India in Pakistan

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aussie1st said:
Well I just hope Pathan doesn't end up like Warne may do where he always comes close to a 100 but gets out just before it.
Bowling wise RP Singh did take wickets as a pace bowler so it is possible to get wickets on these pitches but definitely a bit unfair to judge Pathan on these pitches.

Whose this Bhajji you are talking about? Anyway I reckon India are trying to get a decent lead if they can. Then try and bowl Pak out by day 5 and chase the runs down. Optimistic thinking on this pitch though.
I think the optimism is justified because Pakistan are the side uner pressure now since it is their home series and secondly because Inzy cannot bat higher than No.7 and Shoaib Malik won`t bat !
kodos said:
Gosh what is with your attitude nowadays Sai. Fine I am wrong but why respond in that matter.

Also it is just a game so just relax. A Cricket match is for entertainment and shouldn't be taken so seriously. If India are behind than so be it no need to show anger to other members of the forum

Hello, when did show anger to other members of the forum? I seriously that post of mine! :rolleyes:

aditya123 said:
Unfortunately Pathan was again out in the 90s.
That is a nice problem to have though ! Iam sure that once he gets a 100, he`ll learn to convert his 90s to `100s.
And Aussie1st, I feel , he`ll sort his bowling problems sooner or later and he`ll get better pitches to bowl on in the future !

Funny tactics by India though, why are they batting so slowly !
I feel they should declare by lunch .
Even Bhajji who is naturally attacking is playing defensively !

I agree! Kumble gobbled up too many balls for his 15. 15 off 60 is bad for sure!

Pathan was magnificient and he is developing into a really great batsman! If he can add extra yards of pace to his bowling, he is a superb all rounder and the most needed guy for the Indian team!

Dhoni was marvellous! Did you guys see his stare at Akthar when Akthar bowled that beamer to him? He deserved an apology from Akthar! I hope the referee takes note of that and acts accordingly on Akthar! That ball if it hit Dhoni's face might have made some serious impact!

I think India's strategy would be to go slam bang for the first hour after luncha & in the process erase the lead of Pakistan and add some lead to their own tally! In the process, if they lose two remaining wickets, then fine! If not, they should declare at drinks break after lunch with whatever lead that they have! Then hope for some sensational bowling with a wee bit of aid from the wicket which is definitely offering turn to the spinners (though not huge turn!).

Still a lot to play for in this match! Does anyone feel the team to press for a win more from here on would be INDIA? I feel so!

P.s: Sorry if I had hurt anyone with some of my previous posts! I never intended to show anger on any member in this forum!
Great stuff from Dhoni and Pathan this morning. The only chance of a result is if Pakistan roll over in 2 sessions probably.
These two teams are playing Cricket that most people can only dream of!
Dhoni and Pathan played well - Pathan unlucky not to get his century. But there's only one outcome in this match and that's a draw.
saisrini80 said:
Hello, when did show anger to other members of the forum? I seriously that post of mine! :rolleyes:

I agree! Kumble gobbled up too many balls for his 15. 15 off 60 is bad for sure!

Pathan was magnificient and he is developing into a really great batsman! If he can add extra yards of pace to his bowling, he is a superb all rounder and the most needed guy for the Indian team!

Dhoni was marvellous! Did you guys see his stare at Akthar when Akthar bowled that beamer to him? He deserved an apology from Akthar! I hope the referee takes note of that and acts accordingly on Akthar! That ball if it hit Dhoni's face might have made some serious impact!

I think India's strategy would be to go slam bang for the first hour after luncha & in the process erase the lead of Pakistan and add some lead to their own tally! In the process, if they lose two remaining wickets, then fine! If not, they should declare at drinks break after lunch with whatever lead that they have! Then hope for some sensational bowling with a wee bit of aid from the wicket which is definitely offering turn to the spinners (though not huge turn!).

Still a lot to play for in this match! Does anyone feel the team to press for a win more from here on would be INDIA? I feel so!

P.s: Sorry if I had hurt anyone with some of my previous posts! I never intended to show anger on any member in this forum!

Yeah I saw that. Aktar almost chopped off his head. The referee should do something about it. Dhoni who smashed 3 fours and one bye for plus one no ball equal to 17 runs. Just beacuse he got pissed off. Anyway I'm happy that atleast Dhoni smashed him badly.

Pathan is always unlucky can't even reach his hundred. Did you see he was laughing when he got out. Maybe be because he thought that I'm too unlucky for not getting 100. Anyway I just hope Pathan can improve his bowling better then he's fully allrounder. The only think in bolwing he needs to work out a lot. Or maybe we need a bowling coach to teach him and add extra pace ro something. So that's how he can improve. Hope that can happen :upray :upray :upray
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Gosh these pitches must be unbelievably flat, a bit disappointing as this is deemed as on of the fiercest rivalries and always a big series, so to get such conditions hurts the whole spectacle. Unlucky with Pathan, but atleast he's scoring relatively consistently and he will eventually get there in the near future. I don't think he will end up like Warne as Pathan is turning into a genuine middle to lower order bat, whereas Warne has only scored in patches with a weak technique, though he did have enough initial talent to progress further. But hey he has gone about as far as you can go in test cricket, atleast in most aspects.
vibs89 said:
Yeah I saw that. Aktar almost chopped off his head. The referee should do something about it. Dhoni who smashed 3 fours and one bye for plus one no ball equal to 17 runs. Just beacuse he got pissed off. Anyway I'm happy that atleast Dhoni smashed him badly.

Pathan is always unlucky can't even reach his hundred. Did you see he was laughing when he got out. Maybe be because he thought that I'm too unlucky for not getting 100. Anyway I just hope Pathan can improve his bowling better then he's fully allrounder. The only think in bolwing he needs to work out a lot. Or maybe we need a bowling coach to teach him and add extra pace ro something. So that's how he can improve. Hope that can happen :upray :upray :upray

A bowling coach? Not a bad idea. The BCCI is earning so so much and they can afford it!

Akthar after that over just grabbed the cap out of Simon Taufel's hands and walked off! That wasnt too good a behavior by a senior Pakistani pacer! He cant just vent his frustration like that with the umpire, who just after the beamer ball and before the final ball went up to Shoaib and tried to calm him down in a nice manner!
saisrini80 said:
A bowling coach? Not a bad idea. The BCCI is earning so so much and they can afford it!

Akthar after that over just grabbed the cap out of Simon Taufel's hands and walked off! That wasnt too good a behavior by a senior Pakistani pacer! He cant just vent his frustration like that with the umpire, who just after the beamer ball and before the final ball went up to Shoaib and tried to calm him down in a nice manner!

Yap absolutely right. That behavior where you cannot expect any bolwer to do that. Simon Tuafel's is a man who is honest and understandable. It obvious how can you even do that with bad manner just took the hat off suddenly. Anyway what if it was Rudi. Lol he might have given like warning or something.

About the bowling coach. I mean comeon BCCI is rich so they can easily afford a bowling coach. Last time Dennis Lilee came in banglore to coach them for few days. I don't know if you guys remember. If they can hire bowling coach then that would be great.
kodos said:
You jinxed him aussie lol :D Again out in the nineties and I feel sorry for him. He did extremely well to reach to the 90's and supported Dhoni. Bhajji is Harbajan Singh, just his nickname like the Aussies call Gillespie Dizzy or Clarke Pup. I watched Pathan's innings and it looks like he is very technically correct and has improved greatly than I last saw him when he made his debut in Aus.

Lol don't blame that he keeps choking in the 90s ;)
Thanks for clearing that up too, I don't watch opposition games so I won't know much nicknames outside of Aus.
India are at lunch and 29 runs behind but clearly they aren't declearing cause they could have decleared once they made 500 or when Pathan got out.
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Perhaps this'll be Pathan's series with the bat, like the last one in Pakistan was with the ball, for him. I think the Pakistani's are still definitely in with a realistic chance of forcing a result if they can score runs quickly. If they can prevent the Indians from chipping into their lead any further, they can bat about 2 and a half sessions (and given some bludgeoning) and could post a target of about 350ish. 350 in a day and I'm not sure if India would go for it.

It has all come down to one inspiring session that will determine whether this match will have a positive result, or will die out as a draw. Who that session belongs too, though, is anyone's guess.
Anyway 603 runs for allout. India leads 15 runs. I just love harbajan batting in. He smacked 2 sixes off to Danish and Afridi. He scored 38 not that bad. Anyway Hope India can wrap up the pakistani inning soon :upray :upray :upray

Edit= The Dhoni's score has been changed to 144 to 148. Just 2 runs short. Damn the same score he had scored in one day againts Pakistan which he scored 148. Anyway this is what it says in cricinfo "The official scorer has indicated that Mahendra Dhoni's score is
148 rather than 144
There was a beamer that Shoaib Akhtar bowled that went well down
the leg side and was missed by Dhoni
That has been somehow adjudged to have come off the bat
This means that we have to now add four runs to Dhoni. So his
contribution reads: Dhoni st Akmal b Kaneria 148 (19 fours, 4
Correspondingly the extras are reduced from 48 to 44
We'll be back soon with the Pakistani second innings"
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