebrations from the Australian, even if someone did, you shouldn't generalize like that.

You were outplayed, it's as simple as that, one of the few times it will happen in Australia, so the team had the right to celebrate like that.

I think this is completely sour grapes stuff from you.
Wait, I don't remember anyone complaining about the celebrations from the Australian, even if someone did, you shouldn't generalize like that.

You were outplayed, it's as simple as that, one of the few times it will happen in Australia, so the team had the right to celebrate like that.

I think this is completely sour grapes stuff from you.

Kettle calling the pot black i think :rolleyes:
The performace was enough for you to be label cry babies for 100 years. If it was first time or not it was disgraceful and something that will never be forgotten. Your country should learn from Australia how to be gracious loosers.

Do you think the ACB will suspend the tour for the clannger decisions Symonds and Hussey copped today? Will we demand the umpires be replaced?

NO is the answer in case there was any doubt

That was the most stupidest post I have seen in ages - Tom

So highlander, are you saying that the BCCI's blackmail of the ICC was acceptable, along with there reactions to the result and the Australian team? If so please explain?
I wonder what will happen to Johnson or Hogg if we lose the next match and they go crap. Johnson keeps saving himself with cheap wickets and runs but he looks like he needs more time in FC.
India should probably go with the same side in the final test, with the exception of Karthik coming in for Jaffer. He hasn't contributed much the entire series and regardless of Karthik's lack of form in the early parts of the Pakistan tour, he has shown that he's gotten past that bump and should be able to form a decent partnership with Sehwag at the top.
scion_sid said:
At least our captain did not celebrated as if he had won a million dollars and the team did not went jumping up and down in the huddle.
As opposed to your Twenty20 wc win?
You won't see Australia threatening to boycott the next game because we got the bad calls this time, Hussey and Symonds were not out. So it's ok when India win but when you loose you cause all these problems in our Country. Our players were blasted for weeks in the media because of you.
You're such a product of propaganda. First of all, India didn't threaten to boycott the tour. They stuck around in Sydney to get the paperwork done for Harbhajan's appeal. The media twisted it around to look like the Indians were crying over spilled milk when Sharad Pawar pretty much maintained his stance during the whole controversy that India would be staying.

So all your rubbish about the players boycotting because of bad calls is absolute bullshit and a pathetic usage of database space. If you bring up the Bucknor issue let it be known that Bucknor has been giving out poor decisions with the regularity of a metronome. He was going to retire at the end of 2007 and it's a shame he hasn't already.

So highlander, are you saying that the BCCI's blackmail of the ICC was acceptable, along with there reactions to the result and the Australian team? If so please explain?
Answer this:
And for the people still going on about umpiring decisions and bad umpiring decisions, consider this point. As far as I am aware all the poor umpiring decisions in this test match were LBW calls. As far as I am aware, the big problem people had with the umpiring in the last test match were edges not being given out caught behind--and thick ones at that.

If you are prepared to defend the argument that a bad decision is a bad decision, please also let me know why you equate rape with pickpocketing. Both are crimes, and by your logic they are equally bad and one can further insinuate that the punishment be the same for both crimes. If you can't defend it, shut up.

As opposed to your Twenty20 wc win?
The prize money was half a million for that.
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As bad as the Indian media is, the Australian media hasn't been much better. After the Sydney match, there was an article supposedly analyzing caste in the Indian team, which contained factual errors. And then after this one, there was an article practically insinuating that VVS Laxman had done something to the ball guilefully.
The media do nothing but exaggerate and look for a story. That's what they're there for practically. Same in any country.

Anyway, personally I think that our batting lineup needs a bit of a shake up, like I said before, we rely way too much on Ponting, Hussey and Clarke, and all are out of form at the moment. Symonds, I will say it a thousands times, is not worth anything in test cricket. He will fluke a good innings from time to time but we already have a slogger who throws his wicket away, and that's Gilly. It's time to give Dave Hussey, Katich or Hodge a go in the test team.

The team also recieved three million dollars for that win.
I'm assuming that Sohum's was a joke, but while we're there, half a million is like a loaf of bread for some of your players. Meanwhile, I'm assuming that sid's point was that we're not gracious winners, and that you are, so I'm saying that India celebrated for an inaugural tournament that, let's face it, has a fair bit of luck in it (Zimbabwe beat Australia case in point), but if Australia celebrates after equalling a world record 16 test wins in a row (and you know that every single cricket team takes tests the most seriously because they're the most challenging), in the second last over of the day with 3 wickets falling in one over, Australia are not entitled to celebrate?
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I call them hypocrites. They were saying last week that its alright for us, but not for them this week.

Ummm no. If India took 3 wickets with 5 minutes left I wouldn't give a damn how they celebrated. I didn't even know people didn't like I celebration. We won the trophy in an thriller.

It wasn't much different to Adelaide last year or Perth last year but no one cared about our celebrations then.
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Anyway, personally I think that our batting lineup needs a bit of a shake up, like I said before, we rely way too much on Ponting, Hussey and Clarke, and all are out of form at the moment. Symonds, I will say it a thousands times, is not worth anything in test cricket. He will fluke a good innings from time to time but we already have a slogger who throws his wicket away, and that's Gilly. It's time to give Dave Hussey, Katich or Hodge a go in the test team.

Yea you make a good point there, I would try Hussey he too can bowl medium pace, his fielding is up there and he has the FC form to back that up.

Gilly 100s are becoming few and far between these days, how much longer do we persist given Haddin is making them all over the place atm.
What? You can't be trying to deny you were sore losers surely? All you did was moan about the umpires and criticise the Australians for days. People who aren't sore losers move on, something which you obviously are unable to do wlooking at your avatar.

I think the guy your talking about has lost his mind. He was one of the hundreds of millions who got caught up in the propaganda that is india media. A weak minded person unable to think for himself and have his own constructive opinions
I think the guy your talking about has lost his mind. He was one of the hundreds of millions who got caught up in the propaganda that is india media. A weak minded person unable to think for himself and have his own constructive opinions

Funny, I thought that generalizing an entire country on the actions of a few was hardly a constructive opinion. I never knew that constructive opinions only consist of pathetic, thinly veiled jibes aimed to denigrate someone rather than talk about the subject at hand (cricket)...well here's my constructive opinion, hope you enjoy it.
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